
Technically Sputnik was first up. Even if we didn't land on the moon first time I think we ended up the first anyway.

>Americans still unironically believe they landed on the moon and came back again in 1969

they did burger-san

touching some random worthless rock orbiting around earth is not a feat of enginering even by the era's standards.

>Technically Sputnik was first up
they did everything first. first man,woman in space. first animal in space. first manned orbit. first rover on moon. oh, they are the ones that beat the nazis too

>Americanz sent man to the moon in 1969
>I can't send benis into bagina in 2016


but they do.
although they lost the moon race

Also technically, if we're to believe both US and Soviets had their own operation paperclips it brings into question what nationality of scientists are responsible for the brunt of research and development the got anyone there

They did. Ruskies didn't saw the Moon as top priority and instead focused on space stations. It's like loosing the 100 meters race and then running 50 meters more and then declaring yourself a winner becouse your opponent went home.