How is this shit still a thing? Literally worse than the jews.
How is this shit still a thing? Literally worse than the jews
Implying it isn't the Jews.
California should be nuked.
They produce the worse organizations ever
What if they are right?
hmm really makes me think
Is /scientology/ pol's next tarGET?
They are a fascinating group.
Because they are there to replace jews, once the latter are scapegoated and exterminated.
Scientologist are the new jews... who do you think they train them to have no emotion...
Idk they do need to be shut down, this is one cult that should be banned.
i like scientology. i think that everyone who's all up in arms about it is a brainless cuck. the shit they do to people is hilarious, and they have a very interesting mythology. 10/10 religion in my book. i would join scientology before christianity.
It should be
>child abuse
>child labor
>literal gang stalking
>have to buy the "secrets"
>forced disconnection with family and friends
How does this organization still standing.
Sup Forums did that already
Drove by their headquarters in the middle of the woods will post info of the site
Ask me aanything
don't like it, don't join it.
They've been dying off for a while now. Everyone knows they're fucking insane and they're getting no new members so now they focus on trying to keep the members they have than recruit new ones.
>implying Sup Forums can get anything done.
I have friend who tried to leave Scientology. They were excommunicated from the religion and half of their family fell out of communication (side that was Scientology). Also have these fucked up shcool programs where children are taught in the same room by the same teacher all their life. Knew a person who went through one of those programs and they ended up having to take years of college to get the proper credits to be able to get a major
do your research. On the surface level Scientology is alright. But shits fucked up
Those are crimes of individuals, not the organization. We don't ban entire groups because of the actions of individuals because that is literally what social justice is and it's evil. We should prosecute individuals that abuse children and blackmail and things like that. Disconnection doesn't even belong on this list because it's a volunteer act. Scientology isn't physically forcing people to disconnect. If you disagree then you should explain why exactly we shouldn't have freedom of association.
literally treat people like islam does. maybe worse (without the terrorism) then bring multi million dollar lawsuits to anyone they don't like. They are like muslim jews.
It was Sup Forums's target like 10 years ago
Forcing a 7 year old child to do manual labor and signing a billion year contract to serve Xenu is something your okay with?
they did try this unfortantely they tried to protest in person and church of scientology pressed charges against them and got quite a few people locked up for speaking out against them. they are dangerous.
yeah, that was when Sup Forums really started going downhill.
there's literally no reason for anyone to care about scientology. we're not a fucking gaggle of white knights saving poor stupid people. whatever they do is between consenting adults.
i know that people get messed up. it's not alright on the surface level. i'm not judging them on how 'alright' they are. i don't care how 'alright' they are. shit's fucked up. AND?
literally not relevant to my appraisal of them.
i don't think they actually do that, because they'd probably get in trouble. but if they do, holy fuck that's awesome and hilarious.
how is Sup Forums any better than scientology in any way.
It's the policy of the organization. And disconnection isn't voluntary. If you speak to an excommunicated member you are likely to get kicked out of the church themselves.
It's falling apart and dying because of Miscavige and his crew are even more psycho and iron fisted than Hubbard was but with far less charisma. The only way Scientology could save itself is dispose of Miscavige and do major religious reforms but they won't. So what will probably happen is they'll continue to have small enclaves of followers in California and Clearwater, Flordia while continuing to pretend their religion is growing by buying prime real estate and selling it off later on for big bucks to keep the machine rolling.
We have labor laws that will stop 7 year olds from working and there is no religious exception and nobody is forced to sign that billion year contract for the Sea Org.
Oh your just an edgy teen. k then
quite honestly a lot of you guys don't know much about what goes on behind their doors. they have literally kidnapped members and made it so they can't leave they have their own pseudo police force like the mormons.
Nobody is forcing anyone to do what the church wants. Would you prefer to make it illegal to merely suggest to somebody that they should not talk to their family? That is literally what disconnection is.
"Rich People With Nothing To Do-ism"
i'm aware of that.
i like it.
how is this hard for you to understand? this is exactly what i'd do, if i could.
I know more than you think. Scientology has been a passing interest of mine for many years and I've read many books on them. Scientologist can leave at any time they want. They employ techniques to make people not want to leave but there is literally nothing stopping them from walking out.
