Why has Christianity always been losing to islam?

Christianity has pretty much consistently lost to islam.

If you look at the rate of expansion given the amount of time, you realize Islam spread much faster than Christianity.

Even with the power of the Roman Empire, Christianity still didn't spread that fast. Imagine if Christianity was never adopted by Rome. Would it have spread that much at all?

Lands like Turkey and Lebanon were once Christian.

>Why the fuck is Christianity so god damned inferior

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You take that back, clockboy

The real question is who cares? They are both retarded religions


Because cuckstianity is a weak tolerant gay lovin nigger feet licking religion

Spain used to be Muslim

Similar reasons as to why Christianity dominated pagans, minus the fact that Islam failed miserably in Europe

>Even with the power of the Roman Empire, Christianity still didn't spread that fast.

Christianity spread to pretty much every part of the world in the 1700s and 1800s.

Consider this:

When Muslims invade Christian lands, they find wealth, knowledge and a taxable populace.
When Christians invade Muslim lands, they find sectarian violence, poverty, ignorance, etc.

There just isn't the incentive.

Who cares? What an incredibly stupid thing to say

It's pretty easy to explain, as Christians we are taught to love, forgive and share salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord... Meanwhile the muslims just hack the shit out of us and everyone else. It seems in the short run their method gains some terra firma.

But Spain was Christian before the Muslims took over. It took the Christians 700 years to reconquer it.

for one Christianity has never been united like Islam has. the caliphate was one giant political and military union.

second European countries war against one another more than do the a foreign enemy, and then factor in how many people from disease back then, and it's no wonder Christianity couldn't handle the Muslim horde.

You know you are one of the dumbest people on Sup Forums right? You Icelandic pseudo intellectual

Despite what is taught almost everywhere today, Christians wanted to get rich first and then kill some Muslims if they stood in the way. Muslims have always wanted to kill Christians first, and then get our lands.

So Christians have been on the defensive in most occasions throughout history. Libtards will scream 'muh crusades!' but that really was just a drop in the ocean compared to Muslim campaigns.

As for spreading fast in the beginning, don't forget Christians played the 'good guys' role to get followers, while early Muslims just raped and killed their way to religious unity.

So how does Christianity need to change in order to compete.

Because so far things are not looking good at all.

The Rise of Islam and the conquest of all of the Christian lands by the Muslims can be attributed to one man; Byzantine Emperor Phocas. He plunged Byzantium and the Sassanid empire in to a 26 year war, and immediately after Heraclius deposed Phocas and won the war, the Muslims invaded and destroyed the reeling armies of the respective empires. Phocas was the downfall of Christianity.

>American Education

Fuck off Adam Saleh

Didn't the Christian invasion and burning of Christian Constantinople do a lot of damage too.

And then wasn't there also that Hungarian guy who made cannons for the Muslims ?

I'm not wrong you know. I never said islam always won.

Learn to fucking read.

Your not Christian, you a ice nigger faggot pagan, stfu and go back to fisting your boyfriend.

Christianity enables a very stable evolutionary strategy unlike Islam.
>Christianity has pretty much consistently lost to islam.
Militarily? Iberia was reconquered, Muscovy killed it's neighbours, then colonisation, today africa is adopting christianity, in Nigeria the north is semi-feudal shithole like the middle-east while south is relatively modern.
>Even with the power of the Roman Empire, Christianity still didn't spread that fast.
Roman empire wasn't enabling it in any way before Constantine.
>Why the fuck is Christianity so god damned inferior
I'm atheist, but you don't live what you preach. Sexual liberation in the 60ties goes directly against the pillar of christianity: 1man + 1woman until death. The west has been absolutely secular for the last 50 years.
Read some of Unwin's works.

Some kind of Byzantine-Persian alliance would have strangled Islam in its cradle and it would be a footnote to a footnote today. Let this be a lesson for Russia and the USA.


It's quite simple: Christianity teaches peace, love, tolerance, and following the example of Christ's life (who was never violent, always turned the other cheek, etc) in one's own life. This eventually leads to a quite prosperous yet passive culture.

Islam on the other hand teaches domination, subjugation, waging jihad against one's enemies, and following the example of Mohammed's life (a pedophile who waged wars and killed countless people) in one's own life.

Who do you think is going to win between those two?

Neither of those would have happened had it not been for Phocas. Sure, those events spiraled in to even worse times for Chrstianity, but had PHocas never become emperor, and the Byzantines never fought the Sassanids and rather destroyed the Muslims, Christianity could have become more. OH, and Zoroastrianism would actually be mainstream still.

christians are cucks. they literally worship a black virgin jew that got cucked.

Thats alot of hate coming from a tolerant chirstcuck. We're all one race time to go kiss some refugee feet


>Roman empire wasn't enabling it in any way before Constantine.

Kek, you act like that means anything. They enabled it for hundreds and hundreds of years.



It's ok :)





>Kek, you act like that means anything
It does, Rome was anti-christian before the critical mass of population converted. Are you a retard?
Anyway, read Joseph Daniel Unwin's works.


