Sup Forums logic

> Russia bans Overwatch because of an innocent lesbian kiss: Sup Forums is quiet
> Facebook bans poopyhead woo-woo sites like InfoWars and NaturalNews: Sup Forums throws a riot against censorship

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My question is are they banning nowthis and occupydemocrats too?

No, because they report actual news. Maybe if Republicants and Drumpf stopped saying so much newsworthy stupid things, they would be out of business, don't you think?

Russia did not ban the comic, Blizzard deliberately did it.

dumb froppyposter

Get better b8 m8.

who cares about a shitty game plus i am not russia so why should i care fuck off back to / v /

> Russia fights against foreign cultural degeneracy
> Facebook fights against US independent media
Regressives will never figure what went wrong even when we put them against the wall one by one.

Homos have no rights

> cultural degeneracy
> just two women sharing a kiss in bed

Yeah, that suuuuuurrre is going to lead to the collapse of Western civilization

If White Culture is fragile enough to be broken by a kiss, I think it is better if it doesn't even exist at all.