Thoughts on MTV's latest video?

Thoughts on MTV's latest video?
I sincerely want to know what people think.

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I think they shouldn't be telling us what to do

They should be begging on their knees

In a world where every leftist is trying to tell us what to do, it was just white noise

everything is retarded.

Its disgusting kike created anti white propaganda. Fuck MTV and Viacom and all the jews that work there.

MTV is now just a relic of the past. They now rarely ever do anything in regards to music.

I have yet to see a white lives matter movement or all lives matter movement burn and block government/private property.

It was a bit obnoxious but I get what they were trying to say...however alot of how a message goes over is how the package is delivered. And they did a TERRIBLE job.

MTV is exclusively targeting 11-23 year old girls, so they went with grrl power. And I'm sure it went over like gangbusters with them.

But otherwise it was a mistake. And with twitter reaching EVERYONE not just your target market- its gonna get into the hands of people who hate it.

Generalizing and painting broad strokes like they did lumps a ton of decent people in with a few terrible people. In doing so they galvanized everyone who this message could even possibly be in reference to and made them look like a monster.

Honestly if you think about it, they might just be trying to stay relevant by creating an uproar.

They are a racist company bent on destruction of white males.

They need investigated by the FBI.

One thing I agree on, is that the video is terribly written/worded.

It was deleted quick, re-uploaded, then deleted again quick. Should speak volumes on it's own. Otherwise, it's just MTV's newest, least subtle anti-white propaganda.

Tucker Carlson did a video on it already

I'm honestly really glad they pulled this shit and tried white shaming even more after Trump won. It's just pushing more and more white people to see that these people fucking hate us, and should not be listened to.

I'm also considering making my own video saying for new years black people should stop saying black lives matter while ignoring the tremendous amount of black on black violence and only focusing on the laughably small cop on black violence instead, especially when the cop has no choice but to defend themselves in over 90% of the cases

They should keep it up
This kind of shit is why I became a conservative.

To be completely honest I didn't watch it, but I'm pretty sure if I did watch it the video would just give me cancer anyway so I'd rather read about it than experience it.

Very helpful. Very insightful.

I will make 2017 the year that I perfect my ability to fellate a world that thinks I'm responsible for everything that's ever gone wrong in history.

I listen to independent artists. MTV anything is by default bad. Doesn't matter if I followed someone from their basement to a stadium, if you associate with MTV, you suck, regardless of skill.

More impotent rage from limp-wristed leftists

who cares?

holy kek

Do it brother, just make sure you keep your firearms nearby, when the brainwashed dindus come after you

Don't even have a youtube account, I've just been thinking of starting one. Of course I'd never show my face because I don't want (((((tolerant)))))) liberals ensuring I never get a job ever again.

If anything I'd just be putting my voice in a video.

Thread sliding tactic
You retards fall for it
"I sincerly want to know'
Yeah okay bud

Glad I am not a nigger.

I love tucks poker face. It slowly dissolves the dumber his guest gets

>stop saying WOKE

>tfw to WOKE to stop saying WOKE

Searched through youtube and found these videos:

Dont make the video the mtv crap came from white cucks and even most minorities in the comments hated them and see them for what they are and call them out on it. Minorities had nothing really to do with that.

He wills it.


Thanks for reminding me how utterly retarded the people of this board are.

Haven't seen it. But let me take a guess: A montage of millennial cucks of mixed gender and races (most sickening - white) talking in front of a brightly coloured background about how ignorant, rude and racist white men are without seeing the irony behind that.

Just finished this one about an asian supporting racism against asians

Pretty good

The point of the video wouldn't be bashing minorities, but to show just how fucking racist the original was if you take the word white and replace it with literally any other race.

When you search on salon white male you get
317,000 results
Starting with stuff like: To my white males on facebook, Lets deport white males, Toxic white male nerd avengers (seriously XD), White male temper tantrums.
Its not like they hide this shit.
The amount of shit against salon huffington post and others we could create lol

There was this...

They said we can "keep Kanye." Seems a bit white supremacist desu

Stop promoting this shit youbdamn shill