Its a literal cult mentality. Most of them are second generations so they have this shit indoctrinated into them from a young age and its all they know.
Officially sure Scientology can't stop you from leaving. They use social pressure on you to stay though. Most Scientologists are born into it and if they even consider leaving their entire family and all of their friends will disconnect from them. On top of this Scientology will blackmail you by threatening to release your auditing sessions for everyone to read. I don't think Scientology should be banned but it's much harder to leave than you're making it sound for most members.
>How does this organization still standing.
The US gov loves cults for some reason. The second any country tries to do anything about Scientologists, jehovahs witnesses, exclusive brethren or any of the other 1000 US based cults you will get threats from the US state dept. accusing you of human rights violations.
The only explanation I can think of is the CIA or someone uses the cults as cover for spies. Most of the cults try to push the interpretation of separation of church and state as it meaning they are exempt from all laws. If you ever prosecute them for crimes the organizations never face any punishment like corporations would. They always just sacrifice a low level member who plays along and says anything bad was all his idea.
what do the believe exactly?
I dig that ancient astronaut theoriest stuff
Literal gang stalking and harassment of former past members is a thing.
did you see any illegal activity?
Everybody is indoctrinated by their parents to believe something. That doesn't mean anything to me.
Let's prosecute the individuals that engage in it.
Mormons don't have secret police. They'll just ostracize you.
I live a couple blocks from the Scientology HQ here in Clearwater.
They literally invaded this city in the 70s, they even had a battle plan which detailed how they were going to buy out all the buildings and influence the politicians. Fast forward to today and probably 75% of all major buildings in the downtown area are scientologist owned, and all the cops work security for them.
They did some jew shit with one of our mayors who went against them back in the day, made a huge smear campaign involving his family and shit
take some lessons from them.
Nothing is worse than Jews
No they habe this weird ass castles and tge place i passed was their main compound
Can someone look in 'golden era productions'
Are you dense? These kids are forced to be taught in a classroom by an unqualified teacher reciting lines from L. Ron Hubbard's "scripture". Forced to live in roach infested rooms, forced to write and tattle on everyone around them if they breathe some sort of negativity or criticism. Many parents have trouble getting their kids back from them if they leave the church and the kids signed onto the sea org or what have you. The kids only see their parents a few hours on the weekend. Everything else is is by the church.
Scientology's takeover of Clearwater is pretty fascinating in a scary way. I remember a lot of residents talking about Scientology using front groups to buy up the properties so no one would catch on.
There is also a Scientology center in my area. When I ride my bike by and see them putting out there pamphlets i make sure to splat them with a loogie
>did you see any illegal activity?
Scientologists can barely go 5 minutes without breaking laws, they bought up some property near my home, it's supposed to be a church but it's nothing more than high density barracks for them. Crammed with hundreds of people living inside, it's not zoned for residential use and they fuck up local traffic and parking. Nothing is done because charging "churches" is politically incorrect.
> I remember a lot of residents talking about Scientology using front groups to buy up the properties so no one would catch on.
That is actually pretty scary
No they habe this weird ass castles and tge place i passed was their main compound
Can someone look in 'golden era productions'
Sorry your dead wrong on that one. They do, there was a case in Salt lake city where a woman was trying to escape her abusive husband, they sent the mormon police after her and kidnapped her to bring her back. All 100 percent legal in the state. They have special jurisdiction and enforce community laws and such for the mormons. It's really fucked up I learned all about this for domestic violence training I had to do.
Good goy
Everything but Zioni-- Islam is terrible. Praise Schlom-- I mean Muhammed.
Scientologists are ebil
This just opened up a whole lot more interesting debate. Under the assumption it isn't Jewish, are Scientologists worse than Jews?
they're smart, ruthless, savvy, and have extremely strong in group favoritism.
scientology would literally become judaism for white males if we would embrace it.
but muh z-new
Is it the Delphi Academy in Oregon? Used to drive by there all the time. Creepy as shit.
There are no kids forced to sleep in "roach infested rooms". Those stories come from Sea Org members that are forced into the RPF or rehabilitation project force, and in order to get in there you have to be a Sea Org member, so no, kids are not being forced to sleep in roach infested rooms. The only way an under 18 child could join the Sea Org is if they have their parents permission and they pull their kids out at any moment. If you have a problem with people over 18 choosing not to associate with their family then you should be able to explain what's wrong with having the freedom of association.
