Sup Forums will dispute this

>Sup Forums will dispute this
Really activates your almonds

Why save their lives if they're just gonna blow up anyway?

>sometimes we gotta bite the bullet and say NEGATIVE THING is worth the increased risk of NEGATIVE THING

Ouch, my head hurts.

>bite the bullet
by all means. . .
be my guest.

wondering about the context of this

Don't you know when you multiply two negatives it makes a positive?

Kevin ((glass)))

Is that why when people kill themselves they sometimes take other people with them? Because they're trying to make the multiplication work out?

Disregarding this guy's poor grammar

>give free stuff to refugees or else they will behave like animals

How about instead of biting the bullet, we divest ourselves of that ammunition by investing it directly into refugees?

>"Well, I hope it's your families, I hope it's your families that suffer the consequences", and "I hope it's your families that die"


Invite a random sandman into your house, cook and clean for him, and when he kills your dog you start to suck him off

underrated fpbp


Your taxes, at work to make your life even more shit.

you know he could literally mean "bite the bullet" if they let in more refugees?

I think this guy is joking, though it's hard to tell from his twitter feed.

As these attacks become more frequent and these countries continue their slide into a giant ghetto, lefties will be singing a different tune. I just hope they won't be able to slink away from this without retribution.

>we, as white Europeans, sure have a lot to account for
>it is our moral obligation, as white Europeans, to accept these poor peaceful refugees into our nations
>as a white European, I acknowledge my privilage and believe we should do more to promote Diversity in western nations

Well Sup Forums, when you're right, you're right.

And of course, you're always right.

it sure would be ironic if a domestic terrorist were to make him an example.

got a kekle out of me

Kevin is such a good goy.

> suffering negative factor X is worth it because it also makes you suffer negative factor Y

It might be a unironically good thing to go to his home dressed up as a IS terrorist (spouting pseudo-arab gibberish of course) and smearing pig blood everywhere. Lets see his reaction then (uncontrollable shitting, pissing).

he is being sarcastic!

That's not real