This is probably the retarded title for a book I have ever seen

This is probably the retarded title for a book I have ever seen

Has anyone read it?

Also all these new "alt-right" celebrities are cringe as fuck, it's getting just as annoying as the left

Other urls found in this thread:

She's not really altright I mean she enjoys Shapiro and often praises the late William buckley
She's a conservative and a traditionalist

She's a great personality for the right wing

I haven't read it but i can tell its crap. All these try hard edgy lolbertarians like milo are the same. Say some pleb tier stuff that is only really offensive to ultra-cucked blue haired SJWs, and 15 year old ex gamergaters will eat it up.

She didn't even mention the jew, the source and root of the problem. No read from me.

She promises to name names

Milking that cuckservative r/thedonald cashcow, and it's one blue balled cow.


Just some dumb Sup Forums memes and ideas compiled in a book.

The source of Swedens problem is all the limp wristed beta libcucks. If someone published this in Sweden they'd have government sharia forces behead the writer.

>How immigration ruined everything
I don't know goys, that sounds like a pretty redpilled topic. Anti-legal immigration is where we want to push the normie right, sounds like she's doing it?

Dyed hair
Jewish publication
Stop giving this attention whore attention
Its working for mega kike Ezra Lavant

I've had normies IRL who I don't talk politics with bring up her "change ID to a man" stunt, she is effective.

This Jew Muppet will never ever criticize the jew

There is nothing wrong with Ezra Lavant, Mr Edgy

The entire purpose of this cunts book is to usurp the Canadian right to buy into a Jew acceptance.

Pleaase check these folks history, they ride the waves, they were libertarian paultards a few years ago. They supported donald only when he truly became popular and they will drop him and support the next fad whatever it will be.

they are justt in the money maknig business through conference pays and book deals

>61 pages
What did she mean by this?

write better books then. Be glad someone is putting ideas in print.

Anyone who reads this or ann coulters bullshit is 110% a cuck who thinks buying the book will net them a greater chance of fucking one of these "authors"

She did an interview with Stefan Molyneux. In it she says the state of the modern world is the fault of the French and cites Foucault as proof.

She also says that she is now a conservative nationalist because the libertarians have let her down.

The marketing is getting out of hand, Milo. I've seen more threads of this spic slut in the last 2 days than in my whole life befor

t. jew puppet

Not even funny pol memes

So Sup Forums then.

Probably didn't write a single line herself.

>She didn't even mention the jew
She blames the French.

A lot of the alt-right were Liberarians last cycle though. We were all blue-pilled once. That's what the alt-right banner is, bringing the entire Right around to a position of racial realism and ethno-nationalism, with space for advocacy of other (previously verbotten) quirky ideas.

Nu-Sup Forums maybe

I've been thinking about getting in on this game myself.

Anyone got any good alt-right business ideas?

"How I ruined everything" lol

Makes you think
Not necessarily a bad thing to have ideas presented by an attractive face

Stop shilling for her book to make her rich you retards.

wtf she's like my age 21 or something, what makes her qualified to write a book on immigration

>woymn writer

Sup Forums shilled too much for this cumbucket.

Page 1 preview

Wow it's shit.

She brings no real new ideas and it doesn't matter. These retards are going to throw money at her just because she says what they say while looking pretty. Talk about cucks.

I don't think young progressive millenials have any interest in this book. She's just preaching to the choir

What did she mean by this?

Exactly, the point is to just harvest cash from idiots.

Her handler is a Jew. He can't help himself.

>the French

Kek. Yes goy your fellow white man is to blame. It's the Anglo/Yankee/French/German. None of these people have the balls to name the Jew.

>1 post by this ID

wait this is a whole page?

To be fair, she is like 21 years old so it is expected that her first book would be crap

I can't believe how much of shills that Sup Forums users has become. They are literally advertising products now.


she knows men jerk off to her

Hey little miss snowflake, can you name the patriarchy- wait sorry I mean "the Jew"?

She even opened on a meme. You just know it's gonna get worse.

I haven't watched that interview but by French I am almost sure she is talking about our change from common law to code law


Didn't you fags make a thread yesterday crying about her mocking a dumb cunt? Give it a rest, Mohamed.

If shes talking about the french revolution sure but the jews were still there so you can still name them

>She doesn't advocate holocaust, literally controlled opposition jew illuminati plant hurr durr
Alt-lite is useful for us. Anything that can drag normies from the left closer to the center/center-right is a good thing

Wow she's even more of an attention whore than I thought

>(((Ezra Levant)))

dropped. no point in dealing with the symptoms of jewish infestation if you aren't gonna deal with the source.

>it's another "shittalk the ones actually doing and accomplishing anything"
Hallmark of a loser.
Never change pol,never change

No, she is talking about Foucault. She says they are to blame for cultural Marxism.

>the French
>your fellow white man



>This is probably the retarded title for a book I have ever seen
Didn't you guys invented English!?

>no "neoliberals"
>no "globalist bankers"
dumb woman.

neoliberalism and free movement of capital begat immigration. there's no use rubbing hair-growth serum on your scalp when the problem is cancer.

Remember that time she wore underwear-sized shorts to a Trump rally then posted a bunch of pictures on twitter? That's when I knew this woman was not the next Ann Coulter. She's a social media slut who found a 99% male niche (the "alt right") and she's going to milk the male attention until she looks like a worn out shoe in 6 years.

