What are some good resolutions for 2017 for black people?

What are some good resolutions for 2017 for black people?

Make blacks kangz again!

don't do nuffin

Figure out how to undo all of Yakub's sinister mad science.

Start listening to Alex Jones

Following Malik Obama

"Stop blaming others for your own issues caused by yourselves".

Kill yourselves

Commit suicide before the end of January

New years resolutions are stupid. Probably not falling for the jew media would be an important idea.

Graduate from high school.

640x480 or 800x600 max

Learn English.

To evolve.

Stop asking me for change everytime I'm having a smoke on the front porch.

Any anons proficient in video editing should make a "Sam Hyde's resolutions for niggers" video

And Kanye West

I almost spit my beer out

Use a condom plz, i'm always itchy.

Stop existing

Eat less KFC

Learn what the knockout game is, and STOP DOING IT

Stop making cops kill you

don't fucking talk to me, I'm unstable

fuck more ugly white women

get more money for them programs


Don't commit crimes


Go back to Africa.

Hey hey, hey hey, smoke weed, everyday.

Stop rapping out loud to the music you're listening to on headphones

Go back to Africa where you belong. You have never been wanted here and it will only get worse

Stop killing eachother
Stop killing white people
Stop stealing
Stop raping
Also stop killing