is more intelligent than this man
The average high school atheist
thats crazy to think
why because he was a devout Christian? Deeply pious? worked daily to devote himself to the Lord Christ?
thinks he is*
The average rock is more intelligent than that man because he is dead. He did a bang up job of clicking two rocks together though and his theory held for hundreds of years with modern science thanking him.
Yes, even the average highschool atheist can claim someone else's discovery on his own.
don't know about that friend. He was heavy into alchemy but his faith doesn't matter to me, he is still one of my idols.
let me correct for you.
>the average high school atheist
is more knowledgeable than
>this man
don't know about what? That Newton was a deeply devout Christian man and placed his religious piety above his scientific accomplishments?
I know about him refusing the royal society for their difference in religious views until they became more lenient. fact is still that more of his time was placed into alchemy than physics which was still legally a burnable offense at the time.
Also see you loading the atheist flack cannon but i am not one so lets agree to disagree.
Really gets the ol noggin joggin
Do you know what is not strange? A man from the 1600 believing in god.
I wonder why you didn't quote the breaking down of religious believe among modern physicists.
I swear every time Sup Forums makes points I agree with, you religious apes ruin it.
Ahh very good then. could you possibly use all that intelligence to do a simple law of gravitation calculation for me. I will leave to objects mass up to you, just want to know the rate of acceleration.
>a genius fell into the social mores of his time
I hate this fucking plebeian meme. And you have the audacity to call anyone else an ape
Really causes my neural cells to depolarize by opening gated channels in the membrane and passively diffusing potassium ions out of the cytoplasm down its concentration gradient leading to a sequence of action potentials to stimulate in accord with long term potentiation pathways developed through the release of seratonin at key moments of sensory input.
the wordiest way of saying think but at least your putting in the effort.
The average college atheist is dumber than this woman (Fabiola Gianotti is the director of CERN and deeply religious)
do you have evidence Newton "stole"?
>My smart friend who is an expert in x, thinks y about z, therefore y is right.
Fuck off faggot how about YOU actually use your brain instead of pathetically holding on to fairy tales that you jerked off to in grade school.
religion is a private choice of person preference while science is a public construct of social necessity. can we all stop trying to drag science into the ring against religion we have enough holy wars going on already.
>My smart friend who is an expert in x, thinks y about z, therefore y is right.
I never said any of that. Nice reddit reaction image/spacing btw
the average high school atheist is smarter than the average highschool religionfag
Same applies to your views. Atheist physicists give as much credit to atheism as theist physicists give to theism
>worshiping a dead kike on a stick
Bet the dude didn't even know about the medical benefits of marijuana. lmao
Newton was a bitch
retard need an apple to understand gravity
atheist of the modern day know all that shit already
More educated? Sure. They have 300 years of scientific advancement on him.
More intelligent? No. Give him a year to catch up and he'd be top 1%. He invented calculus for fucks sake.
Now fuck off to reddit fedora.
If you measure intellect in memes then yes.
your memes are gay, russia
name a single notable atheist scientist protip you can't
inb4 meme scientists like feynman, black science man, or bill nye
the majority of scientists, physisists, doctors, and engineers are religious. what's your point?
Many years ago there was a tiny little dot. Then it exploded and stars and shiet were created. Then atoms evolved into fish and dinosaurs. Then rovk fell onto earth and monkeys were born.
Then ape picked up a stick and developed abstract thinking.
Newton btfo
High iq doesn't necessarily correlate with common sense or rationality.
atheists believe we evolved from rocks that appeared out of nowhere for no reason.
be a smart guy like Newton.
atheists are just slightly above average intelligent kids who use their slight intelligence to justify a hedonistic selfish lifestyle
it does according to OP and half this thread
What are the reasons behind physical laws?
I mean why is our universe has laws that it has
>we evolved from rocks
>those rocks appeared from nowhere
russian education
I don't know. I can take a guess but any faggot who claims a kike from two Millennium has the answers belongs in a loony bin.
Reminder 2 days until his birthday.
Because they are constants that can be measured without declination with infant repetition that apply to a governing mechanic of the universe . If you are looking for a philosophical answer though no one knows for sure and i would advise you to make up your own.
atheist believe in ala, no wonder
That is simply not true, a statement based in complete ignorance. He was a deep thinker, and a pioneer of new thoughts and ideas. Just because modern children have an education system centered around how awful white people are, how terrible colonialism is, and how important intersectionality of women's studies and feminism, doesn't necessarily constitute a superior education system than what Newton created.
almost all mathematicians were devout catholics/protestants/hindus you name it
and most of the stuff that these guys produced will never be understood by 99.999% of you plebs, so why even bother being an atheist
reminder he couldn't have been born during winter in december because the shephards were out in the fields with their sheep the actual day he was born. reminder that the holiday being celebrated in 2 days is a pagan tradition called saturnalia
If you want a non-speculative, non-metaphysical answer- pretty much all of it comes from the four fundamental forces; strong and weak nuclear forces, EM force and gravity. If you want to ask where those come from, it's just how things are.
They are constants the great programmer put into the system.
it must be so utterly depressing to be an atheist, how come you haven't just ended it leaf?
are you talking about JC or newton cause they both have the same birthday.
