Gender: ~70% male, ~30% female

>Gender: ~70% male, ~30% female

how do we fix this, /pol?

Other urls found in this thread:

Once you account for trannies, I'd say this place is about 0% female.

Pls be my ai gf

Interesting. I am not gonna lie, i always think i am reading/writting to an autistic male. It seems unrealistic to think there are so many women here

but not that i care if they are females ofc

fucking kek



completely degenerate

Now that's a genuine fpbp

Would she have taken that picture like that if PJW looked like the hunchback of Notre Dame? We know the answer. So my question is what variable changed to make her want to take that picture? Hmm?

Oh that's right, she's an insecure whore who wants to "show off" what kind of men like to put their arms around her. This isn't about fun, it's about signaling to her whore friends and other men that she'd probably do much more with.

So tired of the "just chill brah" normie excuses for this behavior. It's only acceptable if you pretend you can't analyze what's going on, even on a surface level.

PJW is nothing to write home about.

Wrong thread ya cunt

Source for these stats? I really fucking doubt the
>30% female

Ahem. What you want to fix? Actually 30% of us is already too much.

this is a man

>5% of all Dutch people browse Sup Forums
This is why wilders is winning

That's nothing, nearly half of America browses here. No wonder Trump won.

Might be time to receive your centrelink m8


>can't read
Do you want me to translate it to english for you?

>"Location: United States (47%)"

It's not quite half if you want to be technical but 47% is pretty close.

>make failing to lurk and newfaggotry a punishable offense
>Make failure to post tits and timestamp a permaban offense
>more waifu threads

This will get us back down to a solid 99/1 ratio

That's 47% of all users, not citizens
However when calculated against population of the Netherlands we have 4% of entire citizenry

So progressive.

>30% female

of which 90% are traps and the rest are biological women.

tfw no nazi trannies in my area

Close enough.

Most of those women are on boards like /cgl/, /cm/, /y/, and Sup Forums. The ones targeting their demo.

females are all bunched into other boards. /soc/ and artsy/drawing boards etc maybe few on Sup Forums

>French education

It says 2% in the OP

Don't worry, Russkiybro, Sup Forums is at least 95% male. All the females and 'females' () aqre on Sup Forums and the weeb boards.

I got baited again by an Aussie
Truly the kings of shitposting eh

there are females here?!

I think you might want to lay down the shitposting m8

no, don't be stupid user

at least 70% of all female anons go on /cgl/ and bitch about lolcow cosplayers

If you're ever tempted to visit that board, you'll regret it.

Good thing all ruskie posters are confined to 2ch.
I wish 2006 was back and I could have my non-politicized Internet full of lulz instead of today's commercialized and shill- and gurl-infested webz.

No, banning is how the faggots from SA or Facepunch do it. If oldfags reattain pre-2008 attitudes towards newfags, the problem will be fixed. 2008 was the year newfag plague manifested.

>United States
That is the part that needs fixing. That number is disgustingly high.

>American board
>mostly American
What's the issue?

We should make a separate board for bodily fluid discussion and instantly make /mlp/ redundant.

>30% female
Hiromoot is just shilling the site to advertisers.

Don't worry OP, there are no girls.


ever since milo started doing his retarded college talks, lots of women keep getting on Sup Forums because he mentions Sup Forums every single fucking time

>video games

permaban these and site quality will improve 10 fold

The female number isn't even remotely accurate. It would count me as a female but I'm just a faggot shitposter.

yes goyim dont you know we have to be
diverse and inclusive towards the other
newfriends, pls let them in to culturally enrich
your lives and hearts.

did they just assume our gender

This faggot needs to stop.

What do women do all day without the internet?

My sister is a NEET
She just cleans the house, looks after her animals and watches absolute garbage on Netflix
She also makes a lot of baked goods and complains about her "friends"

There are no girls on the internet

The US has roughly the same population ratio as posters on here for Australia and Canada. Britain and Germany aren't terribly. Even France and Brazil make a good show of it. If Norway had 0.5% of the posters it would be representative of their population. You're firsetting how many more people we have

Don't these figures represent the site as a whole? It's not just Sup Forums demographics. /x/ has lots of females, for instance.

I never think about gender when I post on here. If anything, I just have the sense of talking to a disembodied brain in a jar somewhere.

Because every time I post you say tits or gtfo.

Sounds like a kinda comfy lifestyle, actually.

and theres nothing stops you from posting your tits. Any guy would post his dick if he isnt currently busy.


W-w-were here t-too.

tit for tat, tits for dick. seems fair.

She's really depressed actually

I can't tell if you people are trolling or genuinely retarded.

>implying everyone here isn't an autistic male

I bet somewhere somehow a feminist started crying for no reason because of this post.

It doesn't seem like there are many girls here because talking about it always seems to derail the topic. I know me and a few other girls who browse Sup Forums. There are many more redpilled women then you think, we're are just scared of talking about it. Women NEED to be progressives or they're racist witches that need to burn at the stake

Hell i prefer to be a racist witch rather than a multicultural scum.

Anyone else gettng comfy?

real women are outdated

By doing more tumblr raids.

>boland makes it to the list


Most of the femanons here swarm in /cgl/, /soc/, and Sup Forumsmblr
All of the boards are still dominated by men especially /k/,Sup Forums, /tg/ who are boards with little to no femanons

>All of the boards are still dominated by men especially /k/,Sup Forums, /tg/ who are boards with little to no femanons
Now think about how /diy/ looks like.

Yeah /diy/ and /o/ also are boards with no femanon activity

It's not a bug it's a feature.
Or: feature not a bug?
future not bug
bug future