RIP Human Civilisation

We had a good run

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>mfw trump makes super nukes
>mfw we take over reality with them


let it burn


>This is the timeline where Solidus won

>Hillary is a war mongerer
>Trump publicly tweets this bullshit
>pol defends it

Gets the gears grinding


Another low energy post from a low-test beta cuck! With testosterone levels as pathetic as yours it's no wonder you voted for Hillary - you wanted the taxpayer funded sex change right? Not on my watch Nancy! You'll have to take your hard earned money to Mexico to get your cock lopped off now - but if you make it back over the wall don't expect me or anyone else in my America to grab you by the pussy. Sad!

"Powerful weapons are a necessity for the sake of peace"

Why shouldn't I defend it? Obama cut our nuclear arsenal down. Trump wants to replenish it to pre-Obama levels. We didn't start a nuclear war before Obama, why would we now, with pre-Obama level nukes?

All he wants to do is raise our nuclear strike success probability. Nothing to get buttblasted about, my hippie friend.

The US's nuclear deterrent is a run-down shit show still using 1950s technology. Obama should have modernised it, but he was more interested in funding dem programmes and wars against people who aren't existential threats, like Iraq and Afghanistan. This is long overdue.

I'm kinda sphappy oked. He's actually considering it isn't he






thank god this man won. He isn't even the president and he is already entertaining me

no objections here

A large nuclear arsenal is the key to peace, dumbshit.

"Speak softly and carry a big stick."

Literally the same position Reagan took to end the Cold War but Millennial trash will cry about it anyway because they're not old enough to remember.

I hope he uses nukes, burn it all down.

Finally the payoff. All my putting up with this god damned moron and his idiot slaves will finally come to fruition.

Fuck em good, Orange Hitler! Burn this species to ash!

Doesn't make any logical sense user. The conclusion might be right but we can't determine the right thing to do based off of what Obamas done.

Well maybe Trump wouldn't have to publicly announce a significant revamp of the nuclear weapon program if Hillary didn't leak top secret nuclear response time during a live televised debate.

Nuclear war has been on since Hiroshima. New age nuclear war is slightly more humane, the depleted uranium munitions because at least they are used primarily against military targets and not civilians.

I would be OK with a full scale nuke war, just get it over with already, need a good depopulation and it's coming one way or another. Who is to say mass famine, plague or whatever is any better.

No value

> implying that we want New Zealand around

It doesn't matter. Soon his shills will burn with everything else. On to glorious victory! Mankind, allow me to introduce you to the Great Filter.

I was hoping he would put a Reagan and reduce the amount of nukes.

There is a method to his madness. He's been briefed. He now knows what he didn't know...what We Americans citizens will never know. I think he is simply referring to modernizing Obama’s plan to update the nuclear arsenal, projected to cost $1 trillion. He's not doing anything dangerous. It's his unconventional language and approach to the situation that is worrying to some.

Obama in 2009:
“As long as these weapons exist, the United States will maintain a safe, secure and effective arsenal to deter any adversary, and guarantee that defense to our allies.”

Trump, as read on the Obama end of the spectrum:
The United States will modernize but effectively maintain a status quo nuclear capability and force size relative to other powers, unless the world is ready to completely disarm.

What's wrong with a bit of murderfucking?

What doesn't make logical sense? Increasing our active nuclear stockpile would increase our nuclear strike capability. What, precisely, is your fear? That if we have a thousand more nukes on top of the thousands we already stockpile that magically nuclear war will commence? That if America's nuclear strike success probability rises from 90% to 99% nuclear war will suddenly break out?

What is your concern?

He's totally right though


Total nuclear Armageddon would be a step up from the impossibly painful slow death our civilization is dying right now

Hopefully I can finish school before the world ends.

>Trump tweets about nukes
>Yet trumpsters consistently say hillary is the war monger lol
Logic no longer exists

There is nothing warmongering about increasing our nuclear capabilities. That's just nonsensical. Delete your post.

Nukes only exist as a deterrent.

We need to have next level shit so everyone knows we still mean business.

