He... kinda does have a point, Sup Forums

He... kinda does have a point, Sup Forums.

No one cares what a bunch of idiot liberals want.

Tell me how you win by winning a plurality and not the majority?


Because the rest of america should need to do whatever the people in New York, California, and Florida demand them to?

>Trump wins the Electoral College
>But Clinton should still be president because some states REALLY wanted her to win super badly guys

Keep that faggot on Twitter. The fewer books he writes, the better.

By two state jew york and cucklaforina

Someone tweet him and say it doesn't matter who won the election, Kubrik was a superior writer

SAGE holy fuck stop replying to these fucking posts idiots

Because pure national democracy is shit and thankfully we have a federalist republic when it comes to electing the President and VP.

Sit down right here and let me tell you a story young 1-post by this ID man.

The electoral college was designed to prevent the more populated areas of the country from deciding the president for everyone else.

If we relied on solely the popular vote something like five megalopolis cities would decide the present every election with 97% of the rest of the country would literally have no say.

This is NOT a democracy, why do people not get that? This is a REPUBLIC. I suggest you research the difference.

He also authored a book that was entirely about the rape and near-death of a woman. So he's not exactly a good spokesman for liberals.

Loved what Kubrick did to his "The Shining" (hint: the red Volkswagen is under a truck.

Right, but that's including the five million pic related, and 3 million dead people that voted for her...



>mfw people are still responding to the same b8 thread over and over without saging

Yfw you realize in 2008....

>1 post shill bot, sage and hide.

oh really? are we a Direct Democracy now?
you won't like the results

>Trump would've won if we just got rid of most of the people in the country who voted
you people are pathetic

Trump won the majority of votes for the presidential election. The faggot in your tweet is referring to the election for California's presidential electors. In that election, democrat electors won by a few million votes.

It is a common mistake to make. I blame it on the public education system here.

A woman not getting rewarded for what she's earned, whilst a man gets to the top thanks to archaic power structures...

Hillary's experience is a shared one.

There is still much, much more work to be done.

good one lad

>what's wrong with this country?
It was never a direct democracy.
The education system failed you.

>Trump would've won
He did win

No he doesn't. Hillary only won the popular vote counting California. Throw away that state and Trump got more votes.
Also he won the electoral college so fuck off.

>Be Stephen King
>Make money writing books about people with guns
>Unironically want to ban guns
>Complain that things don't make sense while not making sense yourself
>Be an ugly, druggie niggerlover
Case dismissed.

Wow are you implying a black man isn't qualified to be president? Fucking racist cracker. I knew Hillary supporters are just the same as white people. They'd just keep the black people down and if they don't elect a white man it'll be a white woman.

Same thing that happened in 2008 happened in 2016.

Inferior rural and suburban retards with 20th century economies in which women aren't assimilated voted for a retarded male because the idea of a woman in power scared them too much.

The US is a country of 319 million people, shut the fuck up about 3 million. It's not like Hillary won by 20 million, focusing on the 3 million discredits the 50 or whatever million that voted for Trump completely. Faggot Stephen King.

There is so such thing as a national popular vote in America. Hillary Clinton won nothing.

Yeah she did great in states with zero voter fraud protection flooded with illegals who voted multiple times in multiple districts.

>3 million now

When will they learn?

What's 3 million votes when over 150 million didnt even cast a vote?

fuck off retarded straw grabber

> less than 1% of total population
Nice try buddy

should be ashamed he let them butcher under the dome like that

>Stephen KANG

They can't learn anything that hasn't already been programmed into them

3 million is less than one percent of the population, you donut.

It's called the United States for a reason. He won a majority of the states.

That cunt is everything that is wrong with America.

This guy gets it.
I fucking hate it when Americans think that America is a normal democracy.
America is an Constitutional Repulic.
>current year and people don't know this

Trump played chess while Clinton played checkers. It's not hard to understand.

