Sikh community wishes people Merry Christmas
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And? Sikhs are /bro/ tier
It's not really anything new, Sikhs just don't seem to be cunts.
Holy shit, bro-tier actually isn't a meme.
This picture looks oddly familiar from last year
Besides that, we have Sihk Defense Minister. Who removed Kebab all the way up to Lieutenant Colonel. You know he killed A LOT of muslims to obtain that rank
Non-Christians celebrating Christmas in record numbers is anally annihilating the radical left!
Based Sikhs, Buddhists and Hindus keep fighting the good fight. Fuck Islam.
Everybody knows Sikhs are cool.
There entire existence as a religion was formed as a sort of hindu reaction to Islamist violence.
They are duty bound to keep a knife on them to protect them from muzzies.
They are based.
He is still a dirty poo in the loo.
Merry christmas and a happy new poo
Who doesn't like holidays and celebrating shit?
Even jews dug around their own history and culture, and came up with Hannukah, which is neither particularly Holy or important, so they could fit in.
Sikhs are most normal faith you can find around atm.
Not sure about Hindus, are they pacifists too?
Why exactly people from other religions love Christmas? I'm confused
Sikhs have always been bros.
Sikhs understand and appreciate other religions as much as they do their own
It's important to westerners, and, therefore, the world.
Just like abolishing slavery.
yea islam is their mortal enemy
Tibetan Buddhist here (ethnic, not convert) I always (and make a point to) say Merry Christmas.
Happy Holidays is stupid, anyone offended by Merry Xmas can deep throat a chainsaw.
If you live in America, Christmas isn't really a religious thing for us, it is more tied to Santa and presents. Plus why get butthurt due to the origins of the holiday, it's fun.
Source: conservative Sikh in norcal
>tfw no Sikh bf
Happy Winter Solstice :^)
no they aren't. I've lived in a sikh community for years. The children are arrogant assholes who you want to beat the shit out of on a daily basis. And they smell like shit.
The ones who do shower douse themselves in shitty cheap axe. And all they talk about are cars they don't have and how rich daddy is. Fuck those guys. It only gets worse as they enter the teens/early 20's.
The arabs in my city are far better and could wipe them out in the race wars.
reminder that sikhs are legitimately bros
also daily reminder they even wanted brexit
Sikhism is a mixture of Hinduism and Islam. Its founder was a Hindu and a Muslim early in his life then he created his own religion.
This is Aleppo after govt won
I never seen or heard of Sikh terrorists anywhere in the Western world, which automatically makes them preferable to arabs
Besides, they hate muslims which makes them better than the average immigrant who doesn't have an opinion
Nice propoganda, Sandeep!
I don't mind that, actually, except you are a leaf.
Digits check out!
Keep fighting the good fight against forced PC culture Tibetanon
I live near sikhs too and they usually keep too themselves. High rate of autism in their kids though. They're bro tier in the sense that they hate muslims too.
Sikh's are pretty okay. I honestly like them more than a lot of "white" and "christian" groups.
Ok. So?
The sikhs only care for their own. I've never seen a sikh interacting with anyone other there own unless they needed to. So if you aren't one of them then you can gtfo.
Pretty much just a more peaceful muzzy but with longer hair and a more tolerable stench mixed with a jew. And don't hate all muslims. The muslims in my city are bros. I've been friends with a couple for years and they dress very nice too.
Nah it was actually made by a guru who fused elements of hindusism and islam. He even travelled toi mecca for hajj and parfts of their holy book were written by muslim saints. Fast forwards a century and one of the mughal emperors got pissed and killed the 4th guru and everything went to shit.
>Fuck those guys. It only gets worse as they enter the teens/early 20's.
>as they enter the teens
So you're talking about preteen kids here? Of course they are going to be annoying. All preteen kids are annoying. So are all teens. Teenagers of all races are annoying as fuck in their own ways. No race escapes the awkwardness of adolescence.
Your anecdotal shit is pointless. On the global geopolitical stage they are proven bros.
The oppressive red helmets attempt to disperse assad regime occupation protest.
Definitely bro tier.
>They're bro tier in the sense that they hate muslims too.
That's the thing though. As far as I can see, Sup Forums only respects them because they hate muslims. How can you trust someone solely because they hate another group? That's like saying you would trust trust the nazis and ally with them so you could get revenge on your local rabbi who fucked your sister but kill the 10million as sacrifice to make this happen.
You need more of a reason to respect a group rather than hate. It just doesn't work like that. You need more commonalities and an understanding of one another.
Are you kidding? They blew up a plane here killing over 300 people. Still mostly good though. All indians smell. Its unavoidable so not a huge problem.
they be cool i guess.
Well I wish they would fuck off to their country
Sikhs are great, my church has a Sikh church right nextdoor, and the churches do stuff together all the time. Lived right next to a different Sikh church throughout my childhood, never once had a problem with any of them. Always eager to help out, and never overly defensive or butt hurt about american traditions.
They haven't done anything to me and usually don't pose a threat. Their enemy is my enemy, why shouldn't I be okay with them?
>As far as I can see, Sup Forums only respects them because they hate muslims.
The you know next to nothing about them. They have truly fought alongside the British and are genuine patriots. They were the highest minority group to vote for Brexit (by a comparatively huge degree), they are duty-bound to help people of all denominations and races when in dire need, and they don't fucking blow themselves up all the time.
They are bros.
This. Anybody who has lived around these parasites knows. Just another shit coloured special snow flake. They have almost under cut the entire trucking industry.
fuck off leaftard
Even mudslimes here wish me Merry Christmas. I think the only people who really have a problem with it are butthurt leftists
Reminder the only people saying they are bro-tier are sikhs themselves.
>never once had a problem with any of them. Always eager to help out, and never overly defensive or butt hurt about american traditions.
