
Turn super saiyan

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Nothing. He doesn't give a shit, that corrupted fuck has killed too much people to care.

Judo throw isis into the sun.

This could be the start of our long awaited Crusade. Should Putin pursue the muslims as I hope he will, surely it shall be the time when Our Holy Prophet Nataliya takes her place as leader of the Holy Crusade against the Heathens.

You guys know this is lining right up with Christian peophecy...right? I think he looks sad. And his enemies better think hard.





not much

Patiently awaiting Trump's inauguration so he can unleash Hell upon ISIS.

You think Trump condones the murder of an ambassador by radical muslims?



guys what have we done

we did this, didnt we

Praise kek

Obama's friends are doomed.

>You think Trump condones the murder of an ambassador by radical muslims?

I really don't think anyone expects him to condone it unless they're making some strange and weird argument I can't conceive of at this time

Also this is an article where someone read Trump's statement about the truck attack in and read the part where he called them 'Islamic terrorists'; then, as a grown man with a human brain and a developed conscious (hopefully), he managed to reason within himself that Trump was being anti-Muslim when he made this statement. He then went as far as to write an article on a website with a name he figured would be perfect to getting clicks (Politic US USA? I mean, who wouldn't wanna check that out?) about how Trump was "anti-Muslim" by making that statement.


Oh, and I fucking hate Trump. And here is like the fifth time I've defended him in the past hour. Here I am happy about some of the changes he will make. I've accepted it.

I was all about that Jill Stein. She was never likely to get even close to winning, though.



Murdered turkey?



The power of kek compels you