Why is Sup Forums not socialist?

>Why does Sup Forums support capitalism?
>Why does Sup Forums enjoy being cucked by bosses who treat them like shit?
>Why does Sup Forums not think that it's a problem that there are people working 3 jobs just to make ends meat?
>Why does Sup Forums not want to own their own means of production?
>Why does Sup Forums not mind the fact that the bourgeois are essentially stealing the product of their labor?

So, is Sup Forums BTFO on this?

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Lurk for at least one day before posting please.

>being a socialist
>being a capitalist
>being a communist

Whats up with all of these ideologies?
None of them are worth defending.

/leftypol/ is trying to colonize us, do not let them

I've been here a long time actually.
I'm not a communist but communists are still less cucked than capitalists.

are you anti-colonialism?

Because I understand economics

You can have markets under socialism. This solves the economic calculation problem. You clearly don't understand economics if you don't know this.

Because we learned as children people work within hierarchies