Nothing you have posted goes against what I have said.

Overall islam has been pushing out Christianity.

Are you posting this just to make yourself feel better? I really don't see why




And then it was pro Christian for hundreds and hundreds of years...

Islam spreads through forced conversion and take-over of enemy territory.
Christianity has always spread through basically wandering hippies telling a message to anyone who would hear it.

thats fucking scary to think that islam could have been so dominant

So you can't even have a conversation?

You are acting like a liberal sticking his fingers in his ears and going la la la.

This means things will always get worse and never improve


Compare the West to every cesspit with a Muslim majority.

Obviously Christianity is the better religion at creating nice places, but when it comes to spreading and taking over it has trouble.

completely true. Their victories are temporal though. It's got to be a bummer to meet a Judeo Christian God after your last words were allahu akbar

France the UK cucked all muslims for centuries. You're only free now because we let you be. Time didn't stop in the 1500's.

pre-islam the entire middle east were christian co-existing with judaism. then the merchant, soon to be warlord, muhammed came with his radical new and fresh warmongering religion and practiced various forms of jihad to undermine and take over the settlements.

Even the whole meme about the eastern roman empire falling to the MIGHT of the islam warmachine is a dumb meme. Just a few decades prior to the conquest the black plague had wiped out almost the entire city of around 13 million of people and left less than 10 000 soldiers defending the walls against 80 000 soldiers. after that it was free passage into mainland europe where they were busy with infighting.

Islam brutally slaughtered it's way through the middle east. Christianity spread peacefully throughout the roman empire even tho many emperors tried to do their best to hunt them down. Islam would never spread peacefully and it could never spread if it was opposed.

>completely true. Their victories are temporal though. It's got to be a bummer to meet a Judeo Christian God after your last words were allahu akbar

You have only proof of this though.

The land taken back by Christians is far less than the land Islam takes.

Also, it sounds like you would be happy with an Islamic Europe as long as you get to go to heaven

>taking over
>implying violent subjugation is Christian
I'm ready for Armageddon myself - see God wipe this miserable rock clean.

The good pastor with big nukes.

***You don't have any proof of this***

let me clear that up for you, a fair portion of the middle east should be a sea of glass.

>>taking over
>>implying violent subjugation is Christian
>I'm ready for Armageddon myself - see God wipe this miserable rock clean.

Yes, but you are a self proclaimed pacifist.

No, that only applies to the thoroughly infiltrated Roman Catholic Church. Christianity does not advocate sodomy.

Because the people who adopted it (White people), are scared push overs.

Islam was literally founded by a warlord.

Don't forget that Christianity has also been losing to Judaism.

okay say you go back and instead of proxy fighting you send the full might of the european army and take over the entire middle east.
what now?
the entire region is filled with people thinking killing themselves alongside as many non-muslims as possible will send them to a heavenly harem and the place is barren with the exception of oil.

"Love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you.” ( Mt 5.44 , Lu 6.27 , Lu 6.3 ) “Do not use force against an evil man.” ( Mt 5.39 ) “Do not resist evil with evil.” “Forgive and you will be forgiven.” (Lu 6.37 ) “Do not be anxious about your life.”( Lu 12.22 ) “He who lives by the sword will perish by the sword.”
( Mat 26.52 ) “In everything do to others as you would have them do to you.” (Mat 7.12 )

All Christians are pacifists or they're not Christians.

Although technically true, many ppl believe the pacifism meme to be valid under every circumstance. It is not.

Jesus himself grabbed a whip and chased away the merchants that were trading at the temple

Jesus is God and has the authority to judge men's souls.
You're not.
You obey God, and God says
"Love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you.” ( Mt 5.44 , Lu 6.27 , Lu 6.3 ) “Do not use force against an evil man.” ( Mt 5.39 ) “Do not resist evil with evil.” “Forgive and you will be forgiven.” (Lu 6.37 ) “Do not be anxious about your life.”( Lu 12.22 ) “He who lives by the sword will perish by the sword.”
( Mat 26.52 ) “In everything do to others as you would have them do to you.” (Mat 7.12 )

didn't jesus tell peter to sheathe his sword because "now was not the time to use it"

Nope. We can't judge men's souls, that is why Jesus protected Mary Magdalene. We can, however, judge their actions and stop them if they are especially wrong.

Otherwise, fraternal correction as taught by Jesus would be an empty and pointless idea, which it is not.

The only time Christians fight anything by command of God is Armageddon.

>and stop them if they are especially wrong
“Do not use force against an evil man.”

At the last supper Jesus told them: “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.

It is meant to keep you from going nuts over some petty issue. Read the Bible in its historical context. A 100% literal interpretation of the Bible will never lead you to the truth. And to do a proper copy/paste like you're doing, you should at least speak Latin and Ancient Greek, which I bet you don't. Quotes taken out of context mean nothing.

Because the only reason you'd ever have a weapon in times when lions and feral dogs lurked the roads was to fight men when Christ had literally said
“Do not use force against an evil man.” ( Mt 5.39 ) “Do not resist evil with evil.”

