It amuses me how Sup Forums is furious whenever a terrorist attack happens in a white country and doesn't accept the...

It amuses me how Sup Forums is furious whenever a terrorist attack happens in a white country and doesn't accept the refugees that are coming to Europe for help when the real problem is America. They are the real terrorists. You can't expect Muslims not to retaliate when you bomb their countries daily. Use your brains for once, bigots.

So true Potatobro. I'm honestly sick of Pols bullshit

omg so true

Omg so true

Right, well that's why we go Trump to try to end the neocon conquest.

But don't forget that the terrorists are being intentionally imported. That obviously has to stop as well.

All I want is for Trump to defend our nation and close the borders and leave muzzies to kill each other away in their lands, since they have done that for thousands of years.

>car bomb goes off in distance

If the US didn't exist you'd be blaming someone else.

>what are IDs

Nice meme faggot. Disregarding that lets not forget who are the worlds largest (((white))) terrorists.