Recently, scenes have surfaced of a Moroccan that was scolded on the streets on a saturday night by 6 dutchmen.
He proceeds to BTFO them out, one by one:
>Moroccans confirmed for warrior genes
Recently, scenes have surfaced of a Moroccan that was scolded on the streets on a saturday night by 6 dutchmen.
He proceeds to BTFO them out, one by one:
>Moroccans confirmed for warrior genes
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ancient video.
here's a ''you'' so you can fuck off
Damn that's embarrassing. Nationalist groups should train their members in martial arts/streetfighting/simple group tactics.
No wonder. The Dutchies are so cucked and pusified that even 6 are afraid to attack a Marocan.
>less than 2 months old
For a cocksucking mongrel, 2 months in between a fisting exercise must feel like an eternity for you.
>i stole this video and re-uploaded to my youtube channel
>it must be new
you're a fucking retard and you should honestly kill yourself.
If I haven't seen it, it's new to me.
Updated OP.
make sure you upvote and subscribe ;^)
They encircled him, trying to pick a fight.
But they got completely rekt instead.
>I have seen it so its ancient
Both of you faggots, please kys.
Man Arabs are based you can say whatever fucking street mujahideen kick the hell out of lol