>White bitch and sheboon arguing in a store >White hoe calls the black female a nigger >A physical confrontation begins and the sheboon quickly wins >Black female shows some muay thai skills, white bitch receives a knee to the face >Sheboon grabs the white hoe by the hair and drags her out of the store >White bitch receives a kick to the head and a punch to the face on the street >Black female decides that the white woman already learned her lesson, and she stops, leaving the white bitch on the pavement
Racist bitch was completely destroyed. Webm related
>get called a nigger >start acting like a nigger every time
Isaiah Howard
Sorry I mean to say black apes
Austin Reyes
>america >everybody is fat
Ian Powell
>Chilean Army I'd kill your entire dickless country with one AK-47 you taco nigger.
Jaxon Campbell
Kys Texas
Xavier James
Why do black people get so offended by the word "nigger"? They refer to themselves as it. They don't seem to realize that the purpose of appropriating a term is to devalue it of it's intended meaning.
Adam Davis
Hurt people, hurting people
Carter Fisher
>Women gets her asses handed >first thing she reaches is her material goods >women every time