Talking to girl in class, hardcore SJW but I always get assigned to projects with her

>Talking to girl in class, hardcore SJW but I always get assigned to projects with her
>Make a joke about Angela Merkel and she fucking flips out
>Says Merkel is a nazi because she is "in the same party as Hitler", even though Merkel is pro-immigration and a lot of the stuff this cunt stands
>This fuck thinks Merkel is a part of "the nationalist party"
>Looked it up, she's not, and there doesn't seem to be a German nationalist party
>Tell her Hitler was a national socialist
>She says it still has the word nationalist in it
>MFW I'm defending one of the people I hate most in the world
>She's a berniebitch
>Say by that logic, Bernie Sanders is also Hitler because national socialist and democratic socialist have the same words in them
>Also try to explain that nationalism doesn't mean racism
>Can't get any of it through her thick skull
>She yells racist at me
>Why did I just defend Merkel again?

well id like to defend the FPBP...
damn this is harder then i thought it was

don't argue with women dude, its a waste of time

I bet she wants your cock though, the longer you argue with a girl the more she wants it

She's a lesbian, and no I didn't get to know her well enough to find that out, she's just constantly making out with her girlfriend in public and noone says anything because they'll get called a homophobe.

corrective rape

You weren't arguing in favor of Merkel, you were arguing against political ignorance.

Soon you'll realize Hitler did almost nothing wrong.

you know that might actually be true.
someone who argues and refuses to give up would demonstrate several traits are very sought after.
it shows that you are confident, persistent, passionate, and intelligent.
someone one will need to put this to the test. not me, i ve given up on sex. but somebody

I used to shittalk feminist girls on chatrooms when I was a teenager, the ones who would argue with me the most would give me nudes eventually
