So what are you guys? Are you national socialists, fascists or would you be content with a system like apartheid?

So what are you guys? Are you national socialists, fascists or would you be content with a system like apartheid?

Or even full on western society but only with whites?

I don't think there should be hatred, and underclass, I don't think this does society any good. If a group is harmful to the collective, it should be ousted. We're powerful enough that we can non-violently deport and sterilize populations, so there's no longer any need for things like violence, just break the cycle, put the problem group on welfare and let them live out their days.

Oh shit it's the chick with the lopsided nipples that does my head in, thanks user. I'll be staring at this for the rest of the night trying to work out whether something is wrong with my eyes, whether it's a trick of lighting, or if indeed her nips are lopsided.

>blond hair
>brown eyebrows

Is this normal?


I agree. There is nothing wrong with eugenics. Not all genes are equal. Dogs are merely wolves bred to be subservient, but you wouldn't let a random wolf near your baby. Our inability to accept that some people don't have an inherent right to breed is why so much pain and suffering continues.

I'm a liberal

I'm a libertarian but ended up voting for Trump because I think he values the free market more than Clinton. I've also become more protectionist over time.

I'm biracial so I'm pretty biased in saying I don't want apartheid but people just need to stop acting retarded. And leftists shouldn't give people a pass for acting retarded because they're a minority. If we're all equal then everyone should compete with the same standard. You don't deserve a medal for actually being a father figure for your kids. This should be expected of you. And the lack of father figures is what causes crime rates to explode in black communities.

pretty sure it's just the angle

I'm a National Socialist

>>you guys
We're just normal people tired of SJW bullshit. Each then has his own ideological, religious, philosofical convinctions.
We won't let you define us, you won't get that power from us. Rather, from now on WE define you.