How would pol deal with the ghettos in America?
Question for pol
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Gas them.
Make anime real
turn em into starbucks
Ben Carson
open a cafe that charges 8 for a latte
A heartfelt sitdown with urban leaders, in which white america recognizes the realities of PoC in America. The only way forward is to FINALLY have a real dialog about race and systemic inequitalities in the United States.
In any normal country, the poorest neighborhoods are in the suburbs not the inner city
Paintball site
Fpbp as always
Remove police from them and convince the people there not to have shitons of black babies so they don't have to suffer "being born into the whiteys world"
Sit back and enjoy
Have the leftists move their families there as a gesture to to create that colorblind society they're always talking about - watch it devolve into Cannibal Holocaust in two weeks
I think this has worked quite well.
Get together with other whites who want to live in a peaceful, happy society and deport/eliminate all other races and liberals back to their countries.
Forced labor camps, 3rd reich style.
take all the trash & force them to work & long term fix up their slums they live in.
the enforcers will have well paying jobs & boost economy
The trash wont be able to not to comply & if they OD on drug s alcolhol they wont be saved
Total 3rd reich take over
The Canadian way! Demolish them build a mall, build 40 storey condos open a wholefoods and a T&T, build 7,000 sqf houses with heated driveways and market the shit out of them in China! $$$
Are you thinking of Regent Park?
Fuck niggers.
>worst post in the thread
Yes! Next stop Jane and Finch! Drive up the prices and only Asians and whites will be able to afford to live in the GTA send them all to Hamilton!!!
Fire, preferably at night when they're sleeping.
Unironically move the syrians etc. in
Build universities around them that focus on the social sciences and early education, state funded so the youth of these "ghettos" have an opportunity to escape institutionalized racism.
Knock down all the abandoned buildings and just plant grass, wala there's no gang hideouts anymore
Rebuild them as trump ghettos
1. Demolish the shitholes Robocop 3 style
2. Rebuild by attracting modern industry
3. Fuck the leeches they weren't paying taxes anyway
>boohoo I cant afford rent no more
Poor people need to be in rural areas not the city