The United States Military is a fucking joke, also trigger thread

The United States Military is a fucking joke, also trigger thread.

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source: 11b.

To be so proud and strong, respected by your enemies only to be reduced to worthless scum fighting for this.

After WWII ended, we got too squeamish to get the job done properly. We lucked out in Korea, but Vietnam and Iraq/Afghanistan/Yemen were fucking disasters because the higher ups are just too afraid to get their hands dirty.

Civilians in the way? Oh well, I guess the insurgents get away then.

Psychological warfare is a dying art in the 21st century. We need to be able to teach countries that fuck with us that they exist only because we allow it.

Do you guys think Trump will fix this?

If you would have asked me 20-30 years ago if the U.S. Military was a force to be reckoned with, I would agree. As it stands now it's disgusting.

Would be bad enough until I realized he's holding pizzas.

I never served so I have no right to complain....
...but jesus fucking christ...