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>we need to ramp up our nuclear proliferation so we can ramp down global nuclear proliferation

We need to develop our tactical nuke arsenal.

A bipedal tank capable of laughing nuclear warheads from anywhere on the globe?

this gotta be fake
>checks fb
>mfw it's not fake
Praise KEK!

>More nukes means less nukes

If you get more nukes, you lose.

Launch 'em if ya got 'em.

if you nuke yourself you win

Why do we need EVEN MORE? Don't we already have a ton? Don't take ALL your advice from Mad Dog.

>he's nuclear
>he's wild

Pretty sure the US has a little less than 10,000 left. Russia still has more but it doesn't really matter. With that amount you could destroy the planet 10 times over.


We don't need or want to depend on having 1950-1980 weaponry as a key to national defense. What year is this?

>Aim for the radome
Not that hard

Who says we cant use lib logic to our advantage? We are using their own doublespeak against them.

Si vis pacem, para bellum.

Thats right. To keep gunpowder dry is the only way of independance.


When 100%, oh my dear Romania? When?

we should have an olympics for nukes
fastest nuke
strongest nuke
farthest flying nuke
it would be fun

Si vis pacem, para bellum
"To secure peace, is to prepare for war" it worked for the Romans why wouldn't it work for is

so basically steal every other countrys nukes?

What does mcree have to do with this?

But Russia is America's chief nuclear adversary. I thought Trump was going to fix things with Russia. I guess he meant he was going to "fix" things with Russia.

Nice idea.

And a special prise The best massive strice

>celebrity presidents
>Russian conflicts
>nuclear bombs
>Wall Street greed
>star wars movies
>celebrity president
>trickle down economics

80s are back, baby

Where's all the coke at?

Official thread theme

Why not? Russia is expanding its nuclear arsenal and has made this clear.

This, share!


>80s are back, baby
Ok. I like synthpop

We just change our old rockets)))

>we need to make more nukes until the world realizes nukes are bad

what did he mean by this?

The beatings will continue until moral increases

>its fucking real


Seeing the mad dog in action unrestrained with the most powerful millitary in history would be an impressive sight

If this presidency somehow ties into MSGV chapter 3 I will fucking transcend this mortal plane along with my blown mind

>>Russian conflicts
Since Clinton lost this might go away.

Fuck trump

nuclear weapons are a hoax to keep the populatoin scared

What do you do with the expired nuclear material? Sell to terrorists?

Remember "deescalation"? Remember all those pledges to decommission these weapons? What in the fuck? Were you guys aware that the US is refurbishing all those old rusted the fuck out missile silos in the midwest? Did any of you guys watch that comittee lead by hawk-face fuck McCain? General Dunford? All this ramping up our nuke tech and preparation for WW3 shit? Wtf is going on?

Do you think Arnold felt what Openheier felt? I wanted to create something beautiful but these damned dirty apes find a way to taint it and use it for evil.

Let's rape and murder conscious robots
Lets nuke innocent civilians in Hiroshimo and Nagaski


you sell it to terrorists. then you accuse the terrorists of having nuclear material and you kill them. then you take everything they had and repeat the process

>Expend nuclear arsenal
Get a life Hippies. Or better end it.

I think I can make it out of three gallon hugs n 6 trash bags.

Wanna know a funny joke?

The Iranians had no idea how to make a nuclear weapon.

Then, a CIA asset, who had Nuclear designs made a sale with an Iranian. The Nuclear designs he sold them were "fake" but the Iranians found a way to reverse engineer them.

If it wasn't the CIAs meddling in the first place - the Iranians would be 20-30 years back in the Nuclear Arms race.

Since then, Jeffrey Sterling was arrested for talkign with James Rosen ( a reporter) .

Can the CIA get anymore incompetent?


But I was told hillary clinton would start a nuclear war! Surely trump will keep us safe by brazenly encouraging nuclear proliferation and pissing off as many countries as possible.

