Motherfucker. I bet you people have never seen this before.
Alex Jones lifted when he was a kid. He says he weighed 180lbs, could squat 600lbs and bench press 350lbs.
Anyone mocking this dude for being fat needs to up their game, you're not even close to him in his prime.
Zachary Jones
he played football in high school
Daniel Sanders
He swam 2 miles several times a week in high school.
Hudson Parker
lurk more faggot
Blake Ward
Alex Jones is the king of Sup Forums.
Ethan Thomas
Dominic Lee
Robert Adams
emphasis on WAS
Jayden Ortiz
That body is barely out of DYEL mode.
William Williams
>inb4 shittalking poltards Does he trigger you, low test faggots? A high T ALPHA always triggers all the manbitches
Alexander Phillips
Logan Allen
When I was a lad I ate 4 dozen eggs every morning to help me get large.
Now that I'm geown I eat 5 dozen eggs
So I'm roughly
The size of
A barge!
Jacob Edwards
>I bet you people have never seen this before. How fucking new are you? Shouldn't you be doing your homework?
Jordan Barnes
i wonder how many ninnies hes squashed
Jaxon Sanchez
I can understand letting your diet go and becoming fat because you want to enjoy food and drink
But giving up lifting and training completely? Fuck that.
Michael Wood
maybe he was tired of hanging around gay men
Tyler Nelson
Do you even know what a light is?
Wyatt Lee
Lifting sucks. How many times can you lift up something and not become bored out of your mind.
Jonathan Richardson
He looked great before the CIA killed him and had Bill Hicks replace him
Juan Perry
Alex was a natty Captain America.
Luke Thomas
If you're not a competitive person, you will never understand the passion.
It's about the constant progression, getting stronger, getting more muscular, beating what you could do before. Real tangible results for the effort.
Now if you've only casually trained, once in a while, gave no thought to proper nutrition and sleep you probably never got results. Once people follow a certain plan and get some gains they usually become hooked. If you never get any gains then you'll think it's a waste of time, naturally.
Besides the vanity and competition, it does feel good to have some physical activity at least for an hour or two a day when you've been sitting in a cubicle looking at spreadsheets all day.