>African negro rapes 15 French girls at least >The rapes include vaginal, anal, oral, swallowing, and all the things you can imagine >Nigga gets caught and time for a court session >All the victims are on the bench, and it's the 1st time they will see the dindu since the incident >The negro appears (brought by the guards) >His victims (the French bitches) start to cry >Old-hag judge: "Why you did it, sir?" >Dindu: "I wanted to humiliate whitey, and I did. Yea, muthafucka"
AH... Life is good muthafucka. Pic and video related
That's why they forbid ethnic statistics in France. Rapid must be 90% non white. If the truth is ugly, hide it. I want off this socialist nightmare.
Joshua Ortiz
Isaiah Williams
If nothing else I atleast want to go back to the times were europeans raped each other
If an Austrian rapes a french girl or vice versa atlleast the kid will be white
Eli Bailey
Yeah. Mixed Europeans are quite handsome too. I might spray paint my face brown and rape me some Austrian qts.
Levi Harris
>France African Immigrant Raped White Women To Fight Racism this is the most liberal thing I read since a long time
Tyler Reyes
Ethan Morales
Nah, muthafucka. White ass is made for the black/muslim cock. Europe and America are proofs of that
Charles Hernandez
It's so cool to be a nigger in France In France, niggers are considered americans because they are overrepresented in american TV shows, Hollywood films and so on... Niggers will lie over and over again to save their ape asses and to gain trust from the naive goys
Ayden Wright
Why did he confess? If he denied it and said he's underage he could've walked free. Isn't that how it works?