Why are most of the voting population absolute idiots?

Why are most of the voting population absolute idiots?

It doesn't matter what side they are. If they are Republican or Democrat out of tradition, or if they can't write a simple paper on their preferred candidate and his/her beliefs, or even explain the history of the United States, or don't even understand what the words 'capitalism', 'socialism', and 'communism' mean, what on Earth are we doing letting these people affect our nation!?

Right now, you guys are a niche. It doesn't matter what you believe, you're doing a lot better than most people.

How do we make America more politically aware, informed, concerned, and thoughtful?

You think you got lucky with Trump because we managed to get more of these kinds of people on our side than the other? Look at local elections. Look at past changes that this voting populace of idiots who scrape the surface of everyday life have done. They have voted away some of the most basic American rights.

You could go to California and see a state where the LAPD are shooting unarmed people left and right, and where their citizens have proudly and happily voted away their second amendment right.


Almost every issue has successfully distracted people away from the most important issue at hand:

The people.

The people, the ones with true power, the ones who vote.

In unity they all claim that the people have no power and that there's nothing to be done. That's a problem. While our Americans are being raised and educated improperly, they are also giving up on their American values.

If you think I'm looking in the wrong direction, then care to tell me why?

Why is it not a problem that the people, the ones with voting power, are not making informed decisions with their votes?

To be fair it has always been like this. Thats the reason the founding fathers made us a Republic and not a Democracy. It was so the people who were educated on politics could influence those not on who to vote for.

>Why are most of the voting population absolute idiots?

Brainwashing, MSM, propaganda, organized religion.

>Thats the reason the founding fathers made us a Republic and not a Democracy.

They should have set up a monarchy because people can still vote in this country even though it's not a democracy.

That might have been more effective, but they hated monarchies because of what they had just went through

Ignorance surely would've been problematic back then, but I think our nation has evolved to a point where our people can be educated if improvements were made. We certainly can't educate them all, however.

Or, what are other solutions?

America just wouldn't be America with a monarchy, and it would be even worse if our politically apathetic population was living under a monarchy. We would be putting ourselves in a situation for abuse, because most of our people wouldn't care enough to fight it. Most of them don't care enough to fight current corruption.

>How do we make America more politically aware, informed, concerned, and thoughtful?

By law, mail a "cheat sheet" sample ballot to each registered voter sometime before the election.

The purpose is to fill it out, or at least fucking look at who will be on the goddamn ballot.

They should do their research on the candidates, fill out the sample ballot, take it with them and copy it to the real ballot.

Some people are so ignorant they don't know which party is fielding which candidate or what they even stand for. Most likely to be new voters in that group.


I don't want to be a Eurocuck....

It's an interesting solution, but most of these people are media-heavy. If they are given a list of candidates, they may learn a few things about them, but if they didn't take the time to Google a candidate when they heard of them on CNN, they probably wouldn't if it was on a cheat sheet.

If there was testing involved I'd be very interested to see how that would work. You would have a much lower number of voters, but all of them would be able to pass a simple test.

I think this a thread that can be neutral, can it? Anyone can get behind the issue of educating the voting population.

Sure. The real underlying issue here is mind control. I forget the exact date, but in the very early 1900s, J P Morgan commissioned a group to study what would be needed in terms of media control in order to control public opinion. They came back with a report that control over something like 12 major newspapers of the time would do the trick. So J P Morgan bought up control over them.

And that's just one vector. Our entire modern education system goes back to things like Kindergarten, where the point is to shatter a child's mind so that the child will believe whatever he is told. Same group that gave us propaganda -- more mind control.

Gee if only poll taxes and voter testing weren't both racist and illegal your idea might have some merit. The only acceptable method of governance is direct democracy with one person, one vote where all votes get counted otherwise the Russians win.

It is what it is and seems to suit everyone

only a third bother to vote anyway

they're too busy. They're going to live forever apparently. Someone else will fix things. They're looking for someone to make them rich and famous. Surf's up. Need new tats. Have to score. Play games

You do realize that the largest part of them voted for Hillary. That would be the stupidest part according to your premise.

That's what I've been working hard to change. My childhood used to be spent wanting to teach, but now I want to go beyond that (especially since our schools in this nation are deplorable).

It's horrible. Your average person is wielding a supercomputer in their pocket with instant access to a treasure trove of information about anything. Has this affected the population? Certainly, I'm far from saying that the internet has made little impact. But it certainly is being underused.

People need to want to learn and do research about things they currently do not feel that way towards.

>Why are most of the voting population absolute idiots?
stop shitting on the American dream asshole. you can go fuck yourself.
being a complete idiot and being able to become president is what America is about.

I don't think most people who voted for Trump or Clinton are informed voters. There's always going to be this treasure trove of uninformed voters that could be swayed towards a certain side.

I don't want to say that. I wish I could say that most of the people who voted for a specific candidate knew exactly what they were doing. But there are too many people who voted for Clinton when they have beliefs similar to Jill Stein, and too many people who voted for Clinton who would like Trump if they looked at him without a filter. And too many people supported Trump when they would've supported Clinton, and too many people supported Trump because their daddy was a Republican.

And what are we left with? A small percentage on both sides that actually understand what they are doing when they fill out a ballot.

I don't like seeing these people on both sides. I went to one Trump rally and I saw so many people on my side that I absolutely could not have a functioning conversation with. If someone put a gun up to my head and forced me to talk to the oldest, largest supporter in that room about Trump's education policy, I wouldn't be able to do it.

I met some good people, though, but living in Florida really makes it hard to find people on my side and who KNOWS why they are on my side.

A tremendous number of people also vote for one side because the other seems even worse.

But indeed if I can watch some Trump rallies and shitpost on Sup Forums and not even bother reading the published policy on the website, I should not so consistently be able to be the first Trump guy people meet who can mount a cogent and reasonable argument for why he's not literally Hitler and why his proposed policy directions are a good idea.

>How do we make America more politically aware, informed, concerned, and thoughtful?
get rid of radio and television this is what cause the entire world to lean towards entertainment as a way of life rather than politics and self improvement

>what on Earth are we doing letting these people affect our nation!?

>published policy on the website

I do this but I never rely on it. I don't want to get my information from a person strictly from that person (and his employees). So they should also take a gander at Wikipedia for information as well, because of it's neutrality rules you can pretty much read any article on any politician and have it come out the same:

>People like them
>People don't like them
>Here's everything you need to know
>Here's information from people who like and don't like them

I always found Wikipedia to be pretty damn solid when it comes to researching during an election.

But then again you have the problem of people not able to read an article and interpret it as it is written, there's a literacy problem there.

I really don't see people talking much about this problem in general.

Why is that?

Even when it comes to the topic of education, there's very little said about the importance of a voting public that is informed.

You need control of the media or else you're pushing shit up hill. They are SO dumb.

This is why people keep polite conversation so shallow, you want to like people and have a nice day and not punch them in the head.

My day isn't usually ruined by shitty people. I wish more people thought like this without resorting to murder. We can't live our lives passively, ignoring so many patterns in everyday life just to be polite and happy.

Ah people don't care. Workday's over in EST timezone for most 9-5 workers so maybe it'll change.