>it is meant
It's meant exactly how it's said. There is nothing unclear or ambiguous about “Do not use force against an evil man.”
You are making excuses for your sin, because you can't bear the thought of actually having to follow through with the commands of your God when you find them inconvenient.


This was to fulfill a prophecy not to fight in anyway lol, read the context

Welcome to the world you live in.

>Islam started as a military cult
>Islam was ruled by absolute monarchs for hundreds of years
>Islam demands strict obedience of lay cultists
>Islam demands public displays of submission to the ruler
>Islam demands mandatory tithes to the absolute ruler
>Islam demands military service to the absolute ruler
>Islam demands public executions of heretics and apostates
>Islam demands a police state to brutally enforce Sharia law under penalty of mutilation

Gee, it's almost like some violent megalomaniac specifically wrote the rules of Islam to maximize political, social, economic, and military power of the cult leader so he could use wealth and power to legitimize his obviously bullshit religion by torturing and executing everyone who disagreed with him.

Maybe victory is not the best way to reckon the value of a religion.

If you're looking up the Greek, it reads the same way in Greek.
I know you desperately want it to be the case that you can justify violence in the world when it's convenient for you, but it's definitively sinful and you reject God by doing so.

If you don't have the sense to know the difference between protecting innocent life or murder then you probably shouldn't ever carry a weapon. There is a time for anger and self defense. 15 And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables;

Christianity is much, much worse than Islam, so it losing to Islam is a good thing.


Literally Sup Forums completely and utterly btfo by reddit.

Cuz whites are empathetic like little girls. Total cucks

You're rejecting God.

"Love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you.” ( Mt 5.44 , Lu 6.27 , Lu 6.3 ) “Do not use force against an evil man.” ( Mt 5.39 ) “Do not resist evil with evil.” “Forgive and you will be forgiven.” (Lu 6.37 ) “Do not be anxious about your life.”( Lu 12.22 ) “He who lives by the sword will perish by the sword.”
( Mat 26.52 ) “In everything do to others as you would have them do to you.” (Mat 7.12 )

pretty clear in the context that islam is a false religion made up by a false prophet who morphed it into a death cult when he could deceive people into submission by plagiarizing christianity and judaism. Islam is a tool of the enemy, the world hates Yeshua and Yahweh. Islam is satanic in nature. as others in this thread have noted, worldly violent conquest is hardly the yardstick to measure the "success" of the religion.

It is said that many would take the wide most traveled road, few would take the narrow less traveled winding path.


>Quran (9:29) - "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."

>Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing... but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun(the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)"

>Quran (2:216) - "Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not."

>Quran (4:89) - "They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks."

>Quran (5:33) - "The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement"

Fuck off.

Lmao did you even read the post? He quoted much worse things from the Bible than what you quoted from the Quran.

Also by the way can we pretend I have the Czech flag while I'm doing this? I'm normally doing this from Czechia & troll that "Czechia is the Sweden of Slavic countries" to make them look bad.

The Christian population of Earth has only grown with time. I don't know what your obsession with physical territory controlled is.

Saint Augustine and the Catholic Church has said since the 4th century that the highest calling is to defend the innocent through war. Essentially the reason Christianity lost initially was:

However Islam only expands through conquest Christianity uses both conquest and conversion. Moral of the story Christianity will ultimately win especially considering the self-destructive nature that Islam has in this global landscape.

>much worse things
No. Also, in Christianity, there is an Old Testament and a New Testament.
Guess which one Christians act on?

In the quran, whatever is the most chronologically most recent shit takes precedence for how muslims are supposed to conduct themselves.
Guess what I just quoted?

Who would think that invading a worn-torn country would allow you to conquer lots of land really quickly?
Who would think that offering people the choice to convert or die will win you converts faster than trying to convince people to convert?

Because Christianity doesn't have the nads even with all their technological might to do what is necessary. Glass the whole region enslave kebab destroy their entire civilization Reeducate the survivors .and make them cucks.

We did it to the nazi's I don't see why we couldn't do it to kebabs.

Why don't you tell us all what is 'necessary' oh great and wise random nobody?

Confused about this shit, if Christians only follow the NT then how were witch and stake burnings, stonings and all the other stuff practiced by the Christians of old times allowed?

You mean besides getting BTFO
Back2reddit friend

Shoo Huma.

>how were witch and stake burnings, stonings and all the other stuff practiced by the Christians of old times allowed
They're sinful morons.
If you think even for a moment even a tiny fraction of supposed Christians are rigorous or intellectually consistent in either understanding their faith or following its strictures - let alone both - I've got news for you bud.

>Military campaigns
>Literally slaughtering peasants who don't fight back

And history repeats itself all over again.

Ottoman Empire & the Caliphates don't exist anymore do they? So i wouldn't say Christianity is that pathetic

Also funny you mention Rome, Rome adopted Christianity when it already went to shit, West Rome falling is exactly why Islam took over so easily

Like when the Moors invaded Spain, in many areas there wasn't even any guards at the watch towers, it was completely in shambles post Rome, Moors pretty much walked in