my favorite german goy channel made a video and surprisingly enough I find it fair.
whats pol's take on it? i
my favorite german goy channel made a video and surprisingly enough I find it fair.
whats pol's take on it? i
and every year the share of people able/willing to work drops
just war my shit up already
thanks for blessing my thread with your digits. that being said, people probably just watch it right now.
lol what a buch of bullshit
when europe had a population boom there were no gibsmedat countries and thus people worked hard to prosper
now that whities have enabled shitty countries to reduce mortality rates this countries only export their poverty to gibsmedat country, 0 incentive to prosper whatsoever
fuck this jewish crap comparing europe to africa
a dane not insulting me
has pol become a board of peace?
>we're not special, we just had a head start
So basically
>invent or create "thing" first
>every single other human society and civilisation as you had the exact same time and resources to make "thing", but choose not to
>can't take credit for "thing" being made because the fact it now exists means there was a 100% chance it was going to exist (by this logic)
>and therefore anybody could have done it
>everyone copies you
>but you're not special?
The rest of it makes sense but that line was weird.
I don't like these anti-overpopulation campaigns because they're always targeted at middle class white people, the last fucking group we need to stop breeding. If liberals really wanted to stop overpopulation they'd be funding spay/neuter campaigns in Africa.