Donald Trump is part of the problem...

Donald Trump is part of the problem, it's clear by his cabinet appointments that he doesn't give a shit about the people who elected him, only his rich friends and those willing to bend over and feign support for him to gain power. His cabinet is an embarrassment, he is an embarrassment.
It's a shame because the people who will be most affected by his presidency are the poor white lower-class disillusioned and uninformed voters who gave him power in the first place, this will lead to even more false blame being placed on Mexicans and immigrants out of fear when it should be going to the very rich who have been screwing the poor for decades.

America has had periods of strong economic growth and simultaneously strong immigration, America is a country of immigrants and we should be working to make the path to legal citizenship more clear and attainable for those who are willing to work towards it.
Jobs are going overseas while executives are making far more than ever as a reward for screwing the poor, it's not about punishing rich people but punishing those who deliberately work to make our country worse, Trump has appointed several of these people to his cabinet.

Other urls found in this thread:

When is Reddit going to stop raiding?

I'm not going to read what you wrote, but I know you're a faggot OP

I'm sorry, would you prefer me to leave you to your shitty alt-right echochamber? This place is revolting, I just felt like I should expose you to the truth in the hopes of making you think a little bit, Sup Forums, breitbart and other fake news sources have been feeding you lies for so long...

Get an education, put some effort into seriously studying economics and the issues politicians argue about and you wouldn't stay in this cesspool.

That's a BIG post.

is it?

So Trumps cabinet should be made of poor, dumb people?

Got it.

TIL wanting money for breathing isn't greedy, but earning money legally is.
Can Bernie get Auschwitzed already?

It was either him or Clinton which was going to do all that plus let us get destroyed by terrorist refugees.

For you.
>Trump has appointed several of these people to his cabinet.
What if they do instigate protectionism and improve the jobs market and wages go up?

Yes refugees were going to take down america. Get fucked you turboshill garbage.

No, it should be made of people who are qualified for their positions and not oil industry shills and the scummiest of corrupt politicians.
Rick Perry for energy secretary, seriously what the fuck?

White people are the cause of nearly all mass shootings in America
I am far more afraid of a white teenage boy buying a gun than a refugee desu

the people have spoken. It's time to shut the fuck up

Yes by voting for Hillary?
She got 3 million + more votes, the people have spoken but the electors decided.

Hillary was a shit candidate but Trump has the lowest approval rating of any presidential elect in US history, the people do NOT like Trump. His approval rating is under 40% and it will only get lower as time goes on.

sorry man, theres not much you can do about it. So atleast have the decency to see how it all unfolds before you call foul

That's now how it works. You need people of INFLUENCE. Powerful people willing to work together for a common goal, and who accept your leadership. It has always been this way. It's an illusion that things are different now.
It's not an ordinary job. Your official powers aren't enough to make things go smoothly. The rest of the elite can work around you and your policies and whatever laws you pass.
Like they say, it's not what you know, it's who you know. Couldn't be more true for politics.

He hasn't even started yet, retard.

You're selecting one specific kind of violent crime.
Overall, black people commit A LOT more violent crimes. Especially murders.

Illegals are not people.

Californians are not people.

We are already seeing how it's unfolding, him appointing these people is enough to understand his abysmal decision-making skills.
I'm lucky that I'm going to be out of this country shortly after he takes over but when the economy collapses, many of my friends will have to feel the burden and I'm sure we will overseas and it fucking sucks. Trump and his ilk are good at blaming economic issues on easy scapegoats so I'm sure America's next recession will lead to even greater racial tensions and violence.

He is not a unifier, we needed a unifying president but he will do nothing but divide our country.

Reminder that Bernie Sanders pocketed millions from his supporters and sold them out

Are Bernouts still this butthurt?
You do know your meme candidate, who couldn't even beat crooked Hillary in the primary, would have been BTFO in the general election right?
None of the shill tactics worked before the election, what makes you think they will work now?

illegals can't vote
>inb4 bullshit 3 million illegals number

reminder that citation needed
he made money from his books, his success in the campaign made him plenty of book money but the campaign money didn't go into his pocket, it went to various progressive campaigns.

That's not how liberals think it seems.
Obama got pretty much nothing done, but IT'S NOT HIS FAULT. They would have voted him in again.

