How long is this spook gonna keep this up?

How long is this spook gonna keep this up?

>international white nationalist movement
where do I sign up?

>international [...] nationalist

I think their programming has crashed.

>need to be an international movement that opposes it

You mean the (((movement))) that already exists that caused the rise of these groups in the first place?

I came here to say this
>You mean the (((movement))) that already exists that caused the rise of these groups in the first place?

Sup Forums, which is also controlled by Vladimir Putin and the fake news elite organization known as the "alt-right" and Richard Spencer.

Everything I don't like is Putin.

>tfw their defense is to pretend they're reactionary when we're the reactionaries and we both know it'll turn into a game of denials and nuh uhs
The old media must be exterminated.

Putin isn't even white

>Mormon in his 40's
>not kids and not married

Maybe and LGBTWTFBBQ+# group would be better for xir.

Putin is another globalist shill. International white nationalist movement my ass.

>Putin is creating an international white nationalist movement
Holy shit I wish

Leftists literally believe Putin has magical powers and a flock of magical ravens at his behest while manipulating events through a magical tree.

A globalist shill that bans Rothschild banks nationally? Hmmmm

So if putin wasn't behind it it would be just fine?
Also what the hell would this mystery movement look like, what would be their drive? We've already ruled out nationalism by insisting it be international, so what would be its message? "White people, stop getting along and helping each other!"?

>intenational nationalist

Russia federation is a multinational state with over 100 ethnic groups and races somehow white nationalist


wena nido

>Putin is creating an international white nationalist movement

Until we squeeze as much "defense" money out of europe and the tax payers as we can

does anyone have some sick russian hacker pics?


Mr. Mormon SJW can fight against the evil str8 wyte mail horde all he wants himself.

>international white nationalist

Dude wut?

More like
>If I'm taking this info off of my ass, there will need to be people asking me to prove my claim.