Explain to me why some of you faggots actually believe Jews are destroying civilization.
Explain to me why some of you faggots actually believe Jews are destroying civilization
Because they control the international bank cartel, lugenpresse, and degenerate entertainment
because Sup Forums is always right
>Rex Tillerson former CEO
Holy shitfuck you guys got played like a fiddle
They control the central banks, so every couple of years they crash the economy and buy a large amount of businesses and property for next to nothing. Rinse repeat, buy all the media and distract people while pumping them full of holocaust stories.
The holodomor was actually real and a dozen holocausts in one but jews did that so nobody needs to hear about that one.
the shadowy group of people that control everything and are trying degrade us, aren't all jews. They are a diverse group of individuals. Not all illuminati/neocons are jews. Don't fall for the psyop. But don't be fooled there is a group out there in charge of all the banks and governments.
>only retards assume
>you guys
and you are?