TV licence enforcers showed up and got me for non-payment

>TV licence enforcers showed up and got me for non-payment
>Should just be a fine and I'll be ok
>they did a sweep and discovered I had no toilet licence, kitchen appliances licence or christmas lighting licence
>arrested and bailed out by my mum
>court summons arrived in the post today
Fuck, what do I do now? Other Brits, any advice?

Other urls found in this thread:

>christmas lighting licence

It's depressing that this isn't all that unbelievable

watch Monster High and masturbate to the characters

Don't have my masturbation licence yet, failed the exam

bin that knife before you realize you live in a shithole and slice your forearms apart

toilet licence, kitchen appliance licence, christmas lighting licence, masturbation licence. Explain why you need a licence for all that to a burger?

What? You just want untrained people to put up christmas lighting?

You can't train yourself to put them up? Do you need a trained person to wipe your ass, also?

While we have TV-licensing here, nobody pays for it, it's tied to "television receivers" only and cancelling your license is super easy.

They wanted to extend it to computers, but it got shot down.

Oi lad, do you have your Sup Forums licence? Or your greentext licence?