Do you honestly think a cabal of jews sit around every day in a dungeon, planning on how to destroy the white goy?
Do you honestly think a cabal of jews sit around every day in a dungeon, planning on how to destroy the white goy?
Other urls found in this thread:
i just hate jews because they suck
No, it's a high rise you dunce
Yes, jews call them synagogs, "think tanks," and board meetings.
It's routine they're incredibly efficient at.
Read a culture of crituque
i dont know or care about the details of how they do it
its quite clearly happening and they will be gassed in this life or the next
>i dont know or care about the details of how they do it
No. They obviously do it by telephone or video chat.
i already explained why
>because they suck
oh,oh kay
Nah. Obviously some Jews put the interests of their people first. But since that's what most of this board is about, I cant really hate them for it.
yes they're called CTR
I understood it perfectly clear (what's that faggots problem lol)
>board meetings
these are the most sinister of them all. no joke.
lol okay
read (pic related) and tell me how the fuck you think the jews are not specifically trying to harm whites (especially Europeans)
>only truth to your question
your picture just proves how many strings are attached to the puppets .. I don't understand your post @ me
Ah yes. The classic 'all jews are one single entity' meme.
Judaism is a religion of greed. Just read the Bible and see what an evil sadistic fuck their God is.
No but I do think Jews are pure scum.
95% sure seems like a single entity (pic fucking related)
you sound like an sjw screaming about #not all muslims while stuck underneath the fucking tire
don't ever fucking tell me what I experience everyday with jews and because of jew, from the comfort of your safe alps .. MOTHERFUCKER :)
>Do you honestly think a cabal of jews
The correct term is "wallet."
A wallet of jews.
While it sounds farfetched and it most likely is.
It is in my best interests to believe it just in case.
They've gotten laws passed in the EU that forbid people from even insinuating that a jew is more loyal to their people than the country they live in.
If that's not obvious proof to you then you're hopeless.
So because more Jews wanted Clinton that means every Jew in Europe is part of a spooky jew gang trying to fuck everyone over? If Jews are one thinking mass why didnt so many Israellis like Trump if American Jews donated to Hilary?
lmao, shekels go in a pouch .. silly goy .. they're not stupid enough to carry the worthless paper jew
To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize
Famous quote from someone famous:
>I've known one good jew .... and he killed himself.
That's obviously prrof the EU lawmakers are retarded. Honestly if you think all the jews get together and plan how to destroy the white man then you've spent too long on this board and overdosed on redpills.
you're a jew .. clearly you can't be this ignorant .. but you can and are subverting the EVIDENCE I just put in front of your eyes .. >"who are you gonna belive goy .. >those undeniable evidence or these ... >trusty fucking POLLS!!! "
they obviously are smart enough to shift allegiances when the winds blow in a different direction (THEY'RE SUBVERSIVES.. that's what parasites do)
you're a JEW . . don't reply back to me .. unless you want to get fucked hard
>you're a jew
Yeah not quite
no timestamp (red flag)
if I post a pic with the fucking torah does that make me a jew ?! you couldn't have just bought that .. it doesn't mean shit ! .. I've literally got a Torah with me (what does that prove .. nothing)
Timestamp plus uncut penis
There is no need for a formal conspiracy when interests converge.
no fucking wonder you defend the jew .. you're a shitskin .. and the jew helped you get into Switzerland.
you Semites stick together when the goyim are the enemy
shitskin shitskin SHITSKIN
I don't think that they intentionally are out to get us. But I assume that is a bi-product of there quest for world domination through the break down of society.
Muslims are circumcised you utter retard.
Fucking degenerate. You should wear a gold star since you're a kike.
ya but you have a nigger dick
dear god that thing looks gross
I used to be that guy who thought jews aren't a hivemind and there isn't any possible way all the world's jews have the same goal of destroying white civilization in harmony.
But after being on Sup Forums for so long, and seeing article after article after article about how men are all rapists, how blacks and muslims deserve free gibs and open borders, just these insane lefty shit you'd expect to hear from a leafpost, and finding out they were ALL written by jews, every single one, it got to me.
Maybe there are some jews who don't care. But the wealthy jews in America especially the ones in New York seem to want nothing but to destroy whites through extremist lefty policies.
youre penis looks like mine
shitskins don't have to be muslims
regardless.. what's you're ethnic background??? tell the truth (you already posted a timestamp, I didn't think you would)
gtfo child rapist
Well, we're a cabal of white supremacists sitting around every day on a Micronesian cargo cult board planning on how to destroy the jews. Why wouldn't we assume they're doing the same?
congratulations user .. don't fall for the #notalljews meme
they spread their destruction to avoid detection
is this one of your works?
Not that it matters, but my fathers parents were Greek. My mother is white if that angers/pleases you.
Before pol I just laughed off these jew memes, thought they are just funny fantasy of some racist guy, but now I actually belive in jewish trickery. We have fucking state made specially for jews. Holocaust is a lie.
I have some as well!
it's called academica
>Do you honestly think a cabal of autists sit around every day in anime boards, planning on how to destroy the Jew?
Imagine if every tad/pol/e had a few million bucks in their savings account.
Tell me Tuvalu would still be a nation
Greek or Turk ?! (if real greek *whatever .. if turk greek .. gas yourself)
ohhhh, I'm beyond triggered lol .. why would I care .. just fucking iron some of those wrinkles off your dick next time you post a pic ..ffs
>lol my stupid 'everyone who disagrees with me is a jew' bullshit got btfo let me discuss at length the colour and quality of your penis
End yourself you paranoid faggot.
refute this
>you cant
I believe Jews are more greedy than any other group. This greed causes them to do Jew things.