>Build as much nukes as possible
>Actively warn everyone about how if America ever gets attacked, America will unleash its full nuclear arsenal on all of the countries associated with the attack
>Scare them all into submission, then have world peace seeing as no-one wants to fight the super power
It's pretty fucking easy. As long as you don't actually use them, or just even bluff it, it will work

Not sure whether to be more alarmed at the fact that he's pro-proliferation, or alarmed at his ignorance of the fact that the world already possesses enough nuclear capability to destroy civilization many times over.

>we need weapons until we won't need to use them
fucking calm down nukebuzzer

Famine and plague don't result in the actual destruction of the planet. It'd be more than just a good depopulation, it'd be the end


Nuclear weapons, since WW2, have always been and always will be a deterrent stupid. Why do you think Russia and the US didn't go toe to toe? Because neither side didn't want to be reduced to radioactive pile of waste.

This is a pointless talking point. If we halved our nuclear arsenal we'd still possess enough capability to "destroy the world several times over" at least theoretically. But in actuality, many potential targets are heavily armored and missile defense systems exist, and launch capability can be compromised, so probability of a successful strike is less than 100%. That's why we have so many nukes stockpiled in the first place.

You don't even know my stance on the issue yet you posted all that. I just said the reasoning that you posted was stupid you insecure faggot.

Trump is a clueless clown

You're not making any sense whatsoever. Just go back to posting dank memes, friend.

>Why shouldn't I defend it? Obama cut our nuclear arsenal down.

Completely untrue.

Google SALT Treaty. The Russians and the US agreed to mutual limits set by treaty and inspection. Of course that is destroyed now, and i'm sure we'll end up in another arms race like the '60s that we might not live through this time.

Pakistan has nukes.
Pajeet has nukes.
Russia has nukes.
Northside Kimmy has nukes.
Iran is working towards nukes.
Saudi Arabia is interested in buying nukes.

"The West should abandon its nukes."
"Oh, gee whiz, thanks Leftists. You know best."

>We didn't start a nuclear war before Obama, why would we now, with pre-Obama level nukes?

It's less about getting more of them and more about delivery and countering enemy nukes (if such a thing is even possible)

Designing better missiles (ICBMs), SSBN submarines, and satellites should be a priority over simply building more warheads. Imagine a country so technologically behind it only had air force bomber based nukes fighting a technologically superior enemy whose AA systems could just shoot them all down. I think nukes, lasers, and railguns could move in this direction in the next 10-50 years

Look at North Korea, 25M population, literally dependent on food handouts and welfarebux from China, they had a famine in the 1990s where at least 100k died. They got nukes in the 2000s and are slowly but surely building better missiles and warheads despite the ridiculous failure rate

More countries (Iran is just one) wish to acquire them. Trump suggested South Korea and Japan should build them. A revolution, collapse, or civil war in nations with high corruption like Russia, Pakistan, or India could lead to those countries losing weapons and terrorists or rebels acquiring them

Basically, I don't understand why people shat on Reagan's Star Wars (SDI, anti-missile defense project. Even experiments in this area are better than nothing.

What part of it didn't you understand. I kept it short especially for you retard.

>Many in America feel left behind
>Lets get more nukes


This, and it's why I think Canada and Australia should have nuclear weapons too.

Also, it should be obvious to even an idiot why Iran wants to build nuclear weapons, especially after their neighbor got invaded over their non-existent WMDs

MAD requires strong leaders without conscience. Big Boss taught me that. Nukes are love.

daily reminder that trump didn't know what a nuclear triad was in one of the republican debates even when the moderator literally gave him the definition as part of the question

Everyone should have nukes. If Iraq had actual WMD's or nukes the world would be a whole lot better. Like 5x better.

Cuck island BTFO

>ITT people still claim 9d chess

Come on man. I mean, is there any supporter out there that can say, "well he is kind of fucking stupid, but i still support him". Or "while I don't agree with this, he still has my support all the way through".

You don't have to gag on his cock to support him lads. I even came around to support him, but I will still critique.

I would love love love to have screencaps from Sup Forums in the timeline where Hillary said these things.

No we didn't. Nukes will give us another chance to start over. Next time we'll do it right!


I voted for Trump hoping he'd get angry and shoot off nukes.

I hope he ends all of humanity.

