CANADA YES: The Man Who Saved 200 Syrian Refugees

Jim Estill put up $1.5 million to bring 58 families to Canada. He found them homes, gave them jobs and even bought one man a dollar store. How the mild-mannered CEO of an appliance company became the Oskar Schindler of Guelph

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He should be executed, treasonous scum


Check back in 2 years and lets see how this turns out.

more like 2 months, if that

so do they not have homeless or poverty stricken canadians in canada? didn't realize you guys were so well off

Is he going to pay the funeral costs and specialist care bills of those who will be inevitably harmed by one of the special New Canadians.

Also, wouldn't there be much more deserving causes at home? Homes for homeless, funding for tard children's schools, clean up a dirty lake or two? Pay the heating bills this winter for all veterans? Find Ogopogo?

2 weeks

And it's burned down.