>not knowing catholicism is paganism disguised
repent, heretic
JC. also nobody knows the exact date he was born. it definately wasn't jan. 4th (newton's birthdate) though
i just feel the hatred permeating from within your soul, angry, mad, depressed, i bet you post about it on jewbook to your leftist friends. my point is, you have chosen a supremely depressing way of life based on a lie. seems kind of, you know, avoidable.
I smell projection.
Did some checking and I am seeing Dec 25, Jan 3, Jan 4th for newtons Birthday so I guess it depends on the source you chose but Dec 25 comes from J. bernowski so thats a source I personally trust
atheists are usually cookie cutter, so it's just a guess i admit, but when you dedicate your life to atheism/hedonistic nihilism/cultural marxism like you and your fellow leaf have done, the inevitable result is incapacitating depression.
i hope i am wrong about you and that you actually have happiness in your life. this would be atypical though for an atheist.
You don't get to tell me what I believe.
I'm a part of what some people call the "alt-right" and it feels punk as fuck. It feels like an actual counter culture, or rebellion against the PC culture that dominates American colleges.
I don't see why people see the need to try and separate science from religion. I am Buddhist and find science to be a great draw of spirituality for me. maybe its my choice of religion but I find the disconnectedness of all things in science brings my understanding of the universe to a very Unitarian state.
i really hope you find the Lord user.
interconnection *
trick question u can never kno object accelaration
>I am Buddhist
No you aren't. Grow the fuck up and stop cosplaying.
so you always have such a concrete stance on dictating what other people believe.
Thanks to that man.
No Liebniz did.
I do, and it's nearly always on point and just
It is a matter of great amusement to me that people equate being "intelligent" to holding opinions that they have decided are correct. Must be a feature of the times.
if we're talking about actual science, sure. you know, observe, measure, repeat and so on.
but if we're talking about evolution, big bang and so on, then it's a pure religion, completely absent of any scientific proof.
Well, more than half of the human population thought that the Earth was flat at one point.
Then it was a ball in the center of the universe,
then the galaxy,
Then it was in third place,
Then it was tiny...
People got fucking hanged over this shit
well it does't matter i guess my beliefs are in my head and you are another shit poster of Sup Forums what you say has no weight
>thought that the Earth was flat at one point.
the earth is still flat.
just because your little satanic cult took over the control over textbooks, it doesn't mean the earth is no longer flat and created.
Newton lived before Darwin, before Quantum Physics and before knowledge of the Big Bang. Believing in God would of been less illogical back then.
Most high school Atheists are retarded pricks who think because they watched a few Amazing Atheist videos they are intellectual geniuses, alot of them are also autistic.
t. Atheist who isn't one of these New Atheist spergs
what you are saying has weight. those are very loss theories but the best ones science has at the moment. the great thing is they can be wrong. So find the better answer and prove it.
If you are right then compasses are in on this secret plot as well. compasses wouldn't function correctly on a flat earth.
What the fuck is Slovenia?
no, you're just painfully uninformed. compasses literally have a much better explanation on flat earth than any other model.
we can literally recreate it on earth.
you can't recreate a sphere, with a metalic core, two magnetic poles, that will hold the water leveled to the surface.
it's a tiny meme country, also known as the first lady of USA
Place two people on the equator with a compass and tell them both to walk at a assmith of 0 degrees. both subjects will travel due north. on a flat plane with two poles one would travel north east at 300 degrees. while the other travels northwest at 60 degrees. how are you on a science thread but can't science.
place them both on separate hemispheres of coarse.
>literally fell for the alchemy meme
that wasn't user's point you reee
Dawkins? Hawkin?
>this is how it would look like on my imaginary sphere graphic
>can you even science?
topkek, you're clearly a waste of time, you don't even know your own model, let alone the flat one
btw, did you know that the poles keep changing positions in your model? and that magnetic poles have nothing to do with geographical poles? talk about bullshit.
well enjoy your youtube education friend.
>the medium is the content
lel, talk about being retarded
unless you want to send me some sweet youtube links you have lined up made by tinfoil hatters like the rest of you nuts.
Wow, really makes you think
>tinfoil hatters
says who?
do you guys have a share list of shit you make up or is there one source. I have always wondered.
nah, great minds think alike
you wouldn't know, though
no dumb minds think alike (e.g) the dark ages. Fuck what millions of highly trained people that dedicate their lives to researching the universe say when there is youtube right. At least they don't make you read there.
Atheists believe life was created by lightening striking sea water from underwater vents, which magically created amino acids, which happened to washed onto warm rocks on the side of volcanoes, where they were heated up, which allowed them to magically transform into self-replicating proteins, which were washed back into the ocean, and then they combined to magically spawn into fish, then the fish grew legs and walked onto water after millions of years, then they turned into monkeys, then the monkeys turned into humans.
>i have nothing but an appeal to authority
get lost, you dummy
also don't forget about the cow returning to sea and turning into a whale
>legally a burnable offense at the time.
i dont think you know anything about the laws of the time
...yes, and?
Newton was an Arius, which by all accounts is not mainstream Christianity. He was also huge into Hermeticism and alchemy. To say the least the man's my hero.
here's (((proof))) they had legs, toppest kek ever