Did your mom ever bend you over her knee and give you a spanking? Is that a redpilled way to discipline child??

Did your mom ever bend you over her knee and give you a spanking? Is that a redpilled way to discipline child??

Yes and yes


Why over the knee? That's such a weird way to spank kids.

Showed her my skids.

Grandma's tree branch is better

it works
it cures lazyness

prob has negs

In Britain we get a clip round the ear.

Good discipline and not gay. But force is pretty red pilled if not extreme and violent. Teaches kids discipline without becoming total pussy fags like most millennials.

Never and I don't really think so except maybe for real asshole kids.

How does putting paper clips on kids ears make them behave?


No, It was my dad. and he used a belt.


I got spanked by my dad with a belt.

No but really, no wonder Yanks are so
Your parents spank you with belts and shit and you get the cut as soon as your born. Fuckin gay if you ask me. :/

Love you too Britain
And you thought only Aussies were skilled at bantz

Spanked a lot of time.
I grow up educated and racist. The best combo. Thanks mum.

>your Italian
>You used the correct spelling of mum
>Didn't use mom
>fuck me

yes. And yes, because it worked.
Nothing better than pain to make someone realise that certain actions have certain consequences.

My dad did many a time and it fucking hurt, also had my mouth washed out with soap by the headmaster and given the yard-stick.

Problem is kids upto 11yo etc are impulsive and think little of the consequences of their actions until it's too late, my parents also used to take my toys off me for a week which was pretty effective.

Though my dad always said never bring a policeman to our house, and I never did because I knew i'd be in for one hell of a beating, and to this day I have no criminal record

g a y

born in 91.

They spanked until one of us broke wind while in the act. After that they used a wooden spoon.

Will say I have a incest fetish.


My parents had a genius method that is actually very simple:
>they didn't give me what I wanted when I started throwing a tantrum

It's amazing how many people don't do this, and how many more don't realize large, organized rioting is essentially the adult version of little kid temper tantrums.

If you give in to the little kid's tantrum, it reinforces the idea you can get pissed to get what you want. Same concept with adults.

Knee? Hands? I wish.
Belt, extension cord, ladle, whatever was handy and guaranteed to hurt. It's quite the character building experience.

Two or three times by my dad, my mum was against it. Probably didn't work, as I don't remember why he did that


your mother must be a tranny if she was spanking you. mothers normaly just gives a super big slap that can resonate a mile away that you wont mess around for at least 1 year.

fathers will often use the belt or armwrestling knocking the fuck out of the hand on a wood table twice to get the message straight.

Is that not the most common way?

Kek agrees.

I hated her for it. I smack my kid on occasion and I hate it. He's damn near perfect, but I won't tolerate disrespect.

No it's not. You were raped user.

She used wooden and plastic spoons


I was always spanked bare when I even didnt do anything wrong. My parents must have really hated me