>illegals can't vote

>even though we register them when they get a drivers license and we openly flaut all other laws about illegals



Too bad the competition wasnt about popular vote and we do not live in a direct democracy.

Trump won 30/51 popular vote completions which gives him the 270 needed to become president.

Both teams were playing that game with those rules. Neither of them (correctly so) were aiming for the popular vote. Thems the rules.

Now, it's time to shut the fuck up

>meme candidate
Trump is a meme candidate

>shill tactics
Trump is appointing oil shills to his cabinet and our government already preparing to destroy net neutrality and take many anti-consumer actions now that there's strong Republican control. The Republican party is more corrupt than the democratic party, not by much but if you don't remember the Bush years, you're either too young or you have fucking Trump-induced amnesia

>can't send jobs abroad while millions are looking for work

Ah yes, state planning. Has worked so well in the past.

well i appreciate your fortune telling ability. But like i said, only time will tell and there's literally nothing you can do about it. It's in my opinion that Trump will be a great president and everything that you've said is unfounded speculation

Leftists who oppose this

Israel is a racist apartheid state who has illegal Jewish ONLY settlements in the west bank where the border walls are wrapping around them inside Palestinian land in an obvious land grab.

This is why terrorism happens and why the rest of the west gets blowback from it.

Israel builds these settlements on top of Palestinian villages that they have bulldozed by the military.

If you support Israel you are not a leftist. End of Story.
This is Bernie Sanders exploding on a liberal girl for daring to question the apartheid state of Israel

>Trump is a meme candidate
I know you are but what am I?

Are you really going to compare Bush, who voted for Hillary according to himself, to Trump who is the antithesis of everything Bush stood for? That's some delusion there, reddit. I really think you need to go back.

I'm gunna rape you, you stupid ineffective kike lover


illegals cannot get legal US identification
prove to me that 3 million illegals voted?

Why the fuck would an illegal immigrant risk being deported to go into a voting center with fake identification or pretending to be a legal citizen?
You're a dumbass

>His approval rating is under 40%
That's actually not true, it's gone up a lot since he's won.
>I'm lucky that I'm going to be out of this country
good gtfo.

>we needed a unifying president
Doesn't matter what you need, he's what you got. So get over it.

also - saged.

Nobody cares.

Shut the fuck up. You, myself, or anyone else on here isn't going to change anything drastically. Our way isn't any better than your way; however you're just another smug liberal who has to inject his spergy opinions into everything.

Better go answer those texts from your oneitis james, she needs her car jump started and to complain about Chad.

That's a lot of assumption in just the first few lines.

>Trump who is the antithesis of everything Bush stood for?

>supported Iraq war
>supports lower corporate tax rates
>supports stop and frisk
>supports torture
>openly supports committing war crimes

omg they're so different
>As of January 2015, California residents who cannot establish legal presence in the United States may apply for a driver's license if they can show eligible proof of identification and residency in the state. These driver's licenses may not be used for identification purposes. By law, no one may discriminate against a holder of an AB-60 license,

>or use this license to attempt to question the holder's citizenship or immigration status.

Think again

Maybe that retarded old faggot shouldn't have said he was going to try and ban guns.

Let that be a lesson to you democrat dipshits. You'll never get the rest of your communist bullshit through if you keep pushing gun control along with it.

Ok, you compared, now contrast to be logically consistent.

>the people who will be most affected by his presidency are the poor white lower-class disillusioned and uninformed voters who gave him power in the first place,

are you saying he won't even cut me a check for 2K like Bubba did?

I agree with you
Bernie was still a far better candidate than Trump

>illegals cannot get legal US identification

Seriously have you been living under a rock?

>I just felt like I should expose you to the truth

ok please go ahead

>It does not give anyone the right to work, vote, or receive any benefits
>It does not give anyone the right to work, vote, or receive any benefits
>It does not give anyone the right to work, vote, or receive any benefits
>It does not give anyone the right to work, vote, or receive any benefits
>It does not give anyone the right to work, vote, or receive any benefits

Prove that 3 million people used this ID which does not grant them the right to vote? Again, why would they risk their citizenship for this? Conservicuck logic


i geniunely cant tell if this is a shitpost or an actual reddit cuck faggot who thinks he's right about everything

or just a woman, in which case show your tits

In 2015:

>The top 1 percent (1.3 million filers) paid a greater share of income taxes (37.8 percent) than the bottom 90 percent (124.5 million filers) combined (30.2 percent).

