How did you feel when Trump won?

How did you feel when Trump won?

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The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

I couldn't stop smiling for about 20 minutes. I felt like a child on Christmas Eve.

literally shook

very happy and relieved that at least for another decade we wouldn't be sweden or germany.

disbelief that all the months of shitposting actually paid off

Always a leaf....fucking always.....

She probably cries frying oil.

I don't know, I was really drunk at the time



Made 1500 profit on betting on the glorious bastard

Trumps first act was making my living room great again with a new tv

I immediately went on OKCupid that night and started trolling the libtard women with Trump-themed pickup lines. They got so triggered. It was glorious.

was with friends drinking, literally didn't even check until he was projected to win so I got hit by all the joy at once



Funny, I thought he'd win since late July of 2015, and rooted for him the entire way, but as the hours approached on Nov. 9th... I thought, "well shit, what now".

I'd say I felt apprehensive and slightly nervous.

Full body blowjob



I was grinning from ear to ear and I felt warm, the kind of warm you feel drinking hot chocolate as a kid.

I was so drunk and pumped up that I posted "Can't stump the Trump" on my friend's autistic brothers status about how he was scared for lgbtbbqagdksjsbsb+ people
Then I spammed my group chat with trump memes to antagonize my libcuck friend
>still glad that I did it though

>How did you feel when Trump won?
I stayed up late, i was tired when the final count was in. Was watching on cbc. After his acceptance speech, i shed a couple tears. I instantly went from low energy to high energy. I have thanked God every day since.

I tuned in to CNN just in time to see Van Jones bitching about a "whitelash" surrounded by white people. It was surreal, one of those rare times you feel like you're inside of a movie.

Surprised, I didn't believe he had a chance.

who bet here?

sorry americans

Absolutely wunderbar!

Lord Kek observably speaks the truth.

I gleefully kept checking the polls all night, kind of like how you used to peek under the Christmas tree all night on Christmas eve. It was that same feeling too.

pretty much pic related

>states are wrong, i know

Pretty much these.

Deeply sad and worried for our country.


Is that an election for ants?

Pic related

I was legit happy, and haven't recovered since

Shut up libshit.


I watched my cucked state turn blue immediately and then watched the live stream of the Javits center as the election happened. It was hilarious. I stayed up all night as my faggot liberal friends and family went to sleep assured that their gal would win. I gave him all my energy and he BT her that night. I slept so well and woke up to tears and tears. Little did I know these tears would continue forever. More salt than I could ever imagine. CTR also completely left our board that day. Canadians picked things up for them but overall. Wow


"Holy shit"
More that I was right than that it actually happened.

>Behind every shitpost

I stayed up till like 430 and only got 3.5 hours sleep the salt was so delicious.

>Election night
>liberal salt threads everywhere
>never come down on repeat

Was pretty comfy tbhfampai

Brexit made the UK the dumbest country in the world for a span of 5 months, taking the title away from the US. Americans werent gonna let the UK outdo them when it came to stupidity and fucking over their own country, so they one-upped the UK and voted Trump

happy, because he is going to make mexico great again.

The whole day was unreal. Everything felt like some kind of dream and it was hard to focus on anything. I couldn't believe it. In that moment, anything was possible.

Relieved, hysterical, and elated. The libshits crying on election night was delicious.

>The only people who voted for Trump are those who grow your food and deal with the liberal policies put in place by retards.

>Shitty, contradictory (((educated))) people all voted for Hillary.

I felt that Bernie would've teared him to shreds and that Trump didn't deserve to win since Hillary still won the popular vote by 3 million votes


Literally woke up later that day (i watched as he flipped iowa) less stressed than i ever been in my life

They still got conned

I couldnt fucking believe it. It was literally the biggest twist ive ever seen play out in real life



Obama supporter who voted for Hillary here.

I wanted to kill myself and I still do. FDJT!


kek willed it, you must believe

literally euphoric. lasted about a week

still enjoying the daily shitlib whinging over their perceived impending doom


There is no escaping the Jew. Trump must work with the enemy. He's in the belly of the beast now, doing God's work.


After sitting through hours of (initially) smug BBC coverage by assholes sure he would win, telling lies, and interview NeverTrump RINO cucks instead of genuine supporters?

I felt fucking fabulous.

One of the greatest nights of my life. I sat in a bar watching liberals cry while smugly sipping a beer.

I got diabetes from all the salt intake.

>Doesn't understand that the US isn't a direct democracy

its funny how this board pretty much mirrors Trump's actions.

He builds hype for his election, everyone follows suit

He actually gets it and he doesnt know what the fuck to he goes on victory rallies just as you are here.

you just dont know what the fuck to do with yourselves now, do you?

What are you talking about? How has what he is doing differed significantly from what any past president-elect has done? Cry more, libshit.

The feeling was surreal. I owed money to several people but I got out of paying them (and managed to con about $35 from surrounding family in the heat of the moment). It was insane. I could've lit the house on fire and no one would've noticed. We were all in utter shock. The next day was a feeling of pure joy and Schadenfreude at the shitlibs crying around me.

felt ecstatic. if i had any friends i would have texted them.

it was like making the impossible real. and we did it. by making a meme into real life. well done, pol.

Pure joy

Happiest day of my life.
Since then I have quit weed, alcohol, and tobacco. Started working out again, and paying off my debts.

sounds good. Keep going man

This is exactly what The Donald wants to see. Proud of you, burger.

That's beautiful amigo, keep it up.

Absolute jubilation. I was jumping up and down all while the states were all coming in. By the time it was in the bag I was laughing my ass off at the libs drowning in tears.

I felt like I just got away with the most satisfying rape.

Good for you. I've been working and eating better since about March when I started following Trump's crusade. I've lost over 40 pounds and am continuing to feel the best I can.

People like to put these evil connotations to Trump and his supporters, but he's actually inspired me to become a better person for myself.

So many Aussies gambling their life savings Trump. I imagine you cunts were pretty happy.

Nice. It's hard to be in a good mental state if you are not in a good physical state. Mind and body are one.

> post yfw PA became red

It felt pretty great to be an American when PA flipped and I knew it was officially in the bag.


Same here we maga

Cool as fuck because I was the only one in my famm who said he'd pull it off.


>How did you feel when Trump won?

I felt like the 5 years I gave to the Marine Corps weren't wasted.

i quit drinking alcohol and I've got a new job with many opportunities.
life is amazing right now.



sauce on girl?

me too dude.

This year has been the gift that keeps on giving.


Bittersweet. Happy we won but suddenly without purpose.