>German girls holding large black Kochs
what a surprise
Never trust a woman with a loaded weapon.
>free guns
cant wait to see the crazy kraut saying
>as one gun gets stolen, the other cop puts the magazine and shoots (as if they could shoot anyway)
will sage just in case
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH this is literally more cucked than Sweden. Atleast their police still has guns with magazines attached
Probably saw this and decided its better for everyones safety to not hand out ammo to them
Well done, Son.
The entire idea of having police present is dumb and retarded, everybody knows they don't do shit for security. It's a bluepill for the population, no need to have them actually be ready to do anything.
Now this is a fpbp
I am so proud of our successful emancipation
I don't get it.
>that operator tier lean back not aiming stance
It looks like she's never even handled a firearm before.
This is why Ahmed is outbreeding you.
Are those magazines on their neck guards?
nice one
Holy shit. Do ghost guns now have ghost clips?!! THEY MUST BE BANNED!!!
They dont, they basicly have no firearm training.
My gf is in the Mecklenburg state police, the first time she saw a gun in her live was when she got one and had to carry it.
its Kevlar I thnik
The rectangles on the front of them? Seems oddly shaped.
I really hope that's fucking hyperbole.
Germanies Autism is legendary.
To become a police officer you have to take gazillions of intelligence tests , inspeactions, health checks etc.
Only the top 10% pass ,aka the supposed l33t
But somehow the l33t police notoriously fail and make headlines of their stupidity
Is IQ just a meme?
I wish
Erster Post bester Post.
They are not stupid, they simply dont learn it, and if they go shooting with a .22 one time a year
>Only the top 10% pass
That's probably not counting the forced diversity hires.
that woman.
strong balance.
How can anybody, who cannot operate a gun work for police.
oh wait its germany after all.
Why don't we just turn Germany into a total satire state of left wingedness because it's almost already there.
Just cuck everything already. Then reverse cuck it. Like have a nigger being cucked by a white.
>big large
Cuckold porn has fucked up your mind
The sad thing is most yuropoors don't realize this without it being pointed out to them which is why this is an effective deterrent for them. Sadly for yurope this doesn't work on sandniggers, they probably have seen guns before.
Who would of thought book smarts isn't as good as real world experience. I'm actually shocked that a faggot uni student can get a job where they might need to operate. Should only hire exmil.
It's only 9mm anyway.
It's only getting worse, even in conservative stronghold Bavaria they were talking about getting more immigrants into the police, no citizenship required. That plus the usual STRONK WOMYN bullshit will ultimately destroy our police. I just hope it all burns down before police and military are 100% ethnic non-Germans.
Germany YES!!!
This. See
Germany YES!!!
The name of the people who made it is Koch and Hechler if I recall correctly.
the two woman who graduated ranger school in The US should have been removed. She fucking called artillery on her own location during simulation.
We are truly fucked when women join the infantry.
Dam Son. (where is that pic?)
Real operators don't need to lean forward for balance
Straight outta /k/
You're German you should fucking get it
They do this because the muslims in their security services are more likely to shoot people than they would be if they didnt call any soldiers out at all.
So they put them out on the streets for a propaganda victory, meanwhile no one is actually any safer, its purely perception, and false perception at that.
They couldnt trust them with loaded weapons.
Joke aside the clip is in the holster to their right. It would take 2 seconds to load.
2 seconds cost your life
The person on the right, is that a dildo attached to their belt? Must be Swedish police.
Two seconds are an eternity in a firefight.
those ellbows spread apart.
i wonder how long she lasted in that position.
to be honest, having the female police just standing around without a mag is the safest and smartest thing you can do.
>not giving women any ammo
this is a good idea honestly.
it takes less than 2 seconds for a roided/drugged up allah snackbar to kill them with a fucking knife.
Its not like she's gonna stop a truck with a mp5.
MP5s are a bitch to load. You gotta rock it in and its inconsistent. I can see an inexperienced/panicked LEO taking well over 2 seconds to go from green to fire. Plus its the wrong weapon to use in an outdoor situation like that.