The wording of the law I linked makes impossible to even ask about the person citizenship status under penalty of discrimination. I don't think you can read.

Nice argument
back to Sup Forums please

Oh actually nvm you belong here because this is a board for the politically illiterate and those who don't know what the fuck they're talking about.

Reminder this is a Antifa slide thread

Report and hide.
Thank you

Welcome to American politics, you must be new here. Where did you immigrate from friend?

>income as measurement of overall taxes paid
Also what about those like Donald Trump who pay 0% income tax? Our system is designed to benefit the very rich, those like Donald Trump who ship our jobs overseas.
Throughout his career, he has only cared about his own well-being, why are people honestly expecting he'll do any different as president?

amazing thread

no it literally does not
It says multiple times on the dmv website that it cannot be used for identification purposes or to vote and it looks different than a normal ID, you would be turned away at the door and it's not discrimination
Again, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about but you've been apparently spoonfed false information on here and your fake alt-right news sites.


thanks weeb cancer boy

People who have a lot of money are harder to buy because the price tag is a lot higher. Rex Tillerson was the best pick of the SoS bunch.

I'm a left-liberal.

Oh I forgot this was a conservative safe space, sorry for intruding

My thread was deleted earlier so I wouldn't be surprised if this one was deleted too. You guys pretend you hate censorship until something like homosexuality in media or liberal opinions make you a bit uncomfortable
This board is just as bad as the worst parts of tumblr

>Making you think a little bit

>By law, no one may discriminate against a holder of an AB-60 license,or use this license to attempt to question the holder's citizenship or immigration status.
What part of this do you not understand. Can you not read. What you are citing is the fluff it took to get this sentence passed. This sentence is the meat of it. You cannot use this ID card to discriminate in any way. That includes voting. If you turn them away because they present this liscense, you are in violation of the law.

>He wasn't there when Sup Forums mods officially announced that lefty threads would not be deleted

How would they get registered in the first place. You need positive ID.


>What part of this do you not understand.
What part of it being a different identification card than an ID and not making immigrants elligible for voting do YOU not understand? You literally cannot vote with that ID, nor would "3 million" immigrants risk their livelihoods to vote with these IDs when it does not grant them the right to vote. In terms of being pulled over, they cannot question your immigration status, that's all it says but it also says several times that you cannot vote with that license or use it as a form of ID, those running voting centers know this.

When was this?
Earlier today?
Because my thread was deleted earlier today. I've had a few deleted in the past actually too. One janitor does not speak for all janitors I suppose

hey voter rolls come off tax records so if you have more voters than you have people paying taxes and working in that location well then a crime is happening

You will not convince anyone here, yet you continue to post. Ergo, you are a troll. KYS.

You're a dumb fuck lmao
>It does not give anyone the right to work, vote, or receive any benefits

k we'll see if there are 3 million extra voters who used this ID which legally does not grant the right to vote, risking deportation for their votes. I swear Trump supporters are almost as delusional as him.

seeThat is how the law is worded. Period. Either you don't understand how the law works or you are too stupid to see how this sentence applies to everyday life, like voting. Also these people aren't in any threat of being deported under the Obama admin. There is no reason to fear being found out.

> Muh 3 gorillion
You've never seen this happen, but you are sure that you are a legal expert at interpreting the statute. If it ever did happen, it would be on the front page of Breitbart. I think you're pulling shit out of your ass.

It was at the end of last week.
What was the wording of your other threads like?

This OP doesn't feel like a shitpost, but some OPs that get posted are so borderline that if it's a busy day the janitors will just bin it to be safe.

>it's not about punishing rich people but punishing those who deliberately work to make our country worse

Yes, I agree. Illegal immigrants should be punished

You're right
You people are too far gone, it's really depressing to see people reject facts, reject science, support a man who panders to base instincts and fucking neanderthal logic
This place is gross, it actually makes me feel ill even seeing what you people post.

t. 40 year carer politician who never had a real job beside "BUM" and his raving crowd of retards

But you are certain it didn't happen, not even once right?

>Also these people aren't in any threat of being deported under the Obama admin.
Obama has deported more people than any other US president
>That is how the law is worded. Period.
and this is also how it's worded
>It does not give anyone the right to work, vote, or receive any benefits
>May NOT be used for identification purposes.
so again, essentially what it is saying is if they are pulled over they won't be deported but if they attempt to use it as ID, they may be turned away because it is not a form of ID.