Also Jews are literally the ugliest people. Very gross.
Did you just figure out the new wofenstien plot?
>"all paranoia goy, it's just a (((coincidence)))"
>"don't notice the blue star in pic related
If Jews ARE a hivemind, what happens if you are only part Jew? Say 5%?
Found the mountain Jew. Look we get it, all Jews ran with their money to your overpriced nigger mountain. your neutrality just proves your people are bitches. Fucking pussies. Sitting on your biscuit, ain't brave enough to risk it.
Make me a watch nigger
I believe their intellect is such a genetic gift that they don't even think about it. They just do.
depends who's in charge .. 1 drop rule
no, the most sinister ones are the banker jews. Now fuck off pinko.
Jesus Christ. Your mountain Jew dick has frost bite and super AIDS. I take it all back you're the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. Clock nigger
kek. Are shills still trying to push this shit. Its pathetic.
No the Zionists (not Jews) are being used just like Islam is by Luciferian elites:
"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the 'agentur' of the 'Illuminati' between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion. We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."
- Albert Pike 360th degree Scottish Rite Freemasonry, August 15, 1871
The real culprits right below Lucifer himself are the Jesuits. They were the ones who counterfeited their own plan and blamed the Jews. Their plan is "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion." Lucifer wants to destroy Christians and Jews and what better way than to have them kill each other.:
that's one hell of convoluted conclusion
it's the fucking jews
I will forgive your ignorance.
You could not possibly understand what I have seen and know.
Certain Jews, who are atheistic or Kabbalais, have been tapped into the highest levels of Lucifer's domain to be the bankers for the Jesuits. They do contribute a lot of intellectual machinery to the system, but it is far greater and global than you could possibly realize.
Please stop being so obtuse.
whats "CTR" stand for?
Correct The Record
look through the podesta emails/dnc leaks see the truth (wikieaks site)
Also is it so difficult for you to see this now that wikileaks has exposed this about your leaders?
It is global and the political Zionists are pawns as is the Moslem world.
WW3 is coming. Prepare your souls.
what the fuck are you rambling on about .. you sound like a sjw defending a terrorist (not all muzzis, they are not "real" muslims .. well whites made the truck he ran people over with.)
or a blm explaining why tray dindu nuffin
spiritual freak .. muh Lucifer and 88 dimensions where reptilians control the demonic spirits
please no more .. I can't take another pseudo intellectual explanation/insult
Do you realize how close the Swiss government is to the Luciferian plan? They understood that The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion was a "forgery." It was ruled so in a Swiss court. It was a forgery of a real document. That plan is the Jesuits. ------>
No, but Jews do not integrate well, and tend to undermine the societies they live in, for their own ethnic interests.
souls are an imaginary myth
gods are an imaginary myth
jews are as close to devils as could exist (but there are still no devils or demons)
natural selection is real , I have the genetic make up to survive and succeed
Usually a non-profit office.
Cucks stand up to defend Jewish extortionists.
no just jew lawyer n doctors this X is reasonable
they are helping society and must be reasonable compensated
X for me n normal citizens is of course death penalty treason
thread music
I assure you I am no SJW. I despise that ideology as it stems from cultural Marxism, that was given to Marx by secret societies that are descendants of ancient orders of Babylonian sun god mystery religious worship. SJW are useful idiots engaging in Luciferian worship.
The same goes for BLM as it was funded by the Carnegie foundation, the Ford foundation and Soros. They are pure cancer.
If you do not desire to learn more about the world you really are living in, why do you come here?
Is it your habit, like those organizations and ideologies you falsely claim I represent, to burn the messengers?
I am not your enemy brother. Calm yourself and just watch the video I sent to you. We are not enemies.
Leftists who oppose this
Israel is a racist apartheid state who has illegal Jewish ONLY settlements in the west bank where the border walls are wrapping around them inside Palestinian land in an obvious land grab.
This is why terrorism happens and why the rest of the west gets blowback from it.
Israel builds these settlements on top of Palestinian villages that they have bulldozed by the military.
If you support Israel you are not a leftist. End of Story.
This is Bernie Sanders exploding on a liberal girl for daring to question the apartheid state of Israel
Your genetics, and the genetics of all life on earth, are a slowly deteriorating operating system with multi-level informatics (depending on which of the 3 frames and forward/reverse sense in the DNA). You will pass on at a bare minimum, 200 new mutations onto your children, in addition to those mutations of your parents, and their parents etc. Humans lose 3%-5% fitness for every generation. This process of genetic entropy is inevitable and irreversible. Your genome is a beautiful literary work and mutations are typographical errors. Humanity will not last more than 40 more generations before undergoing mutational meltdown. This is known by all population geneticists.
Read Genetic Entropy by Dr. Sanford to know more.
The rest of your statements falls under the category of the false doctrines of men and demons. Believe in it at your own peril. You cannot dehumanize an entire race of people and escape judgement. I hope one day you change your mind brother.
Yes but not against any specific race civilizations instead. The reason why Jews targeted whitey first was he was easiest to subvert and take advantage of and had the $$$$ they were looking for. There are Russian jews yet Russia is ruled by based russians. Jews are too frail and small a number to actually wage war conventional means so they subvert from within.
I'm a part of what some people call the "alt-right" and it feels punk as fuck. It feels like an actual counter culture, or rebellion against the PC culture that dominates American colleges.