Also, what exactly is wrong with encouraging kids to "tattle" on others for any reason? The goal of the parent is to raise their child the best they see fit and tattling helps with that.
In the good old days the Church would have stomped them out. Nobody persecutes pagans and heretics any more. It's awful.
Auditing has been proven to trigger personal insights and cause dramatic changes in one's psychological state.
It gets weirder. Clearwater is basically going to be Scientology's Mecca in a sense. That's where they promote having all of their superhuman technology and most advanced courses and shit. Many also seem to think they'll slowly move out of California and make Clearwater the HQ.
Jews are richer and more powerful and unlike Scientology their religion isn't dying.
The issue with that is Scientology recently became buddy buddy with Nation of Islam. Farrakhan forces all of his believers to take Scientology courses so Scientology gained a pretty big influx of black believers that way.
Francis is a heretic
If the organization is encouraging the illegal acts, legal action should be taken against them.
I grew up in the Mormon church and I have never heard of this. Do you have a source or are you talking out your ass?
Then prosecute the individuals in the organization that encourage those acts. What exactly am I wrong about?
There are dozens of ex members telling you how they were forced to live with other kids in small roach infested rooms. The fact that they are kids and their parents permitted this means they are forced. They can't just up and leave. They are kids and the church is in charge of them.
So what exactly is scientology? Spiritual infomercial ponzi scheme?
Hail Kifflom.
auditing is the real deal.
e-meters really are useful, maybe not as precisely as they imagine.
>The issue with that is Scientology recently became buddy buddy with Nation of Islam. Farrakhan forces all of his believers to take Scientology courses
scientology provides highly effective organizational and personnel management services to many groups and companies. the muslims are hiring scientologists to teach them how to make their organizations and human resource managament more efficient.
america was an illegal organization at one time. it's just one law against the other. and scientology is extraordinary in how well they fight to maintain their agency against all comers.
they take sad sacks of shit and trade all their money for fixing their souls. they do a good job of it. they have some potent mojo.
L. Ron Hubbard took a bunch of stuff from Buddhism and psychology and smashed it together with his own science fiction and created a religion to get filthy rich off of which he admitted himself.
Basically. They give you self-help book of the most basic needs in life and they show you how to apply it. From there you buy your way up.
How does the parents permission mean they're being forced to do anything? Sea Org members can and do leave the church at any time under their own volition. An underage Sea Org member does not need his parents permission to leave.
It's sci-fi satanism.
I can try to find it for you if you like most of these were academic sources, its not all mormon churches I guess I should specifiy it is only certain mormon communities.
The parents give their kids to the church. The church then does what they do please with the kids. And sea org member aren't aloud to just leave. The father of the church's leader had to escape. Even a former director of security explained how they'll just track you down and bring you back if you tried leaving.
>tfw join just to practice evade and eviscerate skills
>yfw it's actually a clandestine spy training organization
They do this indeed, it's like boxes stacked on boxes.
They have off-duty cops patrol the grounds of the HQ all the time. There's this crosswalk they always watch. They also "get rid" of protestors and drive their bodies to nigger hoods i so people think it was a carjacking gone awry.
Some real fucked up shit. I would not want to fuck with them people.
just because he said that if he wanted to get rich he'd make a religion, that doesn't mean that when he started a religion he didn't believe in what he was doing.
most of you are so fucking clueless. every scientology thread on Sup Forums illustrates exactly how... vapid the average persons mentality with these things is. i'm not saying Sup Forums is worse than other places, it's not worse, this isn't one of Sup Forumss fortes, but jesus christ, this is the average person for you.
I like how they have a cross
and I'm certainly not christian
the parents give their kids to the US government. the US government does what they please to them. and they're not allowed to just leave.
Nah the Nation of Islam joined because apparently someone convinced Farrakhan that Dianetics really works and now he's calling it ancient black man science Hubbard totally stole but that's okay since Scientology is gonna reteach it to them. It's a weird friendship.
Goddamn. Membership is about 25,000 people I can only hope it goes down from here on out, but they are rich as fuck and money=power.
this is why i love scientology and always will. it brings a joyfulness to a world with less and less variety every day.
