Legitimately curious, can anyone give me a valid reason why whites AREN'T superior?

Legitimately curious, can anyone give me a valid reason why whites AREN'T superior?

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Because it's just a skin color...

Because they are disgusting in their cuckery of not doing their job. Or there?

They're stupid enough to welcome their invaders with open arms.

Because Asians trump whites in every single academia

And blacks trump whites in physical strength and penis size

>Black/Asian mix master race

Pathological altruism only works in an all white world.

It may be the end of us.

Unless you equate superior with rarity

Then the albino ginger with blue eyes would be most holofoil race


it depends: do you consider jews white?

Half of them are cucks

>women and numales who put pussy on a pedestal

You should be a landowner and registered for the draft to be allowed to vote.

We allowed the Jews to take power

Just lol at these delusions, blacks are more athletic than you and dominate sports, Asians are way smarter and dominate academia and professional fields, latinos are willing to work harder and longer for less pay, the slavs actually have a culture that is respected by non whites, etc. Whites are clearly inferior, they bring nothing to the table; they had their heyday, just like the mongols and the romans, but I'm afraid those days are over. In capitalism, which is based off of human nature, you take the best man for the job. And unfortunately the best man is no longer the white man

Because Egyptians, Greeks, Arabs, Romans, the Chinese, the Japanese, and Mayans all had pretty successful cultures.

Every body was doing fine, white people were just the first to make easy to use guns

Pale skin seems to correlate with higher avg iq, who knows why

cuz they serve the juice

They're a dying breed

What happened in 1995/1996? Everyone gets revised down, and the order changes.


Because they're less intelligent than asians and jews.

White people are the bees knees. You need white people, but ya gotta treat 'em right.

Because Meds exist.

>Legitimately curious, can anyone give me a valid reason why whites AREN'T superior?

A lot of white men aren't superior. This is fact. The whites that have been circumcised and aren't Jewish are objectively disqualified and will never be superior to any other type of Western man. Not even modern uncircumcised black men.

You can't be superior if the Jews have mutilated your genitalia and physically marked you as their slaves. It's even more than some abstraction notion of social enslavement: it's a literal physical mark that you are a slave are henceforth their property.

If you make sure your sons aren't circumcised in the next generation to come then they might have the right to call themselves superior but as long as you have the physical and irremovable mark of The Slave on you then you can personally never do this.

Uncircumcised non-Jewish black men are more superior to circumcised non-Jewish white men because they don't have the physical mark of the slave on them. This is just the truth.

Tiger Woods = proof.

You realise they were white?

>regression to the mean

Get your biology right faggot

>american education

and bone structure...
and genetics...
and IQ...

If whites are so superior why are they getting Jewed HARD, getting outbred by every race.. etc?

Meanwhile you poo in the streets Pajeet.

>"subflavum" means any fair hair color, not blonde
>Pliny XI ends at chapter 119, no such reference
>whoever this "Malalas" dude is I can't find anything referencing him on the internet and he was born hundreds of years after the emperors, not a credible source
>rest of the 'sources' come from a literal nazi who lived in the Third Reich

When are you snowniggers going to stop posting this bullshit?

They are too subservient to self-proclaimed 'moral authorities'

They are reductionist and obsessive to the point of idiocy. They can't understand subtly, and so everything becomes "racist" or "sexist" or "degenerate" if they don't understand it.

They put material wealth above all other considerations.

They are individualist to a fault, and don't engage in being part of their communities in any social or civic manner.

They refuse to stand up for what they believe in. They think their mentality of 'keep calm and carry on' is going to save them from third work immigration, and the creeping oligarchy.

The differences between Germany and Japan is proof that whites aren't superior.

You whites are a race that willingly attack your own racial interest, just to benefit foreign races for no reason. You whites propagate multiculturalism and diversity, and are willing to bye into racial self-hatred, and your own racial suicide. Despite being the race responsible for finding thousands of uninhabited islands across the world, most of those islands, like Saint Helena, are now populated with blacks and mixed race children. This is not a new phenomena, even in the days where white nationalism would not be a controversial idea, you would gladly populate your colony with people of foreign races, and all thanks to you, there are now millions of blacks and Indians from India that now populate the New World. In the 1960s, all of you whites gladly accepted mass immigration and you are easily manipulated by a parasitic race that you HELPED create.

Don't even blame the Jews for this, it is obvious that your love of diversity is so pervasive, this pathological altruism, it wouldn't surprise me if it were a genetic trait of whites. I wouldn't even want to import whites into my country since they'll just bring their diversity fetish with them.

Meanwhile, look at East Asians. Just by looking at Japan, China, Korea, and Taiwan, they are the majority in all these regions and their state policy helps maintain it. Even in China, despite having over 50 ethnicity living in their border, almost 1 billion of those people descend from ONE ETHNIC GROUP. Don't even give me that creativity garbage. In the end of the day, the people who win are those who can perpetuate their existence.

>a leaf redpilling whites

Kek agrees, cuck.


So this guy is a literal nazi?

Also totally not white

Also how is fair hair dark brown?

I'm not going to respond again because you're just some filthy mudskin desperately trying to claim whiteness through Rome

I addressed this one right at the beginning. Suetonius is the only credible source there. Rest are bullshit.


>It would be worthwhile to quote here in full, the opinion of British anthropologist John Beddoe [34]. Beddoe studied thousands of Britons and continental Europeans, and comparing his designations with that of other observers, came to realize the relativity of color terms:

>Thus almost all French anthropologists say that the majority of persons in the north of France are blond; whereas almost all Englishmen would say they were dark, each set of observers setting up as a standard what they are accustomed to see around them when at home. What is darkish brown to most Englishmen would be chestnut in the nomenclature of most Parisians, and perhaps even blond in that of Auvergne or Provence; an ancient Roman might probably have called it sufflavus or even flavus.

I'm sure there must've been some blonde/fair haired and light eyed Romans back then, but they were a minority just like they are today in Italy.

Niggers are faster runners, they have better eyesight, less prone to mental illness, have a resistance to malaria, quicker reflexes.

Seriously, it's not about superior or inferior. It's about being good at different things. I can't stand niggers. I don't want to live anywhere near them. They drag us down. BUT, what it takes to make it in a white society doesn't come naturally to them. They have to act white. They have to put extra effort into being something they're not just to skim by. I think white societies are superior because I'm fucking a white male (tm).

Niggers probably don't give a fuck about the same things we give a fuck about. They like bling and muh dik and dancing and shit, because that's what kind of shit is more suited to them. Can I outrun a lion trying to eat my ass? No, but the nigger in front of me can. The same nigger can't solve an equation to save his fucking life, but I'm all over that shit. We're different. No need to make it any more complicated than that.

>Losing in dick size to niggers
>Losing in intelligence to asians
>Losing in nepotism to jews

Everything else is pretty rock-solid, tho.

If whites are superior why are they controlled by DA JOOS?
If whites are superior why are they genociding themselves?