How does it feel to have sex ?

how does it feel to have sex ?

It feels like having sex.

Like mastrubation, except with a big chunk of meat

shouldnt you rape some village girl and find out, mehmet? As is tradition?

isnt porn illegal in your country turk?

feels good mang

It feels fine when you're doing it, but then you finish, and you think, "What was the point? I want this whore out of my bed so I can sleep." But she doesn't leave, because she's your "girlfriend" or something, and it makes you angry.

Feels like a dick in your ass

Its alright, feels empty if you don't actually (((love))) her tho

good but desu if you want to rate the sensation alone i think blowjobs are better

Warm comfiness mixed with the sensations of masturbation. The girl's behavior may make or break the experience. Bad sex is rare but is possible

Just lube up a warm bagel.

What about the after sex snugs man? You sound like a cool asshole...

beta detected.

Overrated honestly. It's cool sometimes, but most of the time I would rather just crank one out myself and be done with it.

I'm lazy.

Are you implying that love is a Jewish invention?

LOL this. It's even worse when one night stands sleep over. You end up barely getting any good sleep so you're tired as fuck the next day.

After I ejaculate I regret offering a sleep over. I usually just offer to take them back home even at like 3am.

Maybe if she´s fat (which, by your flag she most certainly is) and ugly , but if you got a nice little white qt next to you like me you will sleep like a little baby wrapped around her.

Nothing better than the little wiggle they do with their butt to feel your cock when spooning

Kek, this

It feels like fapping, except instead of your hand it's the warm and wet pussy of a woman.

Very powerful psychological experience, especially the first time you do it.

Murder her.
Do it.

Heat a piece of meat to 37-37.5C and stick your dick in it.

But you kick her out anyhow, which pisses her off, and then she decides afterwards it was actually rape. The judge obviously agrees and givers her your house, and now it's her bed, and it makes you more angry.

I dont know

Kek this. We devote our entire lives to finding sex and then once it's done, you want nothing more than to just go to bed by yourself.


I enjoy gay sex more, having your prostate lovingly abused by a boy you like is the most pure experience you can imagine

This my man

This is exactly how it feels, but only on LSD. My girlfriend and I actually stopped having sex because it was too "unnaturally sober" and not filled with the hormones that normally drive sex. Like two persons uncomfortably stuck in the bodies of people fucking, as if I were at the library reading a book about it instead of living it. Really weird experience guys thanks for reading this far.

Muslim piG

It feels like me saging and reporting your post.


Go make yourself a pb&j, or whatever the turkroach equivalent is, and then add stuff like mustard and cheese, then microwave it for over 3 minutes.

Now, during this begin watching porn or if that is haram start pounding it to pictures of your little sister.

Then, once its finished, wait 15 seconds but NO LONGER then place your erect penis inside the sandwich and begin thrusting.

I cant stress enough how you cant wait longer than 15 seconds. Vaginas are hot and moist, uncomfortably so. You have to penetrate while it is still hot for authenticity, otherwise it will just feel like youre fucking a sandwhich you warmed on "reheat".

its like pushing the skewer into the kebap.
come on you should know that feel Machmud.

>Not secretly recording your sex sessions and having her verbally consent
It's like you want to lose your home


>falling for the l-ew

Like politics...

joshie no

i thought muslims don't eat pork.

Like a bag of salted coins

You sound like a woman.

It feels like a slimy and slippery warm hole that is squishy and can squeeze your dick. It feels like the vagina is coming to life. In other words, it feels good man.

Good if you like the girl but if its a one nigt stand with xanax and wine involved its alot of work

yeah ...

Hes offering a trade, stupid

Pork for 4 beefs


new, but still underrated


If feels pretty good, after awhile if the girl sucks it gets boring.
Feels the best when high on weed.



>tfw get bored halfway through

Milky coins

Any bad sex stories?

My worst one night stand was bad...she didn't feel like drinking, I drank a lot of jager, then I ended up filing her tax returns for her, rage drank jager, puked on her shoes and then she slept on the couch.

Good times.

thanks for writing

pls don't tell that there is more than 1 fag from nz on pol

It feels like 15 minutes of fun followed by 15 hours of having your brain torn apart and questioning everything because she makes no sense. Enjoy.


>Shaved pussies

It's not a one night stand if you don't have sex bro

If you feel this way then you may as well not even be in a relationship and should break up. That's prostitute-tier only for sex girlfriend.

I have a question. Did you do like lots of drugs sir?

Personally I only enjoy it when she truly wants this dick

shutup turk roach

>american intercourse

holy fucking shit I am laughing my ass off


Unless she's a young, not fat, teenager, you're in a world for disappointing sex.

