>shitty cabinet members

Explain, Sup Forums.

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>faggot in OP

And each one is a step up from the Obummer administration. really thinks you make.

city people burn first, goes back to the old testament. God hates cities.

It's meme magic, I ain't gotta explain shit


As much as the Trump meme has thrived it's going to crash pretty hard.

His choices at this point a year ago with most Trump supporters on this board would have been laughed at.

He's a cult of personality and the choices are shit. Period. Mad Dog is the only good one. He's got his kids involved now too and I while I'd love Ivanka to be involved with my dick she shouldn't be involved in talking with foreign leaders.

He's showing failure before even taking office. It's a bit embarrassing. We chose our bed though. Now we have to lie in it.

It's going to be a shitshow the whole time guaranteed.

You won't get the garbage fire you're looking for.

No we'll get the garbage fire we weren't looking for. While Trump fumbles to get manufacturing jobs back we'll see his ineptitude to handing Eastern trading put us back 20 years.

The heart of America sees slowing in job loss while we lose out in overall deals.

Unless Trump tries to outlaw automation, you won't see slowing in job loss. All those jobs are set to go away forever.

We're blundering into a worst possible future scenario with someone who really seems like they're trying to set the GOP up to die.

I couldn't agree more, atleast there's still one civilized country in North America. Is there room for one American in Canada?

>put us back 20 years.

So between Oblather and Trump, we will be put back 60 years. America was great back then.

obama said he would not hire any lobbyists
every day that trump does not appoint a lobbyist to his cabinet is just going to enrage you and the media further
because you know hes doing good

I pity you poor CTR bastards. Getting blown the fuck out at every turn

>Facebook has shitty memes
That was easy.

>outlaw automation

You can't do this. You literally can't. Not as Trump.

Trump offers jobs to the masses. But puts major business leaders who are more than behind pure profit and fuck the 15 dollar minimum.

McDonald's solved this by instituting automation and tech already.

So it's a non solvable thing. Trump can either support anti-tech alternatives to support the betterment of business overall or he can support a livable wage to help the Rust-Belt voters he gained in this election.

Are you beginning to see the part where he fucked up? I am. It's his cabinet.

how can see the effects of minimum wage but are blind to the effects of taxes and NAFTA?

How can't you see that Trump's fucking his main fucking base before he even got out of the gate?

He appealed to poor disenfranchised white voters and the the whole of his cabinet will fuck them sideways.

Trump could hire an entire cabinet of Ashkenazi Jews at this point and pol would still suck his cock for free.

The mouth breathers here would rather die than admit their meme President is another puppet.

>Trump train

You just don't get it do you?

Some of these are taken completely out of context. Wilbur Ross is famous for revitalizing bankrupt companies. This image is trying to make him look like he goes bankrupt himself


America First!


>God's in His heaven--All's right with the world.
>Emperor Trump is president--Alt right is the world.


Trust the Emperor.

Fucking saved. Thanks to meme op.

>Haha how is he draining the swamp if he's not picking people who have the exact ideas and mindset as the last guys we had? Drumph btfo

beats going to nuclear war with Russia over the treatment of LGBT athletes during the Sochi Olympics


>That entire list