>majority of the states
Well, no. He won the majority of electoral votes. The states are sort of weighted by the amount of representatives from each state. He did win the most amount of states, but that's not really as relevant.

Why are all the libshits constantly referring to the popular vote like it matters? This is their only talking point and it doesn't matter in the slightest.

It could be 6 trillion for all I care, as long as you don't win 50% + 1 vote you didn't win.

he wants to eliminate state sovereignty

he's a communist

eliminate him

>m-muh direct democracy
It's a basic fact from high school civics that this is not how our country is run. If the situation was the other way around, these people would be sitting on Trump supporters for not accepting this

okay then Trump didn't win either

Most of that 3 million was illegals. If you don't count California then Trump won the popular vote. California is a degenerate state. Their votes should count for less that the rest of the country. So basically you are saying that a bunch of illegals and degenerates should be allowed to choose our president? Fuck off.


>entire margin comes from California.

Sorry there king boy, but California still only gets 55 electoral votes.

I agree with you, Trump didn't win the popular vote.

this isnt a small socialist country, Heinrich

under r8ed post, desu famalam

It's like b8, but for every1

Something for every1

H8 obongo, it insults him, h8 trump, it insults him

>1 post by this ID.
Get the fuck out of here faggot.

he won >50% of the states tho so get fucked cry more ;^)

"What's wrong with this country?"


Yup, but he will be the President, because he met the Criterion that's been used for 230 years

>complaining about the rules of a game only after you lose

>muh popular vote!

yeah, but can you explain why there are two pacific oceans?


Why is the only famous person from my state a king cuck

If these same people wouldn't be outraged if Trump won the popular vote but not the electoral college then they're hypocrites who need to shut up.

>as long as you don't win 50% + 1 vote you didn't win
You're a retard Ahmed.

Wow, USA looks much better without commiefornia.

California shouldn't get to decide the rest of the country

That's BS democracy in action

>half of the country didn't vote
>what is a republic

If you havent realized we live in a Rpublic and not a direct Democracy until this election. Fucking kys

Strictly speaking about the popular vote.

Stephen, please go AFK again.

The world was almost a better place once people forgot about you.

>horror story writer thinks he knows anything about politics

Why are liberals so delusional?

>burger education

>Clinton won California by 3 million votes, that's MILLION

Fixed it for you. Clinton can keep that shit state

The popular vote literally means nothing, it's like bragging about running more yards in a football game, when you lost in points.

>319 million
>3 million not >1%


that stupid devotion to mob rule is why a black mob from africa now rules your country. democracy: two wolves and a sheep voting on what to eat for dinner. our system is better, it protects the minority. but then your system is better for simpletons who don't believe in individual rights.

Read my posts, dumbass.

SeeYou're both fat fuck americans who can't comprehend basic english

Holy fuck you are dumb

not a very smart man, is he?

I did, you are dumb as a brick


and those 3 million votes came mostly from illegals and dead people, both of which Democrats think count in an election.

Who knows how deep the rabbit hole goes, but the 3 million "lead" is trashed when you factor that in.

>calls Trump an idiot
>doesn't even understand the US is a Representative Republic

he won the popular vote in the states that mattered. and that's all that matters.

>California was literally the entire reason Clinton won

The Electoral College was designed so that huge states wouldn't control every election, and encourage campaigns to spread out around the country.

Trump won, get the fuck over yourselves.

That is not how the system works in Germany at all. Here we get some parties and the one with the plurality of the coalition that gets the majority of the seats is in power.

Trump is an illegitimate president who will be swept out of office by newly elligble Hispanics in 4 years.

No you are. I was mocking the popular vote crybabies.
I wasn't arguing against that.

How many fucking times do we have to have this pointless thread?

fucking sage and hide

[Citation needed]

wait a sec..huh? he does have a point now that you mention it.....

>muh 3 million

Holy fuck you are autistic. The only one you're mocking is yourself.