Where do you live? The ones in my area of rude as fuck and throw some powder shit at me on a certain day of the year. Forgot what people call it.
Siks really are brotier then
This is good news
Enemy of my enemy is my friend.
>implying it's their fault white people don't want to drive trucks anymore
my shitty city top kek
Wtf I love Sikhs now
Sikhs have fought more for our Commonwealth than you useless ice skating cunts ever have.
Poo in the loos are not too bad.
Their symbol is the Khanda, which is comprised of three swords and a circle. That sounds pretty based to me.
just stop pajeet
>They have truly fought alongside the British and are genuine patriots
You mean they sold out and became Britbong lapdogs back in the colonial days? kek.
>duty-bound to help people of all denominations and races when in dire need
In all my 20 years I have never seen a sikh do something for someone else, let alone at least holding a door open for other people.
This fucking meme
Fuck off Raj you fucking dirty paki fuck.
Havent you seen Indiana Jones, user?
Sikhs have a strong sense of honor and decency and respect. I briefly knew a couple Sikh immigrant brothers when I was young and they really impressed me.
t. Muslim
leafs are always either shitposters or going overboard with stormcuckery. Almost any leaf I have discussed with outside of a single fucking thread I especially dedicated to leaf politics has resulted in leafs taking piss out of me because I am either a racistsexisthomophobe or not stormcuck enough. I fucking hate leafs. Day of the rake should not be just a meme. I swear to God if all leafs were banned from Sup Forums, the quality of discussion would substantially increase. Plus, they claim to be the king of bantz but can't take a single amount of bantz when somebody criticizes them. I've even seen russians and americans take criticism towards their compatriots better than the fuckin leafs.
>it's their fault white people don't want to drive trucks anymore
You are a complete moron. The only thing these rag heads are doing is working for 12 bucks an hour when truckers were getting paid well above that. Also most of the accidents involving rigs around here are done by them. They can't drive and work for pennies. You don't know shit about the trucking industry faggot.
Vive le Québec!
Races étrangères - dehors!
Or in other words, I don't give a fuck if these muds served England or not.
bros are the sikhest
>Everyone who doesn't like sikhs is a moslem
Try again you fucking rag head.
>You mean they sold out and became Britbong lapdogs back in the colonial days? kek.
You sold out to the Saudis. You sold out to Israel.
We sold out to you.
Every nation has sold out to another at some point. It's a giant clusterfuck of tangled histories and precarious diplomacy. You are naive if you think this is some damning point you're putting forward right now.
you fell for the bro-tier Sikh meme, sad!
fuck off this thread burger, my ancestry dates back to 19th century and it shows that everyone in my family tree is literally from the province of Estonia I was born at.
>he's a "French Canadian"
Now it all makes sense.
It's not my fault France laughs at you and hates you. Stop being this bitter all the time. It won't improve your situation.
>It's a giant clusterfuck of tangled histories and precarious diplomacy.
Some real politics right there.
Nobody cares about what some cuck from Estonia thinks. Im not even going to read your pathetic drivel.
98 percent white, peaceful New York one horse town. The Sikhs are honestly the nicest people I know here, you just must have a shit sample.
Sikh? More like uncle turban...
Why should I care what France thinks about us? Silly Anglos, always looking to a foreign nation for approval. Daddy issues on the national level.
but for real they're not bro tier, just better than muslimes
you just proved my point, can't take criticism
>if I put on a sarcastic affect it makes it less true
Nice one, take that from the SJW handbook did we?
Like you know anything about what goes on in my country regarding immigrants.
sikhs can stay they seem brotier
It was then you realized you were talking to underaged b8.
>Why should I care what France thinks about us?
The conflicted French Canadian denial. Right on cue.
Of course you fuckin care, mate. You're not fooling anyone.
Reminder that Sikhs hate muslims more than pol ever will
Sikhs are fine. I mean not so fine that they can stay. But we'll buy them first class tickets back to India.
I don't get it. Are you confused about something? Before Anglos tried to conjure an identity out of thin air by calling themselves "Canadians" it was us who called ourselves "Canadians"
You've spent your whole life trying to allay your frustrations with being pseudo-French and yet having the entire nation of France laugh at you in unison.
I'm not going to try and work through the dense levels of mental gymnastics that you've set up for yourself to appease your ego on this front. No fuckin way.
How are your points even negative? That's exactly as it should be.
We're French CANADIAN. If Anglos didn't steal the term Canadian we'd still use it exclusively, because since the 17th century we've identified more with Canada than France.
I know you're in Australia so you don't know much about how things are in Canada so I'm trying to help you here
>That's like saying you would trust the Nazis and ally with them to kill a rabbi that fucked your sister
Have you forgotten where you are? Reddit gtfo plz
yeah, they are among the best india have to offer
>carries knives responsibly
>genuine bro culture
>their women are real aryan
>men are tall, strong, wise
>hard workers
>great beards
resorting to stormcuckery is the exact reason why nobody in your country takes the right wingers seriously. I have heard so many times in my life about how canadians are supposed to be smarter than americans, better, more sophisticated, more practical etc. but I can't seem to understand why you find it a good idea to be a stormcuck.
I elaborate - normies don't take stormcucks seriously, and normies are 99.99% of the population. What normies can symphatize with, is when you drop subtle redpills.
You can cry to me all about how your people are too cucked to try any sort of redpilling attempt, but the faster you accept that your own people that you love have brought it upon themselves, and it's your mission to redpill them from the perspective that you love your own people, such as telling them about the dangers of feminism, SJWs, islam, mass immigration and other modern cancers. But going full "14/88 GAS THE KIKES, RACE WAR NOW" is counter-productive, makes you a clown and actually makes your society more cucked than before, since now the lefties think that all right wingers think like this.