100 years from now, Bitcoin will be revered as the greatest invention of the information age.
Just Your Daily Reminder Bitcoin Is The Ultimate REDPILL
Bitcoin isn't backed by anything, it is intrinsically worthless.
>Inb4 Us dollar isn't backed by anything either
It's technically backed by the full faith of the US government, but beyond that, it's recognized as the "petrol dollar" because the Saudis accept it for oil.
It's backed by the full faith of the internet
some user was giving away bitcoins on Sup Forums last year it was one of those first ten people to reply things. Then I checked my wallet and there ir was. It was worth $235.7 USD back then now it's almost $900
I wish i got in on the ground floor
wtf I love GPU-powered calculations now
the internet doesn't have a military its gonna tank in the future gold is the ultimate red pill
Gold's for faggots. It's literally only expensive because it's not that abundant. Whenever everything tanks, we'll probably go to gold again, but that's just gonna create another government that will eventually collapse when it runs out of gold to back what it has.
The ultimate redpill is small communities that don't live with currency but all get out what they put it. Labor itself being the currency, I guess.
I'm being shitty/vague as fuck with my explanation, but I'm tired and lazy as shit. Hopefully you understand what I'm getting at. I could be totally wrong though, so whatever.
get out what they put in*
>my money has an off switch
>implying this isn't true for anything not gold/silver/etc.
The chinese control the blockchain now. You have been warned.
>A material that has literally been used a form of wealth or currency since man first created the concept of wealth is stupid
well, that's just like your opinion man
>Grandma gives me $500 for birthday
>invest it in Ether
>make about 0.18 BTC profit
>bet profit on Trump winning @5
>free 0.9 BTC
I know I could have made a lot more but I was too lazy to invest right away and didn't know if the betting website would be a scam or not. Crypto is pretty cash though. Power in any form should be decentralized more.
>Almost 2016+1
>Not using Amanda B. Johnson's Dash Cash
Are you even trying?
still not sure how mining works
Are you retarded? By that logic NO currency is backed by anything. In b4 hurdur my dolo is baked by gold. Guess what, only reason gold is worth something at all is because of its limited supply. That's where the value comes from - limited supply. Now guess why Bitcoin has value? Limited supply - yeah I know total shocker
its technology gives it value
>100 years from now, Bitcoin will be revered as the greatest invention of the information age.
Yeah, ok.
I scammed a bunch of people on Sup Forums out of their 'dogecoin' back when it was up and coming. Earned about $600.
No, by limited supply and actual demand.
However gold has many usages, whereas bitcoins are utterly dependant on people having faith in them.
Basically they're as good as any not gold-backed currency.
How'd you scam em?