JEW Sarah Silverman attacks Trump in Hitler costume

Are this Kikes obsessed with Hitler or what? Every leader that is even slightly against their bullshit is literally second Hitler.

How can anybody find this obnoxious Kike interesting?

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>Are this Kikes obsessed with Hitler
Yes. It's their meal ticket.

They only have 29 years of mileage left out of WW2 before it becomes totally irrelevant to humanity like every other past war they need to squeeze as much out of it as they can.

You needn't worry, it's been like 100 fucking hears since that shit happened; The law of diminishing returns has finally started to kick in. People my age, 30, are so far removed from Hitler, that it was only out grandparents who experienced it. Yeah, it held on a little longer than other histrionic bullshit, but the current year has proven that they really couldn't get away with it forever.

That's the thing, if I'm 30 and it was my papou who fought in world war 2, think about people 20. Or 10.

Sarah Silverman and her people doing stuff like this? This is the death rattle of this canard.

Someone tell her Donald has Jewish children and a Jewish son-in-law.

I was going to say that I can't wait till the last Holohoax survivor to die so they can't stop using that meme for muh victimhood. but then i realize they'll just invent something else to get sympathy.

Jews are spoiled brats. They found out they could get their way by throwing a Hitler tantrum, so now they do it anytime they want something.


She makes a cute she-hitler. I'd fuck her with that outfit on, but only if she moans like a German

That's probably a popular Jewish kink

She's just frustrated that her family never made it to Goldman status.

Because it's literally the only argument they have.

Trump will LITERALLY start the second Shoah so the Jews must stop him.They even believe their own delusions

He spoke truth

There's nothing kikes hate more than truth

Underated leaf

Liberals take your guns, control the media, escalate social issues to pit races against one another, demonize their opponents, fear monger their followers into wrathful, hateful, closed-minded cunts...

Tell me again who is more like Hitler.

>Let's wait until Trump starts rounding up "the others" before we do anything about it.

is this one of them first post best posts ive been hearing a lot about?

I honestly don't mind Hitler as much as I hate arabs and their white cucks


Fuck this disgusting kike...

>moans like a German


first post best post

I'd like to.

White cucks will be the end of us both. Time to start outjewing your jews, Shlomo.

They're already prepping the groundwork for scientific (((consensus))) that Holocaust trauma is genetic.

reminder Hitler loved muslims and said he wished germany was a muslim country so they'd be stronger

don't you get it
for us gold is like power level
I don't stand a chance against Soros

Member the holocaust goyim? We'll keep reminding you

Hitler didn't do any of those things

>implying the nazis and zionists were not bff

No Hitler. No Israel.

You would?Her body is shaped like a square lol

Damn. She ugly
She still needs a rapin'



fun fact, israel banned nazi fetish clothes

They spent 70 years demonizing Hitler, and by extension nationalism, to make sure nobody attack their banking system anymore. They're just using the conditioning they have planted in population through medias, education, culture.

Uhh, were they really popular?

they compare trump to hitler like it's a bad thing.