Nope. Shills aren't paid to allow even a sliver of doubt. All devotion is bought and paid for god damn it, trump is going to get his money's worth!

>This is the time line where skullface lust for revenge came thought

Isn't this the story of some MGS game?

Peace through strength.

Love live Trump!

They're not shills, they're mindless morons. In what world do we live in, where an American politician is never judged or critiqued, but instead hyped up every time he opens his mouth, no matter the content or context?? He's a politician now and whether he is in office officially or not, he's representing out country.

I guess everyone will just let him run free no matter what. Hard to imagine these stone cold supporters throwing out Trump gear when they realize he will not make these drastic moves he claims (outside of this specific one).

Well at least he's not a Leaf

>Implying Hillary wasn't the one who paid people to protest at Trump rallies
>Implying some random Sup Forumsacks got paid to support Trump
>Implying Hillary isn't the one backed by big business

No the majority of them bear all the hallmarks of paid shills. I'm sure there a few morons. But the majority of them are paid for consent.

>Muh whataboutism
Hello russia.

New Zealand is located on top of a MASSIVE supervolcano. Drop a nuke on New Zealand pretty much all of Oceania goes with it.

Prove that he's not talking about nuclear energy.

You realize nukes are the only thing that has ever prevented nuclear war, right?

You realize WWII was a nuclear war given that two nuclear bombs were used, and they were used because Japan had no nukes to fight back with

>having nuclear weapons is war

FUCk off nigger and put that goalpost in your butthole

Hello cuck

Si vis pacem para bellum

this is elementary shit

Like.. I want to know your thought process here.
What did he mean by that tweet according to you?

>building your military = warmonger
Are you actually retarded?



Nobody will say what's wrong with it, literally just ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW?


I was looking for this image, thanks

t. can't beat SA stage 5 on hard

>depleted uranium munitions
You are aware DU rounds are only used in 120mm anti-tank shot and 30mm AP rounds from the GAU-8, right? And the alternative to using depleted uranium in penetrators is tungsten, which is a heavy metal that is just as toxic if ingested through the dust that is left over after it strikes a target. "DU is inhumane" is a meme started by hippies to make you think its somehow more dangerous to civilians after the battle is over.

What is it your favorite cult leader says?

Kill your family? Oh wait, no that's not the one.

Not an argument.

I like how your kind keeps trying to pull a forgotten word into the mainstream the same way the media does with "fake news" or the left did with "nothingburger". Newsflash idiot: drawing parallels in an argument is not exclusive to the Russian government.

>Trump creates warp travel as a side effect of all the testing of super nukes and the United States becomes first to fly in an aircraft, first to land and on the moon, and first to become interplanetary space colonizers.

it's the first step, don't defend it when we already have the strongest military in the world with the most nukes


why are they floating?

this isn't even counter to anything he ever said while campaining.

who cares we already have enough nukes to wipe out the planet so what would adding more do

>someone who really knows what he or she is doing

Don't tell me what to defend. We already have enough nukes to wipe out the world and the world knows it. The purpose of proliferating nukes (or even nuke carrying vehicles or nuclear defense - who knows?) is psychological. Russia has no reason to buy into the proliferation game along with us like in the Cold War as our relations cool. Like us, they already have enough for military purposes. Trump ramping up the military - something he said he was going to do throughout his entire fucking campaign along with "peace through strength"- is a show of force, in this case mostly to the Chinese. These games with the Chinese will continue. And because we do not want territory from them, we are not competing ideologically, we are not in proxy conflicts, China won't engage. All of this is being done to retool China's economy to stop fucking over US interests. You can hold your "I told you so" until WW3 starts, because I guarantee you it never will with Trump in office.


So trump is going to stir up the chaos gods to attack Earth? It ain't called the Dark Age of Technology for nothing.

real views =/= posts made on Sup Forums

I would prefer not to have a nuclear arms race, bt our technology for storing nuclear weapons must be improved as an example

I suspect this is part of his negotiation strategy, the USA must be strong and respected for him to make the kinds of deals he wants, and also gives him something to back down from later as part of the negotiation


Good, I don't want to live in a world where niggers and Arabs are majority.
I would unironically prefer nuclear holocaust over Arab or nigger rule.