Recycle and use in new rockets or in nuclear stations. We have a full cycle of all nuclear materials.

why the fuck are you pissing your pants, nerd?

what good is having nukes if they're gettin' rusty?

even if we get nuked, I still want mutual-assured destruction

The cancer my grandad got from being in close proximity to nuclear tests was also a hoax.


U sure we don't want Iran to have nukes?

>checks fb
>celebrity gossip confirmed!
i hate millennials

We will go to war with enemies and strategic locations instead of countries that should be allies like Russia.

>When I say something contradictory I am playing 4D-chess
>When someone I don't like says something contradictory they are either stupid or a hypocrite.

I love it.

Damn. You're right.
Getta load of this guy

Me no likey.

Its a joke about Ucraine. And this is ouir new type reactor where we recycle it. Youll get it may be in next century



He's not saying he wants a nuclear war, just that we need to up our arsenal. Which is true. We aren't going to have leverage with other niclear countries if half our arsenal is decommissioned and the other half is, at best, late 80s tech that would get BTFO by any modern missilw defence system. I'd feel much safer knowing missile defence and our nuclear arsenal is up to par. Disarmament is a fucking meme.

I just find it funny. I don't care if this world gets nuked, blast it all to hell Ivan!



You are retarded


No we couldn't destroy the planet, not even close

i hope he means nuclear power

Of course we dont care about you. Its your problems. We have Siberia to save ourselfs.

post yfw trump was for nuclear disarmament before being redpilled on the ayy lmao situation. now he's talking about updating and improving nukes


>right wing current year
before the election conservatives were on their intellectual guard against liberals. a conservative victory has lead them to complacently revert back to dumber bush era thinking. should have known it would come to this. you are suffering from liberal logic, user

>Selective nuclear war

My favorite:

>Trump supporter tells huge lie
>Someone corrects them
>"Aha! I just tricked you into saying that!"

Fuck yeah!

Trump-Putin alliance to obliterate Europistan into ashes!

The world is never going to come to its senses regarding nukes without some dystopian one world government shit

Which I'm actually okay with, I'll take the small threat of being vaporized and our collective progeny being tasked with rebuilding over being a worker bee in a perpetual broken society of subjugated humanity any day

>the world needs to come to its senses regarding nukes
>I'm going to buy a shit load more though

drumpf logic

the time of humongous is here.


Or some congressman who lives in a state that manages the nuclear stockpile got his ear and now we're gonna spend a whole bunch of money on that state.

Russia has been modernizing its nuclear arsenal. It only makes sense for America to do the same.

>>trickle down economics

Siberia will be a river of nuclear fire.


They have a lack of rocket techs. And also lack of pluton(ium? im not sure in english)
Minuteman sucks hyperspeed rockets are not ready.
But I think they will do it. They have enough cleaver lads.

>Since Clinton lost this might go away.
Yeah, no. If we're going full into nuke development, there's only one reason we'd do that. Pushing for the return of the Cold War. American dissent safely suppressed under the ever-present shadow of death amidst a state-controlled media.

We're fucked.

Have you seen map?

So just delivery systems?

Great, you guys really did vote for a complete retard. World War 3, here we come.

Are you dumb? We have enough miles to burn the world two times over, we are as fucked as it can be, making more doesn't mean jack shit.

i honestly thought a significant population voted trump for ww3

praise KEK

But you must respect the choice of America. You are tolerant european. You respect on man fucking another in the ass so whats the problem with rockets?

You started the chain effect, gramps.

When was trump ever for nuclear disarmament

It isn't the making more that's an issue. It's why you'd be making bigger weapons. You'd be making them to either begin a global cleansing, or to eradicate Russia. Because Russia is America's key nuclear rival.

So it isn't about the bombs. It's about the narrative. It's about control. The excuse to exercise absolute control.


Of course...

At least our government doesn't make us get a licence in order to buy a TV.

Fucking britbongs.

>get a licence in order to buy a TV.
Its true?