You're just factually wrong. Sea Org members can leave at any time. You're confusing instances of Scientologists following somebody that's leaving in order to encourage them to stay with Scientology actually forcing people to stay. There's a difference. When your mom leaves my house in an angry fit after I stick it up her pooper I can follow her out the door in order to convince her to stay but as long as I don't physically restrain her there's nothing wrong with that.
There are no religious exceptions to child labor laws. If anyone has evidence of Scientology mistreating kids in any way they have protection under the law.
>foster care
At least they have access to a public education and the foster parents are required to have living conditions met. Not saying it's perfect but it sure beats the hell out of forcing a child to work industrial sanders, cleaning bathrooms with toothbrushes, reciting lines from the scripture and praising LRH as school work.
>So what exactly is scientology? Spiritual infomercial ponzi scheme?
Organized crime syndicate abusing religious freedom to avoid being arrested. The lack of any requirements to be classed as an actual religion in the west is a large problem. Both US cults and islamic groups are exploiting it everywhere to get away with things no individual or non-religious group can. Major reform is needed, the requirements to be classed as an official religion need to be very high. Or scrap religious regulation and treat them like every other non profit and charity.
Your in denial buddy. This has been factually documented. This organization is a cult.
So if an organization has a policy that promotes illegal acts there should be no punishment for the organization?
Yes, the US government was an illegal organization at the time of the revolution and the British government tried to stomp them out. Criminal gangs are also illegal so your statement has no real meaning as I don't think you can think criminal gangs promote any fantastic ideals for our society.
I've read a lot of biographies about Hubbard and honestly no I don't think he really believed in Dianetics. There's plenty of evidence he was willing to do things for himself that he wouldn't allow his flock to do. Not to mention he wouldn't have went insane like Howard Hughes before he died if Dianetics worked since Hubbard himself said it'd practically turn you into a superhuman.
I figure it'll only get stranger as Scientology continues to make it the center of their religion.
In terms of just bizarre mythology Scientology is amazing. It's amazing how Hubbard and the Church has been able to take even the tiniest details of his life and blow them out of proportion. Like because he liked to garden suddenly he was a groundbreaking botanist. People found out he was part of Aleister Crowley's group? Ends up the mighty Hubbard was just destroying them in the inside. His entire life history is told this way.
I'm not a fan of social justice. Individuals should be charged for individual crimes.
>f forcing a child to work industrial sanders, cleaning bathrooms with toothbrushes, reciting lines from the scripture and praising LRH as school work.
sounds more educational than the public school system t.b.h
scientology is striving for agency in a hostile and confusing world, and every fibre of my being is filled with joy just knowing that they're out there, that they're out there fighting, and anything is truly possible.
>There's plenty of evidence he was willing to do things for himself that he wouldn't allow his flock to do.
one yoke for the oxen and the bull is tyranny!
i think the superhuman stuff is possible but it's either in a lockheed martin vault and anyone who figures it out is instantly snatched up by men in black, or, no ones really done it yet.
i fucking love this book
i sincerely wish scientology longevity and success.
What are the requirements to be a religion?
>There are no religious exceptions to child labor laws. If anyone has evidence of Scientology mistreating kids in any way they have protection under the law.
I was in a cult, walked into government legal assistance and asked them to do something about being used as unpaid labor in a cult since I was about 10. They just stammered for 5 minutes about muh freedom of religion and said I could try suing them in civil court.
I can guarantee any western government will not prosecute cults for anything less than murdering people in public, terrorism or building stockpiles of weapons.
Another cult here in Australia decided they shouldn't pay car registration as god owns the earth and roads. They made their own number plates and put hidden blades to cut anyone removing them, police still weren't allowed to arrest them.
imagine a person that you could have believe. could you have that person?
Set up some ideas that make people feel good and think is changing their life and then get as many people to put faith in it as possible. Congrats you have your own religion. It helps if you're charismatic and find the right niche at the right time. Stuff like Scientology and Heavens Gate did well because it took advantage of the fads of New Age and interest in sci fi.
Fuck you, you horrible person.
Do you really expect me to believe that as a 10 year old you walked into a police department and told them you were being abused and they just mumble about freedom of religion for 5 minutes before sending you back?