Bow to your master

Bow to your master

kek what a faggot

Bow to master Geert, infidel

dutch are faggots.


I was Sup Forums
suddenly birgit walk in
she say "geert is gender"

fuck, I really miss that meme.
Thank you.

That is what they did to him in Isreal
pic related


English information: Six-year-old Tijn is terminally ill (he suffers from brain cancer) and has one last wish: he wants to raise as much money as possible to help other children. He supports 3FM Serious Request and he wants to help to prevent that children die from pneumonia: “Most of the poor kids infected with pneumonia don’t even live to be five years old. That is why we’re standing up to fight.” And that is why he showed up at the Glass House (‘Glazen Huis’) with a request: he wants to paint nails to raise funds for 3FM Serious Request. Tijn asks people to donate €1 every time he paints someone’s nails. However, anyone can participate. Paint your nails, make a donation on this page, and challenge three of your friends to do the same by tagging them in your social media post. If you donate, share a picture of your painted nails using the hashtags #lakaan (which literally translates to ‘paint on’) and #SR16.

>Dutch "men"