Seriously, I can't believe Ann Coulter is shilling for this bitch. I've never seen her say anything funny or original. She just posts watered down Sup Forums memes and tags along with the bigger alt right names.

That bitch probably wants some of that cake too.

It furthers the cause. Eye candy is a good thing.

Well, she gives a nice face to the alt right and pushes normies driven by their dick into not trusting the media, i don't see any downsides.
Of course she never names the jew, she is either controlled or trying to get "mainstream" famous.

This is so fucking stupid. I see desperate neckbeards going "hurrrrr we need women in the movement, brings people in." If you're getting your political views from a woman, you should kys. It was the same thing with Evalion. "She's bringing in normies!" No, she's not. All it does is taint the right wing with the same over-sexualized Jewish garbage that the left uses. It doesn't make the left weaker. It makes US weaker. Stop being a moron. No successful political movement that wanted an end to slutting around has ever used this tactic. Ask yourself why. Lauren Southern is no different than the cleavagey bimbos they trot out on Fox News. It doesn't further the cause. It distracts and dumbs down the message.

The shit she peddles is exactly like the MSM with a thin veneer of anti-Muslim sentiment, which most Americans have anyway. Of course she's trying to get famous. She's obviously an attention whore.

They're all in the same alt-lite clique.

In Coulter's defense she was always doing her own thing and wasn't a bandwagoner.

>No Oxford comma

Fucking leafs

This blame the boomers shit is literally a reddit talking point.

Southern leads to other points of view though. If you start with her, she presents a fairly rational point of view. Whereas if you go full Richard Spencer or whoever you choose straight away you might think it's crazy. McInnes is the same.

What. Is that even allowed to be sold as a book?

You can self publish anything.

Disappointing, and she's such a cute girl.

Checked. She admitted herself in one of her many interviews with Molyneux that early in life she had an advantage over her peers in the debating spotlight only because she is attractive. But hey, you can't really blame her for making money mostly off her looks.

Her and Tomi Lahren are obnoxious attention whores

>61 pages

Fucking kek.

So it's not even about shilling the book, it's so she can add the tag "author of" to whatever else she does.

I don't understand why this is an issue? Regular People want to read stuff like this because every other books on shelves are written by ((them)). Not everyone on the right is a Internet forum teenager.

>She also says that she is now a conservative nationalist because the libertarians have let her down.

No she's a conservative because that's where the money is. Libertarians don't pay.

Now she's just another wannabe in the clone factory of blondes that conservative idiots throw money at.

Its more of a pamphlet

She calls it her manifesto in her interview.


Pamphlet is more accurate

Not only that, but Ann Coulter has most certainly become popular on merit. I challenge anyone to read her books and think that the male tendency to go soft on women has gotten her where it has. She is honestly one of the funniest authors I've ever read, and she's not even supposed to be comedy. She's one of those rare women you find in history who have earned her place. If she's included in history, it won't be because the teacher needs another woman to round out Female History Month. It'll be because she's earned it. Adios America was the blueprint for Trump's campaign.

I've seen some really good videos of her slamming retard lefty bitches.

She went on a talk show trashing single mothers hardcore, it was so good.

I actually bought a copy of this retarded shit for whatever reason. All memeing aside, this is the biggest pile of cliches and played out arguments I've ever read in my life. it's pretty much what you would end up with if you were to write a list of the 10 most common ideas you've come across while browsing comment sections on conservative news sites.

I'll say one positive thing about it though: her writing style is pretty good, especially for her age. Very clear, lucid and articulate, with good word choice and a pleasant 'rhythm.'

The mistake she made was putting her image on her book. It screams to gain merit on her looks instead of on the substance of what she has to say.

Maybe it is a smart marketing strategy after all, appealing to the least common denominator. I wouldn't have been so arrogant, picked a better title to gain interest, and put a small picture of just my face on the back or inner dust jacket.

"pleasant rhythm" You were looking at the cover when you discovered that.

So when are her and Millenial Millie getting BLACKED?

"Give Me Free Money And Shit - the bestselling novel by Hot Woman Cashing In On Latest Social Trend"

>61 pages

hell I read longer shit overnight on college, how is this considered a book?

Could just be sign of the times, representing social norms of your average 21 year old hot chick in the current year.
Agree with this. What do you think a good position on her should be? I'd start with (mild) counter-signal her as alt-lite and come down strong on any beta-farming.

Meant to post Lauren's ass, not Urban.

Dem calves

>on her book
>61 pages
The first mistake is it's not a book, it's a pamphlet. Every normie Conservstive woman manages to put out an actual 200+ page book with their body on the cover. Sure she's only 21, and more of an on-camera shitposter, but if she didn't have the content she shouldn't have published it as a """book""".

Which one is Lauren?

Are they bolt ons?

Have you read the huge amount of text called Barbarians? I mean the wierd one you could find if you did some conspiracy-tier research. I found it and listened to the audio tapes. Real talk it was scary and good.

Fall of Rome IS happening. Title of the book is fine. She is still a shill though as she calls out the FRENCH, omfg.

>The west is dying
So her ghostwriter read Patrick Buchanan

>You - yes you -

>All these stale memes
Exactly what I thought. Just old wine in new bags

Ann Coulter is a fucking hardass and manlier than you will ever be faggot.

We need to secure the careers of hot women, and nuture them for betas to fawn over
Is there more to it in Canada?
>French commies filter to
>Quebec commies, who filter to
>Canada as a whole
The cuck running Canada now is French, don't know her arguement but might have particular truth for circumstances in Canada.