What is rational way to deal with todays society culture?

What is rational way to deal with todays society culture?

I find it deeply depressing that all around I see vapid people whos only goal is to be "edgy" "cool" "rebel"
Looking at these people really puts me down all these broken souls that for sake of fitting in some made up mold lead totally degenerate life [ Pic related ]

Where do you guys find normal rational people that don't think you need to GET WASTED BROO to have fun or fill your Ego.

All this forced normie culture is hard to digest because its just so wide spread, seems like everyone is trying to jump on same degenerate train like people can't find fun in simple things like comming over and just discusting philosophy or doing some project together.

I wonder how does society function at all with this kind of people because vast majority behave like this seeking hedonism

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>I find it deeply depressing that all around I see vapid people whos only goal is to be "edgy" "cool" "rebel"
You do know what board you're on, right?

And your point is?


Not even kidding about this, met my girlfriend at a christian students group meeting. Men of your age will be in shortage there.

Alternatively, just move to bavaria.

See, and that's why they suffer like a pile of shit. Don't be sad, but be pitiful and know that you're far more superior than these.


>What is rational way to deal with todays society culture?

Read good books (Plato, Aristotle, St Thomas Aquinas, etc), watch Shakespeare and drink a cold soda while watching the world burn.

reap what you sow, eternal anglo

about right desu
