German """"""""""""""""""""""""""""(((Rap Music)))""""""""""

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That will be used as an historic document. It's pretty accurate.

>German """"""""""""""""""""""""""""(((Rock Music)))"""""""""""

all german music is shit, german rap goes the extra mile to pretend a nigger composed said shit

>Ich bin schwarz
I'm black?

Music is completely unbearable. Video makes me want to shoot a thousand sand niggers. Germans better rise and take arms and defend themselves from the savage hoards at their doorsteps.

>German """"""""""""""""""""""""""""(((Rap Music)))"""""""""""
german rap is pretty good or at least used to be pretty good

I've always wanted to make a remix of this song with the title "Ab ins Gas!", but it would land me in prison.

found the turk

Do schwarz ppl use solarium?

never was
never will be

nur weil du deine pausen an der hauptschule in der fußgängerzone verbringst heißt das nicht dass du ein cooler gangster ausm ghetto bist ibrahim

please nuke us already

The Nazis did it better

subversive shit

>(((rap music))) in general

fuck off, this is a white board.

When did this

...become this?

America, you fought on the wrong side.

Kollegah vor 10 Jahren oder was?

I like it

If I had access to gorillas or monkeys, I'd attempt to train them to perform music. I think it would be an over-the-top brilliant art project for some talented, enterprising Sup Forumsster(s). I bet it wouldn't be too difficult to train a monkey to play a Casio keyboard.
bismillah germany be ours now

This. I miss the old Confederate Music.

I watched Look Who's Back a few weeks ago and this video reminds me of the same type of weak weirdness I saw in the movie. White men in german media are fucking ALWAYS spineless little weirdos. There's always this total lack of fire in their eyes

Are niggers in Europe actually worse than niggers in America? I swear the nigs in this video look legitimately retarded. Is it because they're more recent immigrants so they're still less evolved?

found the shitskin from Frankfurt

>sandnigger producer tricks a sheboon into eating fried chicken on a string and acting like an even more retarded nigger on video
>literally the whole point of the video is showing how worthless and filthy niggers are
>it even ends with a robbery
I can't object to that

forgot screenshot

> carries hot sauce in pocket (lol hillary)
> eats like some kind of animal to the dismay of german man
> flush a bunch of disgusting white "shit" (???)
> tanning to get moar nigg
> fried chicking hanging from the ceiling
> putting out a bowl of cocoa butter at a party
> eating watermelon with hands while jiving to jungle beats

my fucking sides, i can't

this video has it all

this is the most racist thing i have ever seen, 10/10

German mothers, teachers and women are castrating young men.
Thats why you got so many spineless cucks.

Only good rap is by Hustensaft Jüngling und Medikammenten Manfred

Good songs include:
Nicht Happy
Zu Rich
Bang Bang
Duffle Bag
Andy Lubitz (song dedicated to German wings pilot who crashed the plane with no survivors)

Hollywood Hank aka Hollywoodsfinest is pretty based

>dismay of german man
I think the guy who made this video is an Iranian who's having fun at the expense of niggers and kikes

I like Käptn Peng, but I guess he isn't a real "rapper"


she's pretty qt desu

german rap is good

und Morlockk Dilemma

Kinda qt desu