Recently I've gotten into an argument with a pal who insists the wage gap is a real thing, I've tried asking him to explain why this is truth and not bullshit, but he can't. So I need some help /pol, is the wage gap a reality that we live in or are females just looking for another easy way out?
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The wage gap exists but it's because females are less reliable due to having to care for children/be pregnant, they don't have the physicality to do high paying no education jobs like construction, and the ones that do get educated generally don't go into high paying fields like engineering or medicine
Also it's just common sense that generally a man is going to do a better job in 99% of situations t.b.h.
>Also it's just common sense that generally a man is going to do a better job in 99% of situations t.b.h.
Yeah. Men *have* to work and make themselves useful. They aren't valued by society otherwise (especially not by women).
But women have intrinsic value. They do whatever they like to do and they still have a place in society.
How the fuck do you get into an argument about the wage gap if you dont even know what the fuck you're talking about and have to cry to Sup Forums to tell you?
You shouldn't be debating anyone unless you already know the answer and actually understand what the fuck you have an opinion on.
Fucking hell im sick of these fair weather faggots who come to Sup Forums and think fitting in is about having a contrarian opinion then look for arguments to back it up
Sniff my dick pollack
There's a pay gap, not a wage gap. Women get paid the same for the same amount of work. They tend to choose jobs where they can prioritize flexible hours, good locations, clean and safe working conditions, and people-oriented work over money, while men prioritize money far and away above all else. Naturally this means that men cluster in higher-paying jobs, put in more hours, and otherwise trade in larger amounts of their time and comfort for money.
No serious economist contests any of that. Feminists want you to conflate wage-per-unit-of-work with the amount of money all members of each sex make per year, combined.
While feminists are not known for arguing honestly, the most charitable way to interpret their complaint is that women choose the easier careers because they've been socialized to believe that's what they want, when there is no inherent reason for them to feel that way. Despite being the most charitable framing of their argument, it's still bullshit. Preferences are innately different, and more important, the innate difference is larger than the learned difference.
More importantly, equal pay (as opposed to equal wages) is objectively harmful. The only way for women to make the same money as men is to make the same choices (which goes against their known preference for flexible hours and pleasant working conditions), or to force employers to pay the same for different work (inherently unjust). Wages are equal but pay is unequal, which suggests given what we know that people are actually getting the results they want and the market is functioning properly.
Thats not really true, at a very tribalistic level they are required to have kids and raise them. If they don't then they suffer the same fate as men who do nothing... slavery or exile.
Before women got the right to vote and didn't just sit on their ass all day you know
I disagreed with his opinion, that's the basis of an argument is it not? Lmao gtfo manlet.
Why did this trigger liberals so much? It was hilarious.