Oy vey goyim, we support Christians so you have to support us!
Oy vey goyim, we support Christians so you have to support us!
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That Christmas tree just stuffed next to tropical plants
What did he mean by this?
>We finally have a President-elect Trump that will support Israel, Shalom and God bless you Israel
God bless all jews.
>Tell someone to have Merry Christmas
>DonĀ“t believe in Christmas or that Jesus was the son of God and deny his divinity
Go away Sup Forums is a pro-israel board now.
well yeah jews make tons of money off of us during Christmastime
Goy very nice on Sup Forums
I don't get it, why didn't he say "Happy Holidays?"
Hehe stupid kufar dogs, you should remember that muslims are you greatest allies against ebil israel! Free palestine right?
we wuz kings and we own our shiiiiiiet
Happy Xmas from Shekelnyahu
What a fucking snake
shalom brother
I really don't understand Sup Forums. Israel is basically Sup Forums: the country but for jews. I get having a beef with American jews since they vote left-wing at rates second only to niggers, but why Israel? Granted they're tricky guys who get the US to fight in wars to kill mudslimes, but surely you aren't stupid enough to enlist in the first place?
Well when it comes down to it both hillary and trump are Israel shills, but I dont think trump will go running into wars with you as Hillary would, plus hillary ran with a strong message of fuck all things christian and white and this caused a major backlash of older white people voting against her, and (((the kikes))) know in a few more years all our babushka and and dedushka will pass away and next big election cycle the liberal tard horrids being breeded in and the ones already active in college, this was really the last chance we had to stop the anti-christian liberals from taking office again... Trump hopefully will stand up for what is right and holy
Lets see... made up the holohoax for sympathy to gain their "god given land", then stole billions from USA, Stole our gold from fort knox, fucked our government into a corrupt pro israel before pro american mess, and armed themselves with nukes they stole from yet again USA and also made us the target of mudslimes who mostly didnt care about us until we let israel get away with mass murder of palestinians
Wtf I love Israel now!
"The best kosher deli sandwiches are made in Trump Tower Deli. I love the Jews!"
>tfw posting on a chosen board
Christmass is on 7th January
Not in jewmerica, its on dec 25
is this the best tweet in history ?
>tropical plants
Yes. "Journalists" were calling Trump Tower restaurant that day and the taco bowl wasn't on the menu. They were tripping over themselves when they discovered it wasn't on the menu. But it's not as if the guy who owns the restaurant gets what he wants when he want it.