Julius Malema taking control of Africa and kicking out the white corporations

Newest polling data shows the EFF gaining popularity in South Africa, especially with more people agreeing that Julius Malema is the Messiah of Africa.

They could win enough parliament seats in 2019 forming a coalition with the ANC to elect Julius Malema as the next President of the Republic of South Africa to prevent the white supremacist Democratic Alliance from taking over.

What are your thoughts on Malema running the show. He would give the farm lands stolen by white people back to Africans. He would take the mines away from white corporations. He would end national borders and unite sub-saharan Africa.

The richest continent in natural resources would be under his control. The world would tremble at a united Africa under the rule of His Excellency President Malema.

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They'll just become the next Nigeria, kek

Stop posting Britcuck. We realize you're upset to be living in your ugly cold cloudy wasteland.

You mean Rhodesia.

DA councilmen from Nelson Mandela Bay predict the DA will win the presidency in 2019.

Let's prove them wrong on election day my brothers and sisters.

>Successfully running a country

We'll trade our nogs for his whites. Deal?

More economic growth under Thabo Mbeki than any white state president.

Out you go ignoramus.

You know that after 3 months into office of this guys, they will be all starving and begging for food aid.

oh i'm sure the blacks will govern it super well