>Atheist """humor"""
Atheist """humor"""
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Yeah, cause we all know Christian 'humor' is hilarious. Atheist at least have material because religion itself is the comedy.
I don't get it.
WW2 was a huge push for technological advancement.
It lead to nuclear power, stealth fighters, tanks, rockets (later the moon landing) and computers.
>religion itself is the comedy
Edgy tiplord detected
I'm not trying to be edgy. A lot of religion and works inspired by religion are beautiful, but if taken seriously they are nonsensical. I'm guessing you are a Christian. Do you actually believe in Adam and Eve, the talking snake, Noah's Arc, Samson..?
You DO know that people don't take the old testament literally right?
>that "animation"
here are some better ones youtu.be
There does exist an actual Noah's Arc.
Its actually exactly like the one told in the bible.
Also parts of Adam and Eve make sense if you consider that it was said to be in the fertile crescent the birthplace of Human civilization.
Though Samson is quite weird its not all that impossible. Other people in actual history have done as such in some way or another. So its probably some exaggeration.
But I digress some parts are nonsensical but all things are that way.
Do you truly expect someone to look at the universe and say
>Wow this entire things formed by random chance when a thing with no beginning or consciousness that contains all matter expanded and form everything. Its a lot like the creation story in every faith but this one is one without being but instead an inanimate objct
Reminder that (((DarkMatter2525))) is a (((Jew)))
>Do you actually believe in Adam and Eve, the talking snake, Noah's Arc, Samson..?
Adam was not the first man. He was the first white man. Which is why his name in Hebrew means "ruddy" which is synonymous with white. And why all of the peoples descended from that race were originally white.
And the flood was not worldwide. It covered the "Erets", or land, not the entire planet. The more reliable Septuagint chronology says Methuselah, one of Noah's ancestors, survived the flood. And after the flood the Kenites and Rephaim, and other non-Adamic peoples still existed.
And the "Serpent" is the devil, not a literal snake
Someone hasn't visited the American South before