Just checking out Molymeme and Southern
Canada we are so cucked, but when I see these two or gavin I know there is hope.
Can Sup Forums recommend some other bad asses?
Just checking out Molymeme and Southern
Canada we are so cucked, but when I see these two or gavin I know there is hope.
Can Sup Forums recommend some other bad asses?
Other urls found in this thread:
>using the wrong picture
fuck off leaf you bastard child
My god thats good. Thanks you morbidly obese burger
it triggers me how crooked her mouth is and how fucking derpy it looks on the right side of her mouth
asymmetrical attractiveness is real
Fuck I'm feeling like the tides are turning. She admitted that shes all for nationalism now and all the comments are calling out the jews. Life is good man.
someone once said
a pretty face is a pretty face but only ugly can be beautiful
I was an ugly duckling child who is now considered handsome and a "pretty boy".
I nose is crooked, my face asymmetrical, one of my eyes(bright blue/green) is slightly lazy, I have a medium sized red beauty mark on my cheek, with a few smaller red beauty marks across my face and neck.
I sound ugly on paper but chicks/gays love me now and strange girls approach me occasionally.
If i wasnt a hopeless autist who cant understand relationships/social interactions at all, I could of been a chad.
>too much of a loser for normies
>too attractive to be around ugly social rejects
>too addicted to the normie lifestyle to be accepted by robots
>too addicted to the loser lifestyle to be liked by normies
I either have friends/girlfriends who are
> attractive and fun
>but i cant relate personally at all
>ugly and cringy, but able to understand deep intellectual subjects as well as vidya/anime
its an abstract type of feel
What do you guys think about based Bill Whittle?
Is he redpilled?
the peoples republic of chinada is doomed.
None of the options are redpilled.
What does Canadian Nationalism even mean?
do you always blogpost your whole life story at the drop of a hat? give it a rest, leaf.
I'd say just a free, peace loving people.
basically america with hockey and cabin culture instead of the "get rich" culture and the gun culture.
I want newfoundland to be its own dominion again or anything but canada.
I obviously have no life or friends due to my reclusive nature and inability to understand many social cues.
I tend to get carried away but I don't care. Feels good to type out the thoughts and just hit post.
man her eye shadow or w/e the fuck is called is on point
requesting rule 34
alright mate fair enough if you're legit aspie i won't shit on you. there's no fun in that.
Is this you?
>opinion of 21yo twat
she's a good talking head, but don't bullshit me
>when your family is taken in by another country and you bitch about how immigrants ruined a generation
Do they name the jew?
we fucking need guns though. There already is a bit of a gun culture, it needs to grow
how long until she goes 14/88 Sup Forums?
>bad ass
I'm sure Milo "I crave BBC and call Trump daddy" yiannopolus is your speed as well
What do y'all think of Stephen Crowder?
Cool conservative, but that ideology is long dead.
A generic conservative who's not funny even though he's a comedian.
I don't know if this is a Canada thread or a nationalism thread.
Anyway, Toronto police just busted a robbery ring responsible for ~50 violent robberies in the past year. Here are the upstanding citizens in question.
These are the people that can sway the normies. You need them. Let them take the first step and lead everyone in your direction and you can take it home. No one will believe you if you come out the gate saying IT WAS THE JOOOOOOS, these moderates get people thinking and moving in the general direction and they can start researching themselves or you can guide them down the track when shit starts changing.
Same with trump for that matter. It's a step to the right, and one that we weren't even sure could even happen. That largely happened because of the milder message.
Looks like the same noggity nogs the burgers live with.
I'm a part of what some people call the "alt-right" and it feels punk as fuck. It feels like an actual counter culture, or rebellion against the PC culture that dominates American colleges,
I completely agree, but now after swallowing some redpilled I can't help but look on people like Shapiro, Lauren Southern, Milo, etc. with disdain.
What's the point of accepting some facts (cultural relativism) but not others (race realism)?
Reminder that this (((rich guy))) is who writes their scripts and finances them.
Any more vids of all the mouth stuff she was doing in that last Stefan vid?
cuck detected
i swear to fuck we give these nogs everything the americans dont:
>""""""free healthcare""""""
>better education
and what difference does it make for them in the end? NONE
a nigger is a nigger is a nigger, it doesnt matter what you do, how hard you try, where you find him, he will always be a nigger.
how can white canadians not wake up and see what mess they have caused.
our country is gone
Like said they need to remain somewhat moderate to appeal to the normies.
They can't come out like Jared Taylor and start elaborating on disparities in racial IQ because even that scares conservatives.
At least she's accepting of nationalism now...
>how can white canadians not wake up and see what mess they have caused.