Your girlfriend is cheating on you.

Honestly this pretty much sums it up.

Feel the inside of your cheek, now picture that with small rib like muscles in a conical shape and that's tight around your cock.

Stinky pussy completely kills it. Better to jerk off and not deal with her bs.

wonderful if you're in love, otherwise overrated. save it for someone special.

most overrated shit ever, don't fall for the memes.

sex feels amazing but is it worth all the trouble.

i don't know and when you are in a relationship, it's not just about sex and then the sex really isn't worth it because relationships are generally shit.

Not the same guy but I know what you're saying. Heroin makes sex completely undesirable. Even if you finish it's so lame and numb and you just want to make the bitch leave after being such a massive disappointment

stop fucking cattle

Honestly another good description of the suction event.

rusty coins

Warmth, wetness, and friction on your dick. Looking at, holding/touching, hearing, and smelling a woman enhances the experience in many ways.

Gif related

I never thought about that....fuck.

>slimy and slippery warm hole that is squishy and can squeeze your dick
Exactly like a hand with something slimy on it. Except that hand is connected to a crazy person

lol this only applies if she's not attractive and you just wanted anything to fuck.

t. 45 old woman who regrets her life decisions

This is exactly it. As a man you have to learn to fake that you're interested in her after sex. All I want to do is get back to my computer to work or browse Sup Forums. After sex my mind is super clear and sharp.

It feels good, but overrated, sometimes if you penetrate in just the right position it can feel incredible. But it is mostly overrated. After I cum I feel a sort of relief and zero frustration and then I am just chill afterwards.

The problem is she is still in my home sleeping next to me and it is almost noon. She needs to get a fucking job.

truth right here

That pics is bullshit, every Russian plays HOMM3 to this day still.

Meh, I miss sex somewhat, but I simply can't handle the stress of a relationship. When you are not alpha, the girl will lose interest in you quickly, making your life a living hell.

Thanks for the concern but I was the one who felt those ways and stopped the sex. Have you ever had LSD? It's the thinking man's drug. You don't just pop it and fug

Also, reading threads like these make me realize that most Dudes on Sup Forums are either Virgins or aren't married to their love.

>have sex
>"...I wonder what people felt during those terrorist attacks.. "
>"... still haven't accomplished much in 2016..."
>"...2017 will be the 100 years of october revolution...but why putin signed the order for preparing to celebrate it? why would he celebrate it if poeple died in civil war..."
>"...I wonder what Assange is doing right now..."
>"...not much money left... fuck..."
>"...why am I doing this?.."

That has a name. Even with the 2 hottest girls I was ever with as soon as I was done I kind of wanted to run away.

It's a weird primal as feeling. Big realization moment for me that we were designed Harambe.

My gf wanted to fuck while I was on LSD. I refused. That shit would have been a nightmare.

You're already unstable and volatile as it is. Sex would make that 10 times worse

Honestly I prefer jerking off but there's no better feeling than knowing you made a girl scream loud enough to wake the neighbors, fucking her so raw you can't even put a finger in her, and leaving her bowlegged and sore the next day.

>Very powerful psychological experience, especially the first time you do it.

Haven't had sex yet, but I got pretty heavy one night with a girl a couple of months ago.
>Second base
>Tits out
>Pussy rubbing
>Lots of grinding
>Possibly making out, I can't remember shit was intense

The intense mental/psychological/hormonal experience of having a physical girl with you is insane.
But its a double edge sword because women (Or for anyone who isn't their first time), drop this connection pretty quickly and move on.
Which happened in my case

I am still stuck on this girl months later and think about her every other second throughout the day. She was over me in a couple of weeks.

My question to you non V-card carrying members. Is the only way to get over this, is to get laid? I don't even want to think about this chick, but the subconscious pressure to do so is unending.

Advice to kissless virgins...Stay that way. Knowing what your missing is worse than missing out on what you don't know.

Kek this.

You're obviously an idiot.

Teens have no experience whatsoever and are usually pretty stiff and rigid.

Now around 40yo milfs is where the best sex is. They're crazy as fuck, know how to move know how to relax and work really really hard to pleasure you. There is extra skin and a bit more fat, but that's all fone and normal if you arent one of those skinny loli loving types.

The same chick gave me head for driving her to the state prison to see her baby daddy later in the week. It was literally 6 and a half miles down the road.

You have no idea what you are talking about

He/she is right. If you get in a relationship with the wrong person it could be a waste of time or you could get a stalker.