>This place is gross, it actually makes me feel ill even seeing what you people post.
Your point was clear the first time you made it. Terribad troll.

No, I think it happened because bureaucrats are lazy and there was a database duplicate or something. I highly doubt the 3 million number and I highly doubt it's codified into law, mainly because there is *no fucking proof*

When did he say not even once?
Sure a very small number of people might have done it, but there were also trump supporters admitting to voting multiple times, the claim that 3 million immigrants did it is fucking ridiculous and delusional

Trump is already keeping on his promise to return jobs to America, despite not being in office yet. Tax breaks are going to happen exactly to encourage that. It's called being realistic and knowing how economy works.

>you can't send our jobs abroad
>our jobs

Nigga, those jobs don't belong to the American people, they belong to whoever calls the shots of that business says it belongs to. Sure I want to keep production jobs here, and sure I want to incentivize businesses to stay, but I don't think that those jobs belong to us.

bernie sandrs and political layabouts like him ARE the problem

OP is a cunt

Trump has not taken office yet put I am relieved someone who is not a former marxist and bum (sanders) is gone.

>Fake news


You were the OP from this thread werernt you? Your arguments are the exact same

is the key word here.
You as the worker at say the polling location MAY accept the ID to register and then MAY accept it on voting day. If you do not accept the ID you are potentially in violation of the law. What about the known 'voter fraud' in detroit?
What about the Hillary supporter who bragged about voting 6 times?
Your bias keeps cherry picking.

>America is a country of immigrants and we should be working to make the path to legal citizenship more clear and attainable for those who are willing to work towards it

I'm sick of this meme. I'm an Apache Tribe Native American, I make under 30k/yr. and I voted for Donald Trump because of this meme. America is not a country of immigrants if anything it's a country of bloodthirsty warmongers or I suppose you could say refugees considering they were also trying to escape religious/government oppression.

If you're going to use this meme as an arguing point then you have to acknowledge that the "immigration" of the white man into the Americas was a clear case of why immigration is a problem in the first place.
The colonists didn't care about my ancestors way of life, their culture or even their laws. They came in saying that they "discovered" it and that entitled them to it.
Doesn't that sound familiar?
>"Immigration doesn't work because when people immigrate to a country they aren't there to adopt your culture or strengthen your nation they're there to invade you"-t. Sup Forums

You have to realize that if it was immigration in the beginning of the Americas it definitely turned into invasion once they had the majority. The same thing will happen with muslims/mexicans if we let it.
>Jobs are going overseas
Yeah and that's exactly what Trump is trying to stop.
To name a few: Carrier, Oreo and Ford.
He even wants to penalize companies (meaning their executives) for outsourcing jobs.

Get the fuck out Reddit. You don't even make any good points.

>Bernie "phase teens and young adults out of the workforce" Sanders

it seems more likely that they just made up there were 3 million people with such ID, I mean what do you need to get the ID? a library card? a Mexican passport?

>America has had periods of strong economic growth and simultaneously strong immigration

>claims Sup Forums is an ecochamber , he comes from plebbit where you get censored here and there
really makes me think

>I voted for Donald Trump

No wonder you Indians lost. Alcoholic retards.

Thing is, if it becomes more expensive to outsource, they'll move to the next cheapest thing; automation. Pretty sure that's actually what Carrier said they were going to do, too.

So congrats, the two facilities aren't going across the border. Sadly, those two facilities are still gonna lay off the majority of their workers in exchange for some robots that don't complain about job security.

Right, you need people of influence. Insiders


O fuck I can't drain it because that is how shot gets done in politics guess I better keep it full up.

People voted for bullshit idea that isn't possible to implement. Better luck next time you doe-eyes idealists.

>Unironically posting a quote from a "socialist" millionaire who didn't hold a job till age 40 about "billionaires"

>I am far more afraid of a white teenage boy buying a gun than a refugee desu
Then you are a fucking idiot who doesn't understand statistics. There have been 14 "attacks" in the US 9 of them have been Muslim related THIS YEAR ALONE. Whites only make up 60% of school shooters so they are UNDER REPRESENTED. There have been thousands more deaths in ALL of US history from Muslim attacks then white "mass attacks". Fuck off retard.