Daily reminder that Trump almost flipped Minnesota (and would have been the first republican to win there since 1972) He lost by only 44,765 votes. Obama won the state by over 200.000 votes in 2012 and more than 300.000 in 2008.
>tfw you'll see Trump flip a another state considered to be blue in 2020
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
Juan Smith
>t-the only ones who voted for him were everyone not living in inner city slums or on college campuses! All those people are racist!
Levi Wright
At least we held the Senate seat there. In 2020 there won't be any #nevertrumpers and the media won't be able to use the "omg literally hitler" shit, it should be in play in 2020
Cooper Bailey
too be fair you can't count cook county and lake county as countys dominated by cities
drumpf btfo
Lincoln Nelson
>The only people who voted for Trump are those who grow your food and deal with the liberal policies put in place by retards.
>Shitty, contradictory (((educated))) people all voted for Hillary.
Oliver Butler
By city people you mean niggers and retarded millenials
Dominic Brooks
Reminder that mcmullin got like 50k votes in that state
Jonathan Wright
Will Trump be high energy enough to run when he is 74 years old?