Don't lose hope too quick. I've watched my mother turn from quasi-Civil Rights activist to essentially racist in the past 10 years. A lot of the naivety about non-whites is evaporating, at least among the 30 and up crowd. Our youth are still largely blue-pilled but I'd imagine there are plenty of us who privately hold political incorrect beliefs.
More recently, anti-immigration posters have been showing up at the local mall in my area. People are pretty butthurt about it.
>literally makes a career out of regurgitating Sup Forums memes
Women truly have life on easy mode.
Holy fuck this is too much. I'm getting drunk tonight. You homely Jewess you've destroyed my sides.
Look on the bright side, at least our messages are getting out there.
fuck off Lauren
lauren if are here let me tell you what my white cock is waiting for you baby, anytime you want.
Dude he's a based jew. Ben shapiro was a based jew when he was trolling trannies but he's such a pussy now. If ezra threw the yarmulke on it would add to his troll power level
checked and kek'd
>le based jew meme
It is in his best interest to steer this movement into a direction that avoids shedding a light into the corruption and disproportionate power of his peers. Not to mention he smears with zero evidence as "fed controlled opposition" anyone who DARES to name the jew.
I don't understand Canadian nationalists, what do Canadians have to be proud of?
I wanna fuck that jew
Don't get me wrong, she's a qt, but she's milking betas for all they are worth.
I think we have plenty be proud of. But it's hard when most of our talent can't make a go of it here and move south.
It's defiantly happen. People who congregate on the stormer forums are meeting in my town. People are mobilizing
she's a fucking qt 3.14 my god
wait who's the other?
>tfw dad drives you home from uni for holidays
>starts dropping red pills on globalised trade
Was so glad, people are breaking the conditioning
I was talking about immigration with my dead and we were in absolute agreement on how retarded somalians are. He's sick and tired of muzzies too. He's always voted conservative, and always said natives were given a free ride or basically crackhead criminals. that was pretty closeted until now.
My sister just had a kid recently
mfw its ok to be a drunk racist uncle
>but when I see gavin
A Dildo Lover and Race Mixer. Yeah good pick. And Lauren has a pretty Face and she uses it to get views. Molly is the only guy of value, he isnt degenerate nor does he do it for Money and Fame.
On Daily Stormer Canada was in the Top 5 most visited, so there is hope in the Population
This. /thread
Gavin's fucking hilarious. Lighten up.
He was actually the one who told Gavin about Jews who created fake nazi groups in the 90s to pass legislation.
He also has great coverage of the rapefugee situation in Canada and Europe. Honestly, all things considered (our state broadcaster literally makes white genocide propaganda), he's a Godsend in this liberal shithole.
He does shill for Israel and muh antisemitism, but again, if we didn't have him, Canada would be worse off for it as we can see in Sweden and the UK where there is no big right wing channels that are extremely red pilled on BLM, rapefugees, Islam and Trump.
Conservatives dont act like liberals and sodomize themselves on camera for "fun." In no ones mind but the most vile and pozzed would seeing a grown man shove a womans sex toy up his sweaty, hairy ass elicit a humourous reaction.
Just drown yourself in lake ontario you fucking torontonian you're the kind of goy who gives canada the stained reputation it has
I dont give a fuck if he sodomizes himself for a laugh. That being said I never saw the video and don't wish too.
If that's what he has to do to make a liberal listen to him, then gavins doing gods work. a hero.
I'm in Alberta, Quebec fag
what the fuck who is the one on the left?
Not quite that far along, and probably never will be. All we touched on was NAFTA and free trade and how at first people just accepted the idea that free trade would be beneficial, but in the long run he is having second thoughts.
>I dont give a fuck if he sodomizes himself
>Calling me a fag
It's true what they say, homosexuality is a mental illness
Faith Goldy
she looks mature for a 1 year old
>Can Sup Forums recommend some other bad asses?
Watch Molymeme's interview with Jared Taylor.
kek seriously
Lauren THICC af famm
Omg I would eat her ass every day
Sweet jesus, She's got my vote. God damn I'm pathetic.
I hate canadians so fucking much
This is some next level aspergers
>but when I see these two or gavin I know there is hope
>implying there is hope with civic nationalist cucks
>using "le epic greentext maymay arrows xD" outside of Sup Forums
Jesus Christ does it get anymore cringey than that?
fpbp, saved
Why doesn't she have kids by now? Surely she shouldn't have issues finding a suitable white partner.
The fact that she's a childless white woman just tells me she is in it for the attention and the money and has no serious intention in aiding the white cause.
probably because it's hard to find a manly canadian
Only the Chadiest of Chads will be able to get her, but not only that, he had to have nearly equal political views. That is extremely hard to find
Lauren and Stefan are shills who blame muslims instead of their corrupt and clandestine connections. DO NOT WATCH THEM! AVOID THEIR LIES!