Also, why the fuck are they in full gear minus helmet? What the fuck good is that gonna do?
They're wearing truck-proof aprons...
This is security theater.
After 9/11, all those National Guard standing around didn't have loaded weapons either. Nothing special about this.
Doesn't stop Sup Forums from acting like retards though.
>This is security theater.
>After 9/11, all those National Guard standing around didn't have loaded weapons either. Nothing special about this.
>Doesn't stop Sup Forums from acting like retards though.
The picture in the OP has resulted to a massive outrage on German social media and Facebook etc. The two women have already been temporarily suspended and disciplinary proceedings have been initiated. They may even lose their job.
Helmet's not gonna stop a bullet. Unless there are bombs going off, there's no point in having one.
did you really need to demonstrate what a mp5 with a magazine looks like?
Prove it Hans
The LEOs who stopped the Nice truck used SIG Pros chambered in 9mm. I don't see why a MP5 also chambered in 9mm would do any worse. Don't shoot the truck, shoot the driver.
>Unless there are bombs going off, there's no point in having one.
And you know thare aren't any because...?
Polizistinnen mussten nach peinlichem Vorfall zum Rapport
Die Reaktionen auf das Foto im "Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger" seitens der Exekutive folgten prompt. "Wenn etwas passiert wäre, hätten sie nicht die erforderliche Sicherheit geben können - weder anderen, noch sich selbst", sagte Polizei-Pressesprecher Wolfgang Baldes am Donnerstag. Die Beamtinnen seien im Umgang mit der Maschinenpistole ausgebildet, sie hätten also wissen müssen, wie die Waffe zu tragen ist. Ihnen sei schlicht ein Fehler unterlaufen, so Baldes. Die Polizistinnen des Wachdienstes wurden am Donnerstag zu einem "klärenden Gespräch" mit ihren Vorgesetzten zitiert.
Good point.
He is lying
> Unless there are bombs going off
Thats kind of exactly what I expect.
Yeah that's right, because terrorists never use bombs do they?
>Helmet won't stop a bullet
Sure kid
I see no problem here with the added safety feature.
And there's that.
>she called artillery on her own location during simulation
...can I have sauce on this? I need a hearty laugh
I thought you pronounced it like "coke"
My whole life is a lie.
[spoiler] You misquoted [/spoiler]
>Vagina armor
>No ammo
I'm sure that says a lot about the german mentality in general.
FPBP as usual
100 years of feminism can't reverse 100000 years of evolution
He's partially correct. US Army ACHs and most other NATO helmets won't stop a full power cartridge like 7.62x51. Of course, there's not a lot of brick walls that would stop that round. Still, partial truth.
Helmets are made of Kevlar today and can stop bullets. This isn't WWII anymore
you are now aware
>yer money
and its not even a joke
>I thought you pronounced it like "coke"
It is, don't listen to those assholes. They just don't want you to be happy.
I can't find a source, no one has written about this.
Though ask anyone who was at Fort Benning last year and they will tell you exactly that
They should not have passed ranger school
Maybe something small caliber and weak like 9mm Wolf
This is the most deserving (you) i've ever given.
But if terrorist see you are not shooting, he will not shoot! Germony is of genious!
Jesus that is painful to watch.
Your results may vary.
I don't think they're all that bad.
Good work
don't be too hard n them. They probably can't even shoot.
I've encountered too many soldiers unable to handle their rifle in a decent way I doubt these police girls that are solely there because of woman quota passed any gun test.
Germoney YES!!!
Did it work for you senpai?
>The sad thing is most yuropoors don't realize this without it being pointed out to them
Kek, you think libcucks in your cities would?
why'd they get some death star technicians to defend germany?
Because if someone throws an IED into the big hole, Germany will cease to exist.
Star wars cosplay?
das rite
im nogunz but i would issue shotguns
>crowd control
>maybe slug inside
>maybe salt inside
>maybe /k